Worksheet 1: The Scientific Method

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A) Web site name: University of Georgia

Web URL:

Read “The Scientific Method” particularly sections 1.1 to 1.6

1) What is the difference between the common definition of a “theory” and

the scientific definition of a “theory” ?




2) What is a “hypothesis”? _____________________________________________________________


3) Why is the “Snorg hypothesis” not scientific ? _____________________



4) Why is Einstein’s theory of relativity an improvement on Newton’s theory of gravity? ______________________________________________________



5) What is “Occum’s Razor”? _____________________________________



6) If Occum’s razor does not tell you about the truth of a hypothesis, what does

it tell you? ___________________________________________________


B) Web site: University of Miami

Web URL:

Read the section “Solving problems in Biology”

7) Explain what is meant by “inductive reasoning”: ________________________ _________________________________________________________________


8) In the example of hymenopterans, what do “All hymenopterans have”? ______

9) What is the “inductive leap” ? ______________________________________


10) Explain “deductive reasoning”. ____________________________________


11) Give your own example of deductive reasoning:



12) Explain in your own words the meaning of a theory in science.


C) Web page: NASA

Web URL:

Read “Sowing seeds in a magnetic field”

13) Why must there be “more to it” than the idea that plants grow towards light?


14) Give your own example of a plant behavior that is affected by gravity:


15) What are the two possibilities for how plants detect gravity?


16) Explain why the shuttle experiment will use “artificial gravity” produced by magnets.


17) Why is this experiment conducted in the dark?


To test different explanations, or hypotheses, scientists do an experiment.

D) Web page: McGraw-Hill

Web URL:

Watch the section on the Hershey and Chase Experiment

18) What are bacterial viruses called? __________________

19) What does a “phage” consist of? ______________________________

20) In the animation, how many phages infect one bacterial cell ? _____________

21) Does the protein coat of a phage get injected inside a bacterial cell? ________

22) Which radioactive chemical was used to label amino acids? ___________

23) In the first part of the experiment, with radioactive protein, how many new

phages are formed inside the bacterial cell? _____________________

24) How were the protein coats removed from the surface of the bacteria?



25) Is 32P used to radioactively label amino acids or DNA ? _______________

26) What did this experiment demonstrate? ___________________________





E) Web page: State University of New York, Buffalo

Web URL:

27) What is the hypothesis here? ____________________________________


Click on “Go to Parts II-V

28) Why did dyeing the plumage of the chicks not work well? ______________


29) What three data did the scientists decide to compare?


30) Click on “Go to Figure 2” and summarize the results: __________________



31) Do the results support the original hypothesis? Explain your answer:




F) Web page: University of Colorado

Web URL:

Read “Know it’s a placebo? The ‘medicine’ could still work”

32) Why is the “morphine for pain” an example of the placebo effect, rather than

the real action of morphine as a painkiller?




33) How many sessions do the subjects need to be conditioned to believe the placebo

works? ______________

34) How did the scientists conduct the research? _____________________________


35) Why did some subjects have a high pain tolerance?



36) What, in fact, was the “treatment”? _____________________________________


37) Do you think it is ethical to wean a child off a drug and switch the drug to a

placebo? Explain your answer.
