1914-18Honour Rolls
Thistext in black, is a copy of the “Honour Rolls” from ASC History (1964.) Details highlightedand also in italics, (to assist when no colour printing isavailable.)are those which research found to differ and sometimes, add to the original.
This was presented to A.S.C. in 2015 as part of the recognition of the centenary of the “Landing.” Thereafter, research was continued to track down anyother missing material. These further findings were submitted in time for Anzac Day 2017. They are highlighted in yellow.
There is also another change,in that in addition, each ANZACwas identifiedas such.For the first time then, one could identify our total of 48 ANZACS. Not overlooking in addition, Johnson, who also served at Anzac Gallipoli with a British battalion?
It was found, that there were also some discrepancies between this listingin the Historyand that on the school Honour Boards. Such was the case with, HectorFranki(appearing on boards only.)
So far, the project has identified (to 2015) as “new finds,” the following 8 men:
Franki, Noel Halford:Doctor, Captain. A.A.M.C. 4 Base Hospital, Randwick3years.
Griffiths, Owen Rhys:Maj. Royal Australian Garrison Artillery and Pte. In Recruit Training 1914-? –18/9/18 to 11/11/18.
Henn-Gennys, George: Trooper 2nd Remount Unit 8/10/15 to 17/6/16.
Matthews, Henry Delahunt: Captain RAMC British Expeditionary Force Chinese Labour Corps, 3rd Native Labour Gen. Hospital -/4/17 to -/7/19.
Nash, James Leslie: Private. 20/9/18-18/11/18 Pre-Embarkation at War’s End.
Shaw, Richard Glinn Vallack: In Training Camp Sydney 31/5/18- Nov. 1918?
In addition to the above 6, who survived the war, are Korffand Mervyn Day;being additions to the original list of those who lost their lives.
(Highlighted yellow.)
Kirwan is now identified in detail.
Additional “new finds” since the above were found:
Borton,Dann, Rodd, Hugh Hole,M. McPhillamy, Swan.
The original Bathurstian Editor Sloman, asked veterans for their dates of “embarkation” for return. With thisproject, one at first, missed the point of this word?Offering a correction, by way of recording their “DischargeDate.”following arrival back home. Thiscould be much later, after a longvoyage and possiblyextended medical treatment thereafter. In the case of Callaghan, he arrived in Sydney 9/6/19, but was not discharged from hospital till 18/10/19.
Many thus remained in uniform for months after leaving Europe and the Middle East. This gives a different and longer, indication of their span of service.
In explanation, of the highlighting:
For instance, a A’Beckett.” Indicates, the correct lower case spelling.
“Innes” becomes, “Long-Innes.” This is an example of different listing of various hyphenated names.
Albert (Earlston Warwick): Sometimes an incorrect name is given and is underlined.
MID***manyunrecorded awards were found, such as “Mentioned in Despatches.” This reference indicates the firstaward and an additional three more. Note with C.E.W. Bean, his MID was not originally recorded:
a’A’Beckett, HastingsElwyn:M.C. Lieut. 6th Light Horse and 1stBn. 23/11/14 to 9/12/1822/2/19.ANZAC
a’A’Beckett, John Gilbert: Spr. 1stField. Coy. Engineers, 9/6/17 to 13/7/192/9/19.
Allan, HerbertWashington Tinning (Tinning-Allan):M.M.M.M. (French), Lieut. 4thMachine Gun Coy. 11/8/15 to 9/12/1819/5/19.
Allan, Stanley Bathurst Tinning (Tinning-Allan): Pte.13th Bn.4th M.G. Coy. 18/7/15 to 5/4/19.
Allison, James Thompson(Thomson): Bmdr.4 DAC, 1 FAB, 101stHow.
Bty. 1/8/16 to19/4/1921/7/19.
Armstrong, John Malet: Midshipman. H.M.A.S. Australia. 1918-19.
Avern, Clive Reginald:Dvr. 1st. M.T. Coy. 30/7/17 to 3/9/1927/12/19.
