The Scott Michael Heilman, Jr. Scholarship Fund
About Scott Michael Heilman, Jr.
Scott was born in 1988 in Pt. Pleasant, NJ, graduating from Toms River High School North in 2006. He attended the U. S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York. Scott graduated from the Merchant Marine Academy in 2010 at which time he took his commission in the United States Marine Corps as Second Lieutenant.
He completed The Basic School in Quantico, Virginia, in June 2011. Following his dream of becoming a Marine aviator and serve his country, Scott had just begun Marine flight training in Pensacola, Florida.
From a young age, Scott enjoyed swimming, setting records in OceanCounty at Toms River North and at the college level at Kings Point and had competed nationally. For years he was an ocean lifeguard with Long Beach Township Beach Patrol.
With Scott it has never been about accolades. It was always about doing the right thing, the right way, for the right reasons. Scott was never looking for personal gain or high-paying jobs. He was a true leader, always the motivational rallying point, driving the group to succeed. Scott was an extraordinary young man, a positive role model, a conscientious student, a great friend, caring son, loving brother and a true Marine; Semper Fidelis.
We will miss Scott but we will also miss seeing the actualization of his potential. It is hoped this scholarship will keep his altruistic nature alive not only in memories of those who knew and loved him but through the help it affords those who demonstrate a similar passion to lead and to serve others.
Scholarship Award
The Scott Michael Heilman, Jr. Scholarship Fund is a one-time scholarship. Award amounts will be a minimum of $500 as determined by the Scholarship Selection Committee.
Criteria for Award
- Full-time senior student of Toms River High School North
- Student should currently be enrolled in Statistics or AP Statistics or have taken the class as a junior
- AP Students: Minimum grade of an A in three marking periods with the last marking period grade no lower than a B+
Honors Students: Minimum grade of an A in each marking period
- Accepted to an accredited college or university
Deadline for the application and supporting materials: 4/25/14
Please print neatly or type the information requested below. Include with this application all requested documents.
I. Personal Background
Applicant Name: ______
Street Address: ______
City: ______, NJ Zip: ______
Telephone: ______
Date of Birth: ______
Are you an American Citizen? (Check One) ____ Yes ____ No
CurrentHigh School: ______
GPA ______
Class Rank______Class Size______
SAT Scores: Math______CR______Writing______
ACT Scores______
AP Courses______
Colleges to which you have applied (in order of preference):