i Acids react with many metal oxides, producing a salt and water.
ii Know the uses of some important salts.
Scientific enquiry
iii Identify evidence for a reaction taking place.
Suggested alternative starter activities (5–10 minutes)
Recap last lesson / Share learning objectives / Problem solving / Brainstorming / Capture interest
Quick test. / · Describe how metal oxides react with acids.
· Identify evidence of a reaction taking place. (Sc1) / Pupils examine labels and 'hunt the salt'. / Concept cartoon to stimulate brainstorming uses of salts. / Demo of reactions of rusty iron and corroded coins with acid.
Suggested alternative main activities
Activity / Learning objectives see above / Description / Approx.
timing / Target group
C / H / E / S
Textbook E5 / i and iii / Teacher-led explanation and questioning OR Pupils work individually, in pairs or in small groups through the in-text questions and then onto the end-of-spread questions if time allows. / 20 min / R/G / G / R / S
Activity E5a Practical / i, ii and iii / Oxides and acids Pupils investigate what happens when metal oxides react with acids. They look for evidence that a reaction has happened. / 25 min / ü / ü / (ü)
Activity E5b Paper / ii / Uses of salts Pupils learn the uses of some salts by a matching exercise involving the name, use and formula of several salts. / 15 min / ü / (ü)
Suggested alternative plenary activities (5–10 minutes)
Review learning / Sharing responses / Group feedback / Word game / Looking back
How many different ways can you make a salt? / Group spokesperson feeds back outcomes of Activity E5a. / Groups combine to discuss Activity E5b. / Writing crossword clues. / Pupils revise and consolidate knowledge from the unit.
Learning outcomes
Most pupils will … / Some pupils, making less progress will … / Some pupils, making more progress will …
· describe how metal oxides react with acids
· identify evidence which indicates that a chemical reaction has taken place
· represent reactions by word equations, identify patterns in these and produce general equations
· name a variety of salts and describe the uses of some of them. / · state that a colour change is evidence of a chemical reaction. / · represent the reaction between copper oxide and sulphuric acid by a balanced chemical equation
· explain how chemical bonds form and how some atoms form groups and make bonds as a group
· name a variety of salts and describe their uses.
Key words / Out-of-lesson learning
None / Homework E5
Textbook E5 end-of-spread questions
Activity E5b
© Harcourt Education Ltd 2004 Catalyst 3
This worksheet may have been altered from the original on the CD-ROM.