Avern, Gerald Sydney:SidneySgt. New Zealand Exped. Force, N. Z. Medical Corps.1916-19.14/6/17-2/5/19
Ball, Stephen Clifford O’Breznan:(Master) Chaplain4th Class 25/10/16 to 17/5/17.
Barry, Duncan Robertson: Spr. 4th Field Coy. Engineers 6/6/17 to 20/6/1931/8/19.
Barton, Arthur Benjamin: Pte.Trooper12th, 1st L. Horse, 18/1/15 to 21/1/168/8/16.ANZAC
Barton, Alan Sinclair Darvall: D.S.O.MID* Major A.A.M.C.1CCS, 2CCS 14/11/14 to 8/11/18. ANZAC
Barton, Edward Hugh: L/Cpl, 6th L. Horse 28/7/15 to 4/3/1913/6/19.
Barton, Edward Maurice Darvall: Driver, 1st Wireless Sig. Sqn.17/4/16 to12/3/181/11/18.
Barton, James Lyon Walter :( Walker)Gnr. 6th7th A.F.A. Bde. 8/10/16 to22/9/1928/12/19.
Barton, Johna A’Beckett Darvall: Major A.A.M.C. 1st, 2nd,12th Casualty. Clearing,Stns.1stAus Gen Hosp. 6 Stat. Hosp. 19/6/16 to21/6/1923/9/19.
Barton, John Hampton: Lieut. 54th Bn. 29/11/15 to 27/4/1920/7/19.
Bean, Charles Edward Woodrow:MIDWar Correspondent 26/9/14 to 1/4/1930/6/19.ANZAC
Bean, John Willoughby Butler: Major A.A.M.C. 20/8/14 to 23/10/1821/2/19.ANZAC
Beddie, Samuel: M.C. 18th Bn. 2/2/15 to 20/5/192/9/19.ANZAC
Beveridge, Alwynne Steel: Pte. 12th L. Horse 13/4/15 to 20/7/19. ANZAC
Blackshaw, Colin Willoughby: Pte. 25th Bn. 23/2/17 to 9/2/1923/5/19.
Borton, Frederick Kent: 2/Lt. 2ndLight Horse 20/8/14 to 26/7/19. ANZAC
Bosworth, -: Sgt. (Extensive research, could not find?)
Brain, Thomas David Alfred: Gnr. 10th AFA. Bde. 8/10/16 to 10/12/18 5/4/19.
Brown, Charles H.Henderson: Scottish Sportsmen’s Bn. RoyalFusiliers 9/12/14-.
Brown, Russell James: L/Cpl, 6 L. Horse. 27/10/15 to 26/1/1920/4/19.
Brown, William Richard: (Master) Lieut., 7th M.G. Coy. 17/1/17 to 21/6/1923/9/19.
Burkitt,Edmond H:British Army(Edmund) Henry. Major A.A.M.C. 14th Fd. Amb. 2ndCA’s.Clear. Station 1/9/15 to 27/9/17.
Busby, William Dalrymple:O.B.E.:Maj. A.R.C.S.Red Cross Commissioner, Egypt.England. 1/12/18 to 18/11/20.
Callaghan, Frank Gordon:Pte.Tpr.7th L. Horse 25/5/16to29/4/1918/10/19.
Chauncey, A. (Extensive research, could not find?)
Colebrook H. W.:Horace William(Master)SapperRoyal Engineers and Royal Navy.
Collings, LorenzoGeorge Master) 2/Lt.18th3rd Bn. and Education Service 6/6/15 to 5/1/2029/4/20.
Cornish, W.W. (Extensive research, could not find?)
Cortis, Edward: Lieut. No.1 Tunnelling Coy. 1/2/16 to 21/7/1712/2/18.
Crago, Claude Harold: Gnr. 1st. A.F.A. Bde. 2/11/16 to 3/9/191/12/19.
Cuninghame, Hussey Burgh Fairlie:(Fairlie-Cunninghame)Lieut. 2nd Div. Arty. 24/6/16 to 10/5/19.
