Level One Award in Outdoor Learning (QCF 3 credits)

Two units covering:

  1. Outdoor Learning Practical Skills

Unit code: GB71CY014 (2 credits)

  1. Health and Safety for Working Outdoors

Unit code: PL11CY012 (1 credit)

Cambium Course code:

Name ______

Date Started ______

Course completion date ______

Date booklet sent to tutor ______

I declare that all work included in this booklet is my own

Signed: ______Date: ______

  • OPS – Outdoor Practical Skills
  • HSWO – Health and Safety when Working Outdoors

Unit Name: Outdoor Practical Skills




Learning Outcomes
(The learner will ) / Assessment Criteria
(The learner can) / Assessment Method/task / Assessed by:
Peer Tutor / Page no:
Know the hazards in an outdoor setting / 1.1Identify different types of hazards in an outdoor setting / Group activity: identifying hazards within woodland
1.2 Outline the different steps of a risk assessment / Tutor-led activity outlining 5 steps to risk assessment
1.3 Use protective clothing for working in an outdoor setting. / Select appropriate PPE for working outdoors (using tools, lighting fire)
Know how the use of the outdoors can impact on the environment / 2.1 Give a simple definition of biodiversity / Complete in workbook
2.2 Identify local species of plants and animals / Insert and annotate photo into workbook
2.3 Identify activities which could impact upon biodiversity / Insert and annotate photo into workbook
3 Be able to use hand tools in an outdoor setting. / 3.1 Identify different hand tools / Tutor discussion/
Photos from training
3.2 Use different hand tools in an outdoor setting / Tutor discussion
3.3 Clean and store tools safely / Tutor discussion
3.4 Leave the work area safe and tidy / Workbook: importance of maintaining tidy and safe workplace
4. Be able to construct items from outdoor materials. / 4.1 Use Knots / Photos taken during outdoor session
4.2 Make an item using outdoor materials / Photos taken during outdoor session
4.3 Participate with the building of a temporary shelter / Photos taken during outdoor session
5. Be able to create a campfire / 5.1 State the safety rules for using a campfire / Work book
5.2 Participate in the laying and extinguishing of a campfire / Photos taken during outdoor session

Unit Name: Health and Safety Working Outdoors




Learning Outcomes / Assessment Criteria / Assessment Method / Assessed by:
Peer Tutor / Page no:
1.Know the potential hazard when working outdoors and how they can be avoided. / 1.1 State what the terms ‘hazard’ and ‘risk’ mean. / Complete definitions provided in workbook
1.2. Outline a range of potential hazards relating to tools, materials and the environment when working outdoors / Insert risk assessment from training
1.3 State how the hazards outlined in 1.2 can be controlled / Insert risk assessment from training
1.4 State how to report a hazard when working outdoors / Verbal explanation to tutor
2. Under-stand health and safety (H & S) arrange-ments for working outdoors / 2.1 Outline why it is important to follow H & S procedures when working outdoors / Discussion with tutor
2.2 Identify safety signs/symbols that may be seen during outdoor work / Discussion with tutor
2.3 State how individuals are provided with H & S information working outdoors / Discussion with tutor
2.4 State what to do in the case of an accident when working outdoors / Discussion with tutor
2.5 Identify procedures for speaking to someone when there are concerns about how safe the work is. / Complete list in workbook after peer/tutor group discussion
Be able to comply with all rules and regulations of the work area when working outdoors / 3.1 Identify the location of:
  • First aid box
  • First aid assistance
  • Emergency telephone
  • Accident log
  • Safety equipment
  • Safety clothing
/ Complete table provided in workbook
3.2 Identify safety clothing and equipment required for a range of outdoor tasks / Discussion during training/ annotated photo
3.3 Demonstrate visual checking of equipment and safety clothing before starting work and when leaving the site / Discussion during training/annotated photo
3.4 Apply H & S measures, including the use of safety equipment and clothing. / Discussion/annotated photos during training

Activity 1

Risk Assessing Outdoor Learning

This activity will cover:

Outdoor Practical Skills

1.1 Identify different types of hazard in an outdoor setting

1.2 Outline the different steps of a risk assessment

Health and Safety Working Outdoors

1.1 State what the terms hazard and risk mean

1.2 Outline a range of potential hazards relating to tools, materials and the environment when working outdoors

1.3 State how the hazards in 1.2 can be controlled

1.4 State how to report a hazard when working outdoors

(Please insert your completed risk assessment form)

State what the terms ‘Hazard’ and ‘Risk’ mean

______is something that could cause harm.

______is the likelihood of the ______causing harm.

The five steps to Risk Assessment have been jumbled up in the table below.

