Date Approved_10/13/12
Patrons have access to all circulating HPL books, paperbacks, audiobooks, compact discs, videocassettes, DVD’s, Playaways, multimedia kits, and cake pans through the reserves/holds process. New DVDs, Blu-Ray DVDs, periodicals, and Video games may not be placed on hold.
A. Placing a Reserve/Hold
1. Reserves/holds on items owned by Hubbard Public Library or by any member of the Trumbull Independent Public Libraries Consortium (TIPL) may be placed at any Public Service desk or through the Web based online catalog. Reserves are also accepted for items that are listed as “On Order” or “In Processing” in the catalog.
2. Reserves/holds that cannot be filled by HPL or TIPL, will be handled by the staff at the Reference Desk. Interlibrary Loan databases will be searched (See Interlibrary Loan Policy) and ILL requests placed for items available elsewhere. For requested items published within the last six months, verification and buying information for each item will be researched. This information as well as patron’s name and phone number will be forwarded to the Library Director for purchasing consideration.
3. Pending holds remain in the automated circulation system for one year. Ready holds expire after 7 days.
B. Filling Reserves/Holds
1. When reserved item is returned and checked in via the automated circulation system, a holds message appears with name of patron and phone number. This information is noted and the item is placed on the phone call shelf. Phone calls are made daily to alert patrons of ready holds. Patron name slip is dated and item is filed alphabetically by patron last name on the Reserves/Holds shelf in the Circulation Department. Patron notifications are made by telephone, text message or email according to patron’s choice.
2. Phone notifications are delivered by an automated phone system. Patrons may choose to receive email or text message notification of arrived holds. Once Circulation Staff has set up the patron account to receive email or text notification, messages are automatically generated by the Circulation system. When the reserved item is ready, patron name and date are noted on a slip of paper placed in the item and the item is filed alphabetically by patron last name on the Reserves/Holds shelf in the Circulation Department.
3. Assigned Library staff members will respond to holds that appear in the Circulation module. Designated staff member retrieves items from the shelves and marks each with its destination. Items for specific patrons are marked with patron’s name and current date and placed on reserve shelf at circulation desk. Items requested by TIPL Consortium members are tagged for the requesting location and placed in the corresponding bin in the Technical Services Department.
C. Notifying Patrons
1. Patrons are notified of arrived holds by automated phone message, text message or email. In the case of minor patrons, notifications will go to the Responsible Party unless special arrangements are made with the head of Circulation. A mailed notification will be used to notify only those patrons who cannot be reached by phone, text or email. Staff will use judgement in leaving messages. TITLES are NOT to be given to ANYONE except the person who placed the hold.
2. If the patron wants the item at a later date, explain that they will be placed in the holds queue as a new hold/reserve.
D. Failed Notice Reports are emailed daily from CLEVNET. Circ Dept. will attempt to notify these patrons and correct notification information to insure patron receives future notices.
1. Head Circulation Clerk checks the Reserves/Holds shelf weekly. Patrons receive one courtesy call seven days after the first call. Patrons must pick up items within a day of the courtesy call. When items are not picked up within the specified time, the Head Circulation Clerk uses the Utility function of TLC to remove the hold from the system. Materials are then free to move on to fill the next hold or be put back in circulation.
2. Head Circulation Clerk alerts Reference Desk staff weekly of any Interlibrary Loan materials that have not been picked up. Reference Desk staff makes courtesy calls to these patrons. Items that have not been picked up after 2 weeks are cleared from the Circulation system and returned to the lending library.
E. Purchase Alert Reports
A Purchase Alert report is run weekly by the Director to identify the number of holds per title. This report is used to determine the purchasing/leasing of extra copies of popular titles. In general, the library tries to provide one copy of a particular title per four holds.