Cuninghame, William Alan Fairlie:(Fairlie-Cunninghame) M.C. Lieut., 1st F. Coy. Engrs and 5th Pion. Bn. 29/3/15 to 13/4/1913/5/19.ANZAC
Dann, Edward Leslie:Gunner 6th F.A.B.20/4/16 to 2/10/19.
Dare, Arthur Edwin: Private1st Bn. 9/12/14 to 4/5/17.ANZAC
Dixon, Herbert Hutchinson:(Master) Captain 36th and 34th Bns. 5/1/16 to 8/10/1927/1/20.
Dowell, James Wilson: Pte. 45th Bn. 13/8/15 to 22/2/177/5/17.
Dunlop, David Henry: Dvr. 4th M.T. Coy. 30/5/16 to 12/7/1924/1/20.
Durack, Charles Webb: Lieut. 3rd Div. Train, 18/2/16 to 12/6/19.
Durack, Ernest W: (not W): Pte. 2nd Bn.2021/9/17 to 12/5/183/8/18.
Edgell, Broughton Gordon: 23rd. Gen. Service Reinfcts. 7/9/18 to 21/12/18.
Edgell, Maxwell Gordon: Capt. MID R.G.A.126131Bty. 71BDE 1915-19.
Edgley, Harold Day: Lieut. 5th Pioneer Bn. 30/7/15 to 8/5/1910/8/19.
Edgley, John Milton: D.S.O. Major, 19th and 40th Bns. 5/5/15 to 13/4/19.ANZAC
Edgley, Louis Norman:Capt.4th, 1st Bn.MID, Cde G. 8/5/15 to 12/5/18.
Edmonds, Reginald Earl: Pte.59th Bn. 17/8/16 to5/4/19(14/9/16 to 30/6/19).
Elder, Alan Balfour: Pte. A.A.M.C. 25/3/18 to 28/6/196/8/19.
Elder, Malcolm Balfour: L/Cpl, 3rd Bn. 7/9/14 to 17/9/1515/2/16.ANZAC
Edols, Thomas Reginald: Lieut.117th How. Bty. 1 D.A.C.No.4 Sqn. A.F.C.,23/5/16 to 9/2/19 18/5/19.
Fitzhardinge, Frederick Noel Berkeley:D.C.M. Lieut. 12th and 15th L. Horse and Camel Corps10/3/15 to 29/4/19.ANZAC
Foster, John Leslie Bruce: Sgt. A.N.M.E.F. & A.A.M.C. 12/8/14 to 8/7/16.ANZAC
Franki, HectorOswald: Capt. Mercantile Marine.
Franki, Noel Halford:Doctor, Capt. A.A.M.C. 4 Base Hosp. Randwick.3years.
Gardiner, Eric Antill: Sgt. 1st L. Horse, 19/1/14 to 3/3/16.ANZAC
Gibsone, Eric: Pte. 1st F. Amb. 17/6/15 to 3/5/19.ANZAC
Gillham, Charles Hume: Cpl. 6th L. Horse, 31/12/14 to 12/7/1826/3/19.ANZAC
Gilmour, Hamline:Hassall Pte. BritishArmy23rd Bn.Royal Fusiliers 1914-
Gilmour, Raymond Newell: Cpl. 6th L. Horse, 18/9/14 to 27/6/1916/7/19.ANZAC
Glasson, Claude Russell: Pte.7th, 12th L. Horse 14/1/15 to 18/12/1822/3/19
Glasson, Eric Gordon: Lieut.,MID75th Bde. R.F.A, 1917-19.ANZAC
Gordon, Gordon Crilly: Pte. 4th Bn. 24/6/17 to 6/7/1920/9/19.
Green, George Alan: M.C. Major,British Tank Corps 1914-19.
Green, Henry Mackenzie: Pte. Gen. Service Rfcts. 25/3/18 to 21/12/185/1/19.
Gregson, Edward Jesse: Lieut. Canadian Garrison Artillery 1914-19.
