1-Wire Software for DS2432
Copyright (с) 2004-2006 Lapatushka.
1-Wire Software for DS2432 designed for programming DS2432 1-Wire chips.
This time software has support to the next hardware interfaces:
-1WProgrammer.pdf – hardware interface for the 1-Wire chips.
-PrX90&1WCol.pdf- hardware interface for the Xerox90/Xerox01/1-Wire chips;
-1WX90VivacePrgCol.pdf – hardware interface for the Xerox90/Xerox01/1-Wire/Xerox-Vivace chips
Software has support for hardware interface from Dallas Sem DS9097E, DS9097 or any clone of these interfaces.
Version 0.15 has support for DS9490R interface. To use this interface must be installed drivers from Dallas Sem.
Home page for Dallas Sem TMEX drivers is here: http://www.maxim-ic.com/products/ibutton/software/tmex/
1-Wire Software for DS2432 uses two .dll-files: “ib97e32.dll”, “ibfs32.dll” (for Native and DS9097E interfaces)
These .dll-files – drivers from Dallas Sem for DS9097E interface.
These files must be located in the same folder where 1-Wire software for DS2432 located.
For other interfaces must be installed other drivers.
Shortly about 1-Wire Software for DS2432 functions:
-File->Read: read '.bin' created by “Pr1Wire.exe”. This menu item is doubled on the instrument bar.
-File->Write: save data from Hex-Editor panel in the '.bin' file. This menu item is doubled on the instrument bar.
-File->Exit: stop the Software.
-Action->Read Chip: read data from DS2432. In a case when possible to read current Secret of the chip it will be copied to the Hex-Editor panel [98h..9Fh]. When current Secret impossible to read, data into Hex-Editor panel [98h..9F] will be unchanged. This menu item is doubled on the instrument bar.
-Action->Check DS2432: check properties of the DS2432. For this Software read data from DS2432 and inform state of the every byte of the Status page. This menu item is doubled on the instrument bar.
-Action->Write DS2432 use current Secret: Software write data into DS2432 by use current Secret of the DS2432. To get current Secret, Software try to read it from chip. If current Secret impossible to read Software use data from Hex-Editor panel [98h..9Fh] as current Secret. This menu item is doubled on the instrument bar.
-Action->Write DS2432+Install new Secret: Software write data into DS2432. Before writing data into DS2432 Software try to install new Secret into the chip from Hex-Editor panel [98h..9F]. When Secret is write-protected Software try to read current Secret of the chip. If this action will be fail Software try to use as Secret data from Hex-Editor panel [98h..9Fh]. After this steps Software try to write data into the chip. This menu item is doubled on the instrument bar.
-Action->Install new Secret: try to install new Secret. Data for Secret: Hex-Editor panel: [98h..9Fh]. This menu item is doubled on the instrument bar.
-Action->Show/Hide debug panel: show/hide Debug/Extended panel (for debugging purposes and extended function for the chip). This menu item is doubled on the instrument bar.
-About: Shortly about software.
Instrument-bar has some additional buttons:
-Empty editor: fill hex-editor panel by 'FFh' symbol;
-Write file. Set file name as ROM number – save hex-editor context in external file. As file name will be used ROM-identifier of the chip. Because not exist two chips with same ROM – it is a good way for store dumps with such names. ROM-identifier of the chip is in Hex-Editor panel [90h..97h].
Instrument-bar has some combo-box for:
-select COM-port where hardware is connected (for Native and DS9097E interfaces);
-select USB-port where hardware is connected (for DS9490R interface);
-select interface type.
Debug panel (to view need to press button “Show/Hide debug panel”) has some areas: DS2432[Debug] and DS2432[Extended] for Debug and Additional (extended function) routines.
-Read DS2432: read data from DS2432 and show debug info (useful when something wrong)
-Write DS2432: write data to DS2432 and show debug info (useful when something wrong)
-Analyse Dump: show info about state of the Status bytes of the the current dump in the Hex-Eitor panel. Status page located at the Hex-Editor panel [88h..8Fh].
-Memory Map: short info about memory map for DS2432
-+/- 2nd Hex: open second Hex-Editor panel (Hex-Editor2). It uses for reading additional info from the chip.
-Map 2nd Hex: show memory map of the Hex-Editr2 panel.
-Ext Read: read from chip all available info about one.
For this Software make next steps:
-- read EEPROM of the chip into the Hex-Editor [00h..7Fh];
-- read Secret of the chip (if possible) into the Hex-Editor [80h..87h];
-- read Status page of the chip into the Hex-Editor [88h.8Fh];
-- read alternate ROM of the chip into the Hex-Editor [90h..97h];
-- when Secret is possible to read it will be copied to the Hex-Editor [98h..9Fh] else [98h..9Fh] will be unchanged;
-- read MAC code for page 0 into Hex-Editor2 [00h..13h]. For this uses A5h command of the chip.
---As Challenge will be use data from Hex-Editor2 panel [18h..1F];
-- read MAC code for page 1 into Hex-Editor2 [20h..23h]. For this uses A5h command of the chip.
---As Challenge will be use data from Hex-Editor2 panel [18h..1F];
-- read MAC code for page 2 into Hex-Editor2 [40h..53h]. For this uses A5h command of the chip.
---As Challenge will be use data from Hex-Editor2 panel [18h..1F];
-- read MAC code for page 3 into Hex-Editor2 [60h..73h]. For this uses A5h command of the chip.
---As Challenge will be use data from Hex-Editor2 panel [18h..1F];
--read ROM of chip by use 33h (Read ROM) command into the Hex-Editor [78h..7Fh] command.
--Ext. Save: save all data in the external file. As file name will be used ROM-identifier of the chip. ROM-identifier of the chip is in Hex-Editor panel [90h..97h].
DS2432 has next properties.
It is possible to read data from this chip many times free. To write data into DS2432 need to know (or install new) 8-bytes long “secret code”. The “secret” has next properties – it is possible to write data into secret memory but it is not possible to read data from secret memory (according Dallas Sem info). Actually, secret memory has next properties: In a case status byte “Factory byte” not activated (not equivalent $55 or $AA), then “secret” available for reading as well as any other memory area. When “Factory byte is activated (equivalent $55 or $AA) then trying to read secret from the chip will be show “FFh” for every secret code byte.
DS2432 has 8 status bytes which able to change chip behavior.
Any additional info about DS2432 available in the datasheet for one.
Memory map for DS2432 is next:
/ Descrtiption00h-1Fh
/ Data Memory Page 0 (read free, no write access without secret)20h-3Fh
/ Data Memory Page 1 (read free, no write access without secret)40h-5Fh
/ Data Memory Page 2 (read free, no write access without secret)60h-7Fh
/ Data Memory Page 3 (read free, no write access without secret)80h-87h
/ Secrets Memory Bytes (no read access)88h-8Fh
/ Status bytes88h
/ Write protect secret (activated by code: AAh or 55h89h
/ Write protect pages 0..3 (activated by code: AAh or 55h)8Ah
/ User byte (activated by code: AAh or 55h8Bh
/ Factory byte (read only)8Ch
/ User byte/EPROM mode control for page 1 (activated by code: AAh or 55h)8Dh
/ User byte/Write-protect page 0 only (activated by code: AAh or 55h)8Eh
/ User byte/Manufacturer ID8Fh
/ User byte/Manufacturer ID90h-97h
/ 64-Bit Registration Number (ROM-area), read-only98h-9Fh
/ Data space for storing “secret” in the dumps (used by 1WireSoftware for DS2432 only).From this space software installs new secret for the DS2432