As you gather to celebrate the Eucharist this weekend, please express your gratitude to our visiting priest. It is only because of the generosity of our Benedictine priests and our retired diocesan priests that us pastors can get a few days away during the year.

As I mentioned last week, I am now taking a few days of vacation. As I have been doing for

a number of years, I will be spending my vacation pedaling my bicycle. This year I will be riding, along with my buddy Jesse McCormack, from Hartford, Connecticut, to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This will take us through New York City, which I admit I’m both nervous and excited about. Over the years, Jesse and I have ridden bicycle from California to Florida. Now, we are riding the east coast as our vacation time and schedules allow.

If you are interested, I will be posting updates from along the route on Twitter (@jsignal) and Facebook. You can also see the updates on our parish web site.

Because of my absence, I ask you to pay close attention to the bulletin for this week. Note that there will not be a 5:00 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday, September 9th, in Stanley. I was unable to find a substitute priest for that weekend. I will, however, be back for Sunday’s Masses on the 10th of September.

If for some reason you are unable to attend our Sunday Masses on September 10th, there are Masses offered at nearby parishes on Saturday:

St. Thomas, Tioga5:00 p.m.

St. James, Powers Lake 7:00 p.m.

St. Bridget, Parshall7:00 p.m.

St. Anthony, New Town 7:30 p.m.

In Christ,

Fr. Jason

What Is a Home Mission Diocese? Home mission dioceses are those dioceses in the United States and its territories and former territories that cannot provide basic pastoral services to Catholics without outside help. Basic pastoral services include Mass and the sacraments, religious education, and ministry training for priests, deacons, religious sisters, and lay people. Right now, over 40 percent of dioceses are considered home missions.

Thank you for your contribution to help strengthen the Church at Home!

Tammy Leupp Sept 1st

Pam Uran Sept 2nd

Quin Nichols Sept 3rd

Bonnie Nichols Sept 4th

Bryan Gray Sept 6th

Jeff Sauber Sept 7th

Jack Hynek Sept 8th

Denise Hanson Sept 9th

Arlene Aune Sept 12th

Camille McGinnity Sept 12th

Lesley Garcia Sept 13th

Maria Arteaga Sept 16th

Wyatt Nichols Sept 17th

Evan Holland Sept 18th

Elonda Davidson Sept 19th

Larson Fjeldahl Sept 19th

Charlie Obert Sept 22nd

Sarah Jessen Sept 23rd

Sally Holland Sept 26th

Curtis Vachal Sept 26th

Joseph Wolter Sept 28th

3rdAnnualCommunity 5K Fun Run/Walk

When: Saturday, September 16th at 11:00AM.

Where: Start & Finish @Queen of the Most Holy Rosary

Cost: $10.00 /person or $25.00/family

Race day registration begins @10:00am. Prizes will be awarded! Lunch will be available after the race for $5:00.

Registration forms available at the Church or the local banks.

Phil & Ann Gustafson Sept 5th

James & Doris Walter Sept 7th

Jessica & Dylan Schneider Sept 12th

Robert & Joan Fladeland Sept 13th

Jerry& Debbie Nichols Sept 15th

Nick & Holly Gustafson Sept 17th

Larry & Karen Fritel Sept 21st

Joe & Amanda Hynek Sept 25th