Griffiths, Cyril Tracy:Lieut. Col. C.M.G., O.B.E., MID *Lieut.-Col. Aust. Section, G.H.Q. 3rd Echelon, B.E.F. 17/9/14 to 1/11/19.
Griffiths, Owen Rhys:Maj. Pte.RAGA, Pte. Recruit Training 1914-? –18/9/18 to 11/11/18.
Hall, Arthur Charles: V.C.: Sgt. 54 Bn. 3/4/16 to 8/5/1926/6/193/8/19.
Halloran, Erith Sylvester: Lieut. 6th L. Horse 8/12/14 to 15/11/18. ANZAC
Halloran, MorrisMauriceGeorge Campbell: Lieut. King Edward’s Horse Machine GunandLabourCorps, 1914-19.
Haviland, Athol Charles: Sgt. 53rd Bn. 25/2/16 to 1/7/19.
Henn-Gennys, George: Trooper. 2nd Remount Unit 8/10/15 to 17/6/16.
Hodge, Harold Leslie Baldwin: Pte. Depot Bn. 21/8/1823/9/18 to 18/11/18 31/12/18 (in camp when Armistice signed).
Holden, Charles Kenyon: Sgt. 2nd Bn. and Pay Corps 17/8/14 to 25/10/19.8/1/20.
Hole, Henry Guy: Dvr. 4th D.A.C. 8/10/16 to 18/12/1923/3/20.
Hole, Hugh Lancelot: 8-1-17 3months A.I.F. home service. Then German Concentration Camp Guard Holsworthy 8-1-17 to 9/7/19.
Holt, William Robert Malthus:MID,D.C.M. Lieut. 5th A.F.A. Bde. 2nd D.A.C. 15/9/15 to 12/3/19.
Hotston R.S.(not R.S.) Oswald: Pte.Trooper. 7th L. Horse 4/9/15 to 28/6/19.
Houliston, David: Pte. 13th Bn. 9/3/16 to 15/6/19.
Innes, Clive Selwyn Long:(Long-Innes) M.C. Capt. East African Constabulary(Police.)
Innes, Percival Selwyn Long: (Long-Innes),MID,M.C.: Major, Irish Guards.
Irving, Herbert Maxwell: L/Cpl. 6th L. Horse 26/8/15 to 19/8/195/1/20.
Johnston, (Johnson) Robert Ingelow Bradshaw, D.S.O.:M.I.D. Lieut.-Col. 8th Bn. The Welch Regt. (Pioneers), 1914-19.GALLIPOLI
Jones, Eric David Lloyd: Aust. Red Cross Commissioner Egypt.
Kater, Norman William: Lieut. French Medical Service.
Kelk, William Stanger: Pte. Trooper 6th L. Horse, 22/4/15 to 8/5/16.8/9/16.ANZAC
Kenrick, William Atwill: Served at special request of British Government, as British Vice-Consul, Valparaiso, Chile.
Kinghorn, James Roy: Pte, No. 3 A.G.H. Dvr. 4th A.F.A. Bde. 22/6/15 to 15/4/18.ANZAC
Kirwan, MalcolmMartin DDalgin.: Capt.Sgt. 7th, Coy. A.S.C. 14-9-14 to17/3/19.ANZAC
Korff, Albert (Earlston Warwick): Pte. 17th Bn. 16/2/15 K.I.A. 30/7/16.
Lamb, Edwin de Villiers: Lieut. 6th L. Horse and 3rd Camel Bn. 24/7/15 to 19/2/19.
Lane, John Bayley: D.S.O. SGT. MID*,A.N. and M.E.F.; Capt., 20th, 18th Bn. 11/8/14 to 24/1/2014/5/20.ANZAC
Lassetter, Frederick M.:Macquarie Antill: Pte. London Scottish -/8/14,Staff Capt. 187th Brig. British Army.
Lee, Gordon Scott: M.M. L/Cpl. 2nd Bn. 25/1/15 to 9/3/191/7/19.ANZAC
Lindsay, Alan, M.M. 35th Bn. Gnr. 13th A.F.A. Bde. 21/4/17 to 6/9/1923/11/19.
