Period: Spring and fall
- Academic proficiency 8.5/B or equivalent.
- Professor’s recommendation letter from home institution.
- Letter support from the Spanish Department that indicates the student has the level of writing, reading and comprehension in Spanish to participate in the exchange program UMAD.
- Turn in the application to participate in the international exchange Program by the following dates:
April 7th for fall semester 2017
October 6th for spring semester 2018
- Fill, sign and turn in the letter of commitment with the application by the above dates.
General considerations
Compromise to respect and follow Universidad Madero’s regulations. / Deliver a report about experiences at Universidad Madero to the Business Liaison and International Affairs Coordination, two weeks before semester finishes.
- Letter of presentation explaining personal, academic and cultural reasons of why the student wants to participate in UMAD’s Exchange Program and the expectations the student has about the program.
- Transcript, including courses, grades and credit hours until spring to apply for fall semester and fall grades to apply for spring semester.
- Financial disclosure form.
- Copy of the medical insurance policy with international coverage.
- Copy of passport.
- Two photos (1 x 1.5 inches).
- Choose a minimum of three subjects and maximum of five, per semester, according to the Academic Programs of Universidad Madero (it is an obligation to take a course related to the Mexican history, economics and culture-this policy will apply, only when the subject is offered).
- Arrival date to UMAD is generally 1 or 2 days prior to the start of classes, as students will participate in an International Student Orientation. (Dates will be provided by the UMAD’s Business Liaison and International Affairs Coordination)
- If you need more information about the academic programs, please visit:
and select Educational offer.
- For more information about Puebla, please visit the following websites:
Please print all information
Date of request[Escriba aquí]
Semester and Year of Enrollment: spring () summer () fall ()
Home University Major in
Student´s Name
(Last) (First)(Middle Initial)
Date of birth: Nationality:
Gender: male () female () Email:
Home address
Street and number:
City: State:
Country Zip Code
Telephone number Email
(Country/Area Code + Number)
Parent’s information
Name Last name
Place of Employment Address
City _ State_
Country Zip code
Cell phone Email
Telephone number
(Country/Area Code)(Number)
Name Last name
Place of Employment Address
City State
Country Zip code
Cell phone Email
Telephone number
(Country/Area Code)(Number)
In case of an emergency, please notify
(Name and relationship to you)
Emergency Contact’s Telephone Number
(Country/Area code + Number)
Health Record
Blood type: RH + () – () Weight Height
Health status: excellent () good() regular() bad ()
International insurance: Policy number:
*It is an obligation to acquire an international medical insurance
Please answer the following question:
Do you have any physical, emotional or medical condition that has required or still requires professional care that might limit you activity anyway?
Yes () No ()
Please indicate the condition and the implications for your studies and daily living.
Important Policies
a)Student can choose at least three courses and no more than five, per semester.
b)Student can drop a course or change it, during the first two weeks of the semester. (Student must inform of the changes to the international Liaison Officer, Academic Coordinator and the professor)
c)If a student drops a course after the first two weeks of the semester, he/she must pay the total amount; in this case, if the Academic Coordinator approves it, the student can choose another course. (Student must inform about the changes to the International Liaison Officer, Academic Coordinator and the professor)
d)In the case that a course is not offered, the student will be able to choose another subject, during the first two weeks.
I am a student of good academic standing, and have been selectedto participate in the exchange with Universidad Madero. I agree to adhere to the UMAD student code of conduct and honor code as described in the College Handbook. I understand that should I not adhere to any College policy or fail to uphold the community code of conduct, I may be dismissed from the program at my own expense and no refund shall be given by Universidad Madero.
Affairs Department
Applicants name and signature Name and signature
Mr. Lázaro Venegas Vázquez.
Business Liaison and International Affairs Coordinator
I express my interest and disposition to participate in the International Exchange Program, during the period August-December Summer or January-May
It is my interest to know the culture and study at Universidad Madero representing my educational institution .
I want to express, that I know and accept all the conditions and policies that form part of the Exchange Program, such as assistance to class, Universidad Madero’s policies, exams, medical international insurance, personal expenses, accommodation and transportation, at same time, I will compromise to write a report about my experiences during the exchange two weeks before the semester at Universidad Madero finishes.
Applicant name and signature International Affairs Coordinator
Dear Exchange Applicant:
It is your responsibility to demonstrate that sufficient funding is available to meet the costs of room and board, health insurance, books, the student activity fee, excursions, and personal expenses for the duration of your studies.
Please note:
Health insurance is required.
Student’s Name
(Last)(First)(Middle Initial)
(Street or P.O. Box)
(City)(State or Province) (Zip Code)(Country)
Date of birth / / Telephone Number
(Month/Day/Year)(Country/Area Code + Number)
Country of Birth Country of Citizenship
This section must be completed by the party responsible for the funding to cover the costs of your attendance at UMAD
Name(s) of Sponsor/Parent(s)
Telephone Number
(Country/Area Code + Number)
(Street or P.O. Box)
(City)(State or Province) (Zip Code)(Country)
Funds Available to Applicant: $ Name of Bank
(US Dollars)
Promissory Signature of Sponsor Date (Month/Day/Year)
Student´s Signature Date (Month/Day/Year)