Enterprise Scholarship Application Form

Enterprise Scholarship Application Form

Enterprise Scholarship Application Form

The Enterprise Scholarship scheme provides research students, submitting their thesis, the opportunity to investigate the commercial potential of their research or the knowledge or expertise they have acquired. Scholarships offer up to three months additional stipend providing the time and opportunity to investigate commercialisation. Scholarships can support collaborative projects, between students or with staff but only one scholarship per project will be awarded. Coaching is provided but training is expected to have been through engagement with enterprise and entrepreneurship training activities already offered. Further information and the preferred electronic submission form can be found at

Applicant Name: / Student Number:
Faculty: / School or Institute:
Approximate expected start date to take up scholarship
Which of the following enterprise, entrepreneurship or commercialisation activities have you taken part in or intend to take part in
Date Attended / Intended Date
Of Attendance
Introduction to Intellectual Property
Solvers Series
Solvers (Biotechnology YES support)
Biotechnology YES (Young Entrepreneurs Scheme)
Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Module (SPG8015)
Business Enterprise Module (SPG8016)
Postgraduate Vocational Learning by Doing Hub: Placements at the Small Enterprise Research Unit (SERU)
Durham Enterprise School
Careers Service Enterprise Challenge
North East Universities Blue Print Competition

Reflecting on these activities, which skills will you be able to use in this scholarship?

Please tick all the following which apply

This proposal comes as a direct result of your research / 
This proposal was conceived independently of your research work / 
This is a collaborative project involving university staff / 
This is a collaborative project involving other students / 
This is a collaborative project involving external parties / 
This is a theoretical idea, which has yet to be proven / 

Without disclosing such specifics that could compromise the Intellectual Property of your idea please give a broad outline of your idea. Please include either the problem that this proposal will seek to resolve, or the benefits this idea will bring to what is happening currently.

Who are the envisaged target consumers of any end product from this work?

Who would provide the payment for any end product; this may or may not be the same as the consumers.

Can you confirm that thorough patent and literature searches that this proposal is novel Yes / no

Please indicate what information about this proposal has previously been revealed, and to who (e.g. published papers, talks or posters presented, conversations with non-university employees)

Current supervisors Agreement Supervisor’s name:

Supervisor’s signature:

Completed forms should be returned to Dr Richy Hetherington, Graduate School Office (MG210), Medical School, Newcastle University, NE2 4HH