Lindsay, S.J.:(Samuel JamesLieut.) 1st Aust. Tunn. Coy.7/3/16 to 9/3/19.
Long, George Merrick: (Right Rev. Bishop) C.B.E.: Brig.-General, Director-General, A.I.F. Education Service 23/10/17 to 6/5/19.
Lowe, Bligh Hassall: Dvr. 2nd and 6th Motor Trans. Coys. 19/11/17 to 1/7/19.
Lowe, Frederick Charles Gaden: Lieut. 6th L. Horse, 17/9/15 to 28/6/1926/9/19.
Macfarlane, Archibald Reid: Pte. 3rd Bn. 26/5/15 to 5/4/19.ANZAC
Machattie, Thomas Richard: Bomdr. 2nd A.F.A. Bde. 18/1/17 to 20/6/19.
McILveen, LawrenceLaurence William Oswald: Dvr. 2nd A.F.A. Bde. 3/1/18 to 3/5/197/7/19.
Mackay, Alexander Leslie Gordon: D.C.M. Warrant Officer 55th Bn. 21/12/16 to 6/2/1915/9/19.
Matthews, Henry Delahunt: Capt. R.A.M.C. B.E.F. Chinese Labour Corps, 3rd Native Labour Gen. Hosp. -/4/17 to -/7/19.
McKee, Osmund Charles: Sgt. 17th Bn. and Ordnance Corps 13/3/16 to 31/3/20 30/7/20.
Mackinnon, Lauchlan Dodgin Wright: Lieut. Welsh Guards 1916-19.
McMillan, Gibson: Trooper. 11th Regt. Auckland Mounted Rifles 16/9/14 to 10/5/16.
McMillan, William McArthur:Sgt. 62nd Bn. Pay Corps 8/1/17 to 16/4/20 30/7/20.
McPhillamy, Angus Owen:Lieut. No.1 Sqn, A.F.C. 16/2/16 to 11/7/17.21/1/18.
McPhillamy, John Maxwell: Lieut., Royal Garrison Artillery.
McPhillamy, Maurice Edward: 12th A.S.C.Division Train 18/7/15 to 10/5/16.
Marsden, Reginald Ernest: Lieut. 20th, 56th Btn. and Aust. Flying Corps, 18/7/15 to 1/8/19, 22/11/19.
Maund, Eric Stratford: Sgt. 3rd Bn. and Pay Corps, 17/8/14 to 13/12/19.ANZAC
Maynard, H.L. (Extensive research, could not find.)
Mendelsohn, Oscar Adolf: (Master) Gnr. 1st Div. Arty. 29/12/15 to 27/5/17.Subsequently, chemist in Chief Postal Censor’s Department, London.
Mitchell, John Alexander Stevenson:M.C. MID. Capt. 2nd and 54th Bns. 12/11/14 to 5/4/1919/7/19.ANZAC
Nash, James Leslie: Private. 20/9/18- Pre-Embarkation War’s End.
Nash, John Rowland Gordon: Dvr, 2nd A.F.A Bde.30/1/18 to 23/8/1911/10/19.
Neely, Herbert Campbell: Pte. 13th Fld. Amb.5LTMB, 21/11/16 to 19/8/1915/9/19. Then “Special Service” 17/5/19 to 24/10/19.
Newton, Harold Edward Shields: Lieut. 2ndLight Horse 2/3/15 to 13/3/19.ANZAC
Oakes, Dudley Sedgwick Mansfield: Spr. 1st Coy Engrs, 20/8/14 to 29/8/1512/1/16.Served as Sedgwick Mansfield.ANZAC
Palling, Lindsay: (Master) Pte. Pay Corps 27/3/18 to 1/17/1918/9/19.
Parry, Claude Herbert(Antill):Pre-embarkation at war’s end.
Powell, Eric Watson Machattie: Sgt.7th, 12th L. Horse, 5/2/15 to 1/1/1912/4/19.ANZAC
Powell, Patrick Baden Machattie: Lieut. Seaforth Highlanders,Staffordshire Regiment.
