THOMAS HEYWARD ACADEMY HONORS: 4th Nine Weeks – 2013/2014

All A’s – Headmaster’s List

Fourth Grade: Dylan Boyles and Jessica Tilton.

Fifth Grade: Katherine Ryan.

Sixth Grade: Kieana Chisolm.

Seventh Grade: Victoria Etheridge, Cortney Gray, Megha Patel, Shaan Patel, and Skylar Pope.

Eighth Grade: Alayna DeLong.

Ninth Grade: Andrew Boyles, Tiffany Cooler, and Emily Lowther.

Tenth Grade: Zoe Curtis, Kristyn Guardino, Chase Kunich, Brinkley Mock, B.J. Patel, Anthony Sanders, and

Jennifer Walters.

Eleventh Grade: Shelby Crosby, Samantha Jones, Courtney Lloyd, and Hailey Malphrus.

Twelfth Grade: Kathryn Crosby, Taylor Cleland, Evan Duncan, Brodie Etheridge, Seth Jones, Nathan Lord, Davis Owens, Kenzie Thompson, and Maria Woods.

All A’s and B’s – Honor Roll

Fourth Grade: Isabel Cannon, Emily Hansen, and Ava Lowther.

Fifth Grade: Peyton Bennett, Sammy Cartier, Jeremy Clemmer, Branden Davis, Sonny Halker, Bryson Resh, and

Bryce Smith.

Sixth Grade: Bayli Belger, Brooklyn Guardino, Robert Hall, Olivia Pace, Khushi Patel, John Clark Tilton, and

Leighton Wise.

Seventh Grade: Bailey Brown, C.J. Cleland, Isabelle Enzweiler, Bryce Tillotson, Caleb Tufts, and Maddie Woods.

Eighth Grade: Konnor Harrell and Trace Lowther.

Ninth Grade: Mikayla Blanton, Ally Brown, Jamie Davis, Justin Davis, Jamison Horton, Zoe Reynolds, and Haylee Wade.

Tenth Grade: Arthur Cartier, Ryan Cowart, Selice Daley, Zoe Mitchell, Abby Silon, and Harrison Wall.

Eleventh Grade: Amber Dantzler, Faith Smith, and Drew Wise.

Twelfth Grade: Caleb Badgett, Allison Brendlen, Ashley Brendlen, Brittany Brown, Micheal Humbert, Kelsey Kelnhofer, Beth Malphrus, Shane Mixson, Savannah Pender, Blake Stoner, and Victoria Tuten.

THOMAS HEYWARD ACADEMY HONORS: 2nd Semester – 2013/2014

All A’s – Headmaster’s List

Fourth Grade: Jessica Tilton.

Fifth Grade: Katherine Ryan.

Sixth Grade: Kieana Chisolm.

Seventh Grade: Bailey Brown, Cortney Gray, Megha Patel, Skylar Pope, and Maddie Woods.

Eighth Grade: Alayna DeLong and Trace Lowther.

Ninth Grade: Andrew Boyles, Tiffany Cooler and Emily Lowther.

Tenth Grade: Arthur Cartier, Ryan Cowart, Zoe Curtis, Selice Daley, Kristyn Guardino, Chase Kunich, Brinkley Mock,

B.J. Patel, Anthony Sanders, Harrison Wall, and Jennifer Walters.

Eleventh Grade: Shelby Crosby, Samantha Jones, Courtney Lloyd, and Hailey Malphrus.

Twelfth Grade: Caleb Badgett, Allison Brendlen, Taylor Cleland, Kathryn Crosby, Evan Duncan, Brodie Etheridge,

Seth Jones, Nathan Lord, Davis Owens, Kenzie Thompson, Victoria Tuten, and Maria Woods.

All A’s and B’s – Honor Roll

Fourth Grade: Keleigh Bowers, Dylan Boyles,Isabel Cannon, Emily Hansen, and Ava Lowther.

Fifth Grade: Travis Amason, Peyton Bennett, Sammy Cartier, Jeremy Clemmer, Branden Davis, Sonny Halker, and

Bryson Resh.

Sixth Grade: Bayli Belger, Brooklyn Guardino, Robert Hall, Olivia Pace, Khushi Patel, and Leighton Wise.

Seventh Grade: C.J. Cleland, Daniel Collinson, Isabelle Enzweiler, Victoria Etheridge, Jacob Masters, and Shaan Patel,

Eighth Grade: Olivia Sanders.

Ninth Grade: Mikayla Blanton, Ally Brown, Justin Davis, Jamison Horton, Alexis Masters,Dorian Nungaray, and

Haylee Wade.

Tenth Grade: Abby Silon and Amanda Thomas .

Eleventh Grade: Amber Dantzler, Jessica Davis, Cheyanne Gray, Faith Smith, and Drew Wise.

Twelfth Grade: Ashley Brendlen, Brittany Brown, Micheal Humbert, Kelsey Kelnhofer, Beth Malphrus, Shane Mixson, and Savannah Pender.


All A’s – Headmaster’s List

Fourth Grade: Jessica Tilton.

Fifth Grade: Katherine Ryan.

Sixth Grade: Kieana Chisolm.

Seventh Grade: Bailey Brown, Cortney Gray, Megha Patel, and Shaan Patel.

Eighth Grade: Alayna DeLong and Trace Lowther.

Ninth Grade: Andrew Boyles, Tiffany Cooler, and Emily Lowther.

Tenth Grade: Ryan Cowart, Zoe Curtis, Chase Kunich, B.J. Patel, Anthony Sanders, and Jennifer Walters.

Eleventh Grade: Shelby Crosby, Samantha Jones, Courtney Lloyd and Hailey Malphrus.

Twelfth Grade: Taylor Cleland,Nathan Lord, Davis Owens, Victoria Tuten, and Maria Woods.

All A’s and B’s – Honor Roll

Fourth Grade: Shelby Bessinger, Keleigh Bowers, Dylan Boyles, Isabel Cannon, Emily Hansen, Emma Jeffers,

Ava Lowther, Cody Parker, Brandon Smith, and Sloane Woods.

Fifth Grade: Travis Amason, Peyton Bennett, Sammy Cartier, Jeremy Clemmer, Branden Davis, Sonny Halker,

Preston Humbert, and Bryson Resh.

Sixth Grade: Bayli Belger, Brooklyn Guardino, Robert Hall,Olivia Pace, Khushi Patel, and Leighton Wise.

Seventh Grade: C.J. Cleland, Daniel Collinson, Isabelle Enzweiler, Victoria Etheridge, Brooke Lowther, Jacob Masters, Roman Padgett, Skylar Pope, Bryce Tillotson, and Maddie Woods.

Eighth Grade: Olivia Sanders.

Ninth Grade: Mikayla Blanton, Justin Davis, Jamison Horton, Alexis Masters, Casey May,Dorian Nungaray, and

Haylee Wade.

Tenth Grade: Arthur Cartier, Selice Daley, Kristyn Guardino, Zoe Mitchell, Brinkley Mock, Morgan Peeples, Abby Silon, Amanda Thomas, and Harrison Wall.

Eleventh Grade: Amber Dantzler, Cheyanne Gray, Faith Smith, and Drew Wise.

Twelfth Grade: Caleb Badgett, Allison Brendlen, Ashley Brendlen, Brittany Brown, Kathryn Crosby, Evan Duncan,

Brodie Etheridge, Micheal Humbert, Seth Jones, Kelsey Kelnhofer, and Kenzie Thompson.