Rewrite the steps in the correct order in the table beneath.

Evaluate the risks and decide on precaution
Review your assessment and update if necessary
Identify the hazards
Record your findings and implement them
Decide who might be harmed and how
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5

Activity 2 - Biodiversity

This activity will cover:

Outdoor Practical Skills

2.1 Give a simple definition of biodiversity

2.2. Identify local species of plants

Fill in the blank spaces with the words provided in the box below.

Biological diversity – or ______– is the term given to the variety of _____ on ______. It is the variety within and between all ______of ______, ______and ______and the ______within which they live and ______.

Identify local plants

Give descriptions for some photos of plants you found in the woodland.

Activity 3

Knots and shelters

This activity covers;

Outdoor Practical Skills

4.1 Use knots

4.3 Participate in building of a temporary shelter

Health and safety for working outdoors

1.2 Outline a range of potential hazards relating to tools, materials and the environment when working outdoors

3.3 Demonstrate visual checking of equipment for a range of outdoor tasks

Insert photo of your shelter built on training day, describe the technique and materials you chose.

Activity 4 – Tool use – making an item from natural materials

This activity will cover:

Outdoor Practical Skills

1.3 Use protective clothing for work in an outdoor setting

2.3 Identify activities which could impact on biodiversity

3.1 Identify hand tools

3.2 Use different hand tools in an outdoor setting

3.3 Clean and store tools safely

4.2 Make an item using outdoor materials

Health and Safety for Working Outdoors

3.2 Identify safety clothing and equipment required for a range of tasks

3.3 Demonstrate visual checking of equipment required for a range of tasks

3.4 Apply health and safety measures including the use of safety equipment and clothing when working outdoors.

Insert photo of item made from natural materials.

Activity 5 – Health and Safety

This activity covers:

Health and Safety for Working Outdoors

(This will be signed off by your tutor on the training day)

2.1 Outline why it is important to follow H&S procedures when working outdoors

2.3 State how individuals are provided with H&S information when working outdoors

3.1 Identify location of; first aid box, first aid assistance, emergency telephone, accident log, safety equipment and safety clothing.

Identify the location of:

First Aid Box
First Aid Assistance
Emergency Telephone
Accident Log
Safety Equipment
Safety Clothing

Activity 6 – Tool use – making picture frames

Using loppers, knots and square lashing, make a picture frame

Outdoor Practical Skills

1.3 Use protective clothing for work in an outdoor setting

2.3 Identify activities that could impact on biodiversity

3.1 Identify hand tools

3.2 Use different hand tools in an outdoor setting

3.3 Clean and store tools safely

4.2 Make an item using outdoor materials

Health and Safety for Working Outdoors

3.2 Identify safety clothing and equipment required for a range of tasks

3.3 Demonstrate visual checking of equipment required for a range of tasks

3.4 Apply health and safety measures including the use of safety equipment and clothing when working outdoors.

2.5 Identify procedures for speaking to someone when there have been some concerns about how safe the work is.

Insert photo of frame made on your course

The procedures to follow are mixed up below.

List procedures in the right order in the table below.

Listen to advice from line manager / person responsible
Talk about the concern to your line manager / person responsible
Make a record of the concern and actions taken to address it
Identify the concern
Act on advice from line manager / person responsible



Activity 7 – Campfire

This activity covers:

Outdoor Practical Skills

2.3 Identify activities that could impact on biodiversity

5.1 State the safety rules for using a campfire

5.2 Participate in laying and extinguishing of a campfire

Health and safety for working outdoors

1.2 Outline a range of potential hazards relating to tools, materials and the environment when working outdoors

3.2 Identify safety clothing and equipment required for a range of tasks

3.3 Demonstrate visual checking of equipment required for a range of tasks

3.4 Apply health and safety measures including the use of safety equipment and clothing when working outdoors

Describe three safety rules for using the campfire.

1) Set up the _____ safely with a at least ____ away from seating

2) Makesure there is adequate PPE, such as ______and ______for extinguishing

3) Ensure your ______and______is clear of the _____pit

Fill in the statements using the words from the box below:

Fire gloves dry wood
1.5m tinder fire
Fire-pit water

What could happen to the woodland (the environmental impact) as a result of having a campfire?

Circle whether true/false

The environmental impact of having a campfire in the woodland could be:

Attract nesting birds to the campfire circle [True/False]

Reduce the amount of invertebrates in the fire pit area [True/False]

Change the chemical pH of the fire pit area [True/False]