Pringle, James Cossar: Spr. 10th F. Coy. Engrs. 30/11/16 to 4/7/1912/9/19.
Purves, Algernon Grafton: M.C. MIDCapt.4th South Wales Borderers16/7/15to -/4/1919.
Rabett, Reginald Lee Rex:MID*C.M.G. Lieut.-Col. 1st and 12th A.F.A. Bds. 18/8/14 to 15/2/1816/10/18.ANZAC
Ranken, Francis James: O.B.E: R.N. Reserve, service various ships 8/2/16to 29/9/18.
Robertson, Douglas Hamilton:M.C. Lieut. 3rd and 4th Bns. 16/8/15 to 23/3/197/7/19.
Robinson, Courtney: Pte. 19th Bn. 21st, 1st M.G. Coy. 15/6/16 to 1/8/19.31/10/19.
Rodd, Ripley Blaxland: Gunner. 1st A.F.A. Brigade. 25/9/15 to 29/7/19.
Ross(Clunies-Ross). Allan:Lieut., 63rd and17th Bns. and Education Service 9/11/16to 15/11/19 23/2/20.
Ryder, Rupert:Gnr.5th A.F.A.Bde. 14th Battery.4 D.A.C. 31/7/16 to 30/1/1825/4/18.
Sands, Robert Sydney: M.B.E. Lieut.-Col. Camp Commandant, SecretService 1914-18.
Scott, Eric Gliddin: Pte. 6th L. Horse, 16/1/15 to 8/10/1928/12/19.ANZAC
Shaw, Richard Glinn Vallack: In Camp Aust. 31/5/18- Nov. 1918?
Shaw, William Edward Vallack:MIDCapt. 13th Bde.Canadian Arty. 1915-1916 1916 1917+?
Shedden, Rev. Charles Hamilton: (Master) Chaplain, 29/5/15 to 4/8/15.
Slater, Henry Ernest: Lieut. D.S.O.CdeG (Belg.), MID,20th56th and 55th Bns. 6/8/15 to 2/6/1910/9/19.
Sloman, Ronald Upcott:Pte. 17th Bn. 6/3/16 to 10/4/191/6/19.
Smith, Alan Ogilvie: Capt., 1st L. Horse and 10th and 12th A.F.A. Bdes. 22/8/14 to 9/12/18.ANZAC
Smith, Neil Donald:Bomdr.5 D.A.C. 3rd A.F.A. Bde. 10/5/16to12/6/194/9/19.
Smith, Roy: Capt. 32nd Div. British Expeditionary Force. 1914-19.
Snow, Gordon Keith:Spr. 9th F. Coy Engrs. Officer’s Course Royal Flying Corps. 18/5/16 to 21/7/1718/10/17.
Stephen, Robert Campbell: C.B. Brig.-General, English 4th and 6th Cavalry Bdes. (Mesopotamia), 1914-18.
Stokes, F: Capt. (Extensive research, could not find?)
Street, Eustace Whistler: Pte, 6th L.H. Regt; Gn., 15th, 25th, and 14th A.F.A. Bdes, 12/1/15 to 9/3/19. 1/7/19.ANZAC
Suttor, Harold Bruce: Major, 7th L. Horse and “Dunsterforce,” 20/11/14 to 6/5/20.ANZAC
Suttor, James Frederick:Dvr.A.S.C.3rdDiv.Train 27/9/15 to 11/5/19 15/8/19.
Suttor, Keith Bruce: Capt. 7th L. Horse, 16/12/14 to 3/8/1830/3/19.ANZAC
Suttor, Maurice Ronald: Dvr. 7th A.F.A. Bde. 8/10/16 to 22/8/1920/11/19.
Suttor, Pearson Lachlan: Sgt. 6th L. Horse 30/7/15 to 12/6/1919/9/19.
Suttor, Roy Cuthbert: Dvr. 7th A.F.A. Bde. 26/4/16 to 28/8/19 12/9/19.
