·  Welcome to the first newsletter. They will always follow this format and if you have any questions please give me a call.
·  In Shared reading we read NO, David! We used our class DoJo to help us learn how to earn and take away points. We also read The Kissing Hand. I hope you enjoy their poem and hand art that came home.
·  We have worked on classroom rules and procedures as well as the building’s. I have very high expectations and the kids are doing fabulously.
·  In Second Step we are working the four things we need to do to be good listeners and practicing staying focused. / ·  Second step and the give me four.
1.  Eyes watching
2.  Ears listening
3.  Quiet voice
4.  Body still
·  What we did in gym.
·  What we did in music.
·  Mr. Zeman as our special guest in our classroom!
·  What the “shark bait” call is
·  Who I sit with at my table. / ·  The “I’m an Awesome Kindergartener” homework is due Wednesday August 31st
·  Thursday, September 1st is Curriculum Night from 7-8. I will be going over classroom procedures and kindergarten curriculum.
·  Please let me know if you have not signed up for the Remind 101 texting feature that I sent home on supply drop off day. This will help you stay on track with everything happening in the classroom.
·  If you would like to donate some play-doh to our classroom, we will start using it for one of our centers!
·  If you have not sent in an extra baggie of extra clothes, family 4x6 photo, and or sneakers please send ASAP!
·  There is no school on Friday September 2nd for an institute day and Monday September 5th for Labor Day
·  We will be celebrating the color RED next week. Please have your child wear RED on Wednesday next August 31st.

This Week: Ask Me About: Announcements: