Welcome to 4A
This year is going to be an exciting year with some exciting projects and units being looked at and a new adventure of using a class wiki!
I am excited to be working with Yr 4 and have a lot of great ideas to make this year fun filled and learning enriched.
If you have any concerns about any areas of the curriculum or about your child please do not hesitate to contact me via email or leave a message with the office and I will get back to you as soon as I can. I am available for interviews most mornings or afternoons.
My email address is
I will be setting up a class wiki/blog where you can see photos, videos, art works plus anything else interesting we are doing in class. This is a brilliant way for families to stay connected with their child’s classroom even though they may not be able to make it up to the school regularly. The wiki will also have any information about things happening for our class and homework/assignments to look back at or for when those notes get lost at home! If you have any questions/concerns please feel free to talk to me.
I am looking forward to a great year!
Emma Abdilla
Book packs are almost ready to be handed out and will have exercise book / scrap books and school magazines.
Equipment that students need are:
· 2x blue/black pens
· 2x red pens
· 30cm ruler
· Rubber
· Scissors
· Glue Stick
· 2x HB or 2B pencils
· Sharpener
· Small Dictionary (optional)
If you can bring a box of tissues and a roll of paper towel that would be appreciated.
A small pencil case to put equipment in is a great idea. One that is not too bulky as we are limited for space!
Students are welcome to bring coloured pencils and textas, but they will need to be in a separate pencil case.
Please note that no liquid paper will be used in class
Covering of Books
It would be great if student’s exercise books could be covered. They will be sent home on Friday afternoon and will need to be returned on Monday morning. If you are unable to cover the books at this time, please let me know.
Class Organisation
Group PE Skills Monday 9.00 – 9.30
Tuesday 9.00 – 9.30
Thursday 9.00 – 9.30
Scripture/Ethics Tuesday 2.30 – 3.00
Choir Wednesday 2.15 – 3.00
P.E. (Mr Ison) Wednesday 9.00 – 10.30
Library (Mrs Crotty) Wednesday 10.30 – 11.00
Assembly Friday 12.00 – 12.30
Computers Friday 12.30 – 1.30
Sport Friday (Terms 1, 2 & 4)
Thursday (Term 3)
School Fees
The fees for 4A this year are $145.
This includes a book pack consisting of 2x scrap books, Yr 4 Handwriting Book and Yr 4 math Mental Book.
The fees also cover 2x Musica Viva performances, the athletics carnival and Term 3 sport – gymnastics (run by an outside source) and the contribution
Fees can be paid off and book packs will be distributed when an amount of $35 or higher is paid.
Topic’s of Study - KLA’S
English – will study all areas of literacy and will focus on a unit a term
· Term 1 Fractured Fairytales
Maths – Topics will vary throughout the year
Science and Technology – will cover many important topics which include:
· Term 1 Cooperating Communities
· Term 2 Australia You’re Standing In It
· Term 3 Places: Then, Now and Tomorrow
· Term 4 Who Will Buy
HSIE – will cover a range of topics which include:
· Term 1 Mini Worlds
· Term 2 Our Australia
· Term 3 Cycles In Our World
· Term 4 Eating Out
Creative Arts – many and varied activities throughout the year.
Homework this year will consist of a spelling list sent home to practice with a spelling grid that will be marked off each week. Other homework grids and class projects will be sent home throughout the terms depending on what we are studying at the time. Students are also encouraged to read each night and read from varied sources.
Class Dojo
The class will be using Class Dojo as their behaviour system. Students will be awarded points for things such as being on task, helping others, team work and participating. Students can loose points for things such as not following class rules and being off task.
Students will use their points for individual and class rewards.
Students have designed their own Class Dojo Avatar and are excited about earning points.
Parents can use the parent log in to see their students class dojo and how they are going.
SPELLCITY – Weekly spelling lists will be on the web (starting week 4) different games can be played using the spelling words
STUDYLADDER - students can access this site and will have set tasks they can complete and literacy and mathematical games to play. Students log in attached
CLASS DOJO – parent log in attached