Swan, Bertie Hamilton:10/12/15 German Concentration Camp Guard (3months.) then enlisted A.I.F. 7 months Field Hospitals Aust. Then Driver 14th Field Ambulance. 7/9/19.
Sweetland, Harry St John: Major, 1st Bty. A.F.A., 18/8/14 to 11/2/16.Afterwards Garrison Artillery,Freemantle & Thursday Is.1918-19ANZAC
Thompson, Archibald James: Gnr. 2nd A.F.A. Bde. 10/3/17 to 18/7/198/10/19.
Thompson, Clive Wentworth: D.S.O. M.C. MID***Lieut. Col. A.A.M.C.3/9/14 to 23/10/1822/2/19.ANZAC
Todhunter, Sydney Macquarie: L/Cpl. 6th L. Horse, 24/6/15 to Aus.8/3/17.
Toovey,Charles Edward: Sgt. 23rd Bn. A.I.F. 7/5/15-26/4/17, Lt.Royal Eng.26/4/17--1920.
Tourle, Edgar Austin: Maj. 12th L. Horse, 4/5/15 to 20/7/1928/10/19.ANZAC
Tourle, Francis Layard: Pte.Trooper.12th. 2nd LHR 4th M.G. Sqn. 17/2/16-24/7/1913/10/19.
Tourle, John Morse: Pte.Trooper5th 11th L. Horse and Camel Corps, 1/1/15 to 20/7/199/11/19.ANZAC
Vallack, Charles Aldrich:Bomdr. 4th A.F.A.Bde. 7/12/16 to 13/7/19 13/12/19.
Vallack, Robert Aldrich: Pte. 20th Bn, 18/5/15 to 21/1/1614/8/16.ANZAC
Vine-Hall, Austin Pickard: (Master) Capt. 54th Bn. 19/7/15 to 23/6/19.
Vivian, Stephen Waddell: Cpl. 13th Bn. 7/6/15 to 3/4/19.ANZAC
Wade, Charles George: Capt. 2ndBn. 20/8/14 to 4/5/1719/12/17. ANZAC
Ward, Eric Harford: Sgt. 1st Bn. 8/10/14 to 10/7/1616/9/16.ANZAC
Wark, Alexander:Sgt,Pte. Gen. Service Rfcts. 24/4/18 to 12/7/19 24/9/19.
Wark, John Newlands: 117 Howitzer Battery, 2nd D.A.C. 3/7/16 to 25/3/19.20/6/19.
Wark, Keith Newlands:D.C.M., MID Lieut. 2nd, 54th Bns. 23/5/15 to 2/6/19. 13/9/19.
Webb, Bruce:Pte.Trooper. 6th L. Horse, 22/7/15 to 28/6/19 25/9/19.
Webb, Clive T.Thompson: M.M. Sgt. 9th Fd. Coy Engineers, 3/1/16 to
Webb, Edmund Guy: Warrant Officer, Hosp. Ship Kanowna, 7/10/15 to 28/4/19.
Weston, Clive Conder: S.Q.M.S. 1st L.Horse, 24/8/14 to 12/11/17.ANZAC
Wilkinson, Roy Dacre: Pte. No.2 A.G.H. and 3rd F. Amb, 14/12/14 to 30/1/1829/5/18.
Woolfe, Wolff Bernard: Corporal. 26th Bn. 14/10/16 to 14/10/19.
Young, Harry Fleming: M.S.M. Lieut. 12th Bn. 13th Inf. Bde. H.Q. and 49th Bn. 18/1/15 to 17/3/192/7/19.ANZAC
Those Above Who Served:
Back; Wade, Lane, ------, ------, ------, Jones.
Middle; ------, Thompson, ------, ------, ------, ------.
Front: ------, Dulhunty, ------.
Bathurstian (year from after 1923 not recorded)
A good turnout of men on ourHonour Roll:
Bean, R.D. Wilkinson, Kenrick, J. Edgley, J.A. (C.?) Pringle, Rabett, Clunies-Ross, Gillam, Brown, Crago,E.A. Tourle, Young.