Pukekohe High School Art Department

DESIGN 2.1- 90474 Version 2

Design Brief

This year’s theme requires you to explore the theme of “the Journey”. This journey can take a number of forms and will be expanded through discussion in class and your own research. Key concepts of the “Journey” that could be explored are; immigration/movement/travel, transportation industry – light rail/buses/planes or coming of age – boys to men/maturity/teen issues/stereotypes.

This Achievement Standard will introduce you to concepts of design, gain you six credits and allow for outcomes which will be used on your final folio submission.

The activity which has been chosen is the research and development of a Logo. The logo should reflect the style of the theme chosen. It must be able to be reproduced in black and white, flat colour, and blended colour. You need to consider stylistic features about the logo including: choice of font, geometric or visual imagery included, clarity when printed small, versatility when printed in different contexts.

To complete this task you will work through a number of different stages:

1-Research – Looking at examples of existing logos and gathering information and visual material that will be used to develop your own logo.

2-Concepts – Generating a range of different solutions. At this stage its is important to create as many DIFFERENT ideas as possible. Grades are awarded for the RANGE of ideas (number of totally different solutions) rather than the quality of ideas (they don’t have to all be successful)

3-Development – Taking the most promising ideas and trying out every version of them you can think of. This is when QUALITY becomes important as you have to think about the designs (critical analyse) and determine which changes make them work best. Issues that need consideration include: negative space (the white spaces between the shapes you have made), elegance, functionality, appropriate style etc.

4-Resolution – The final design printed large. You will probably need to remake of fix up the design as it gets “pixelated” when enlarged. Each line and curve needs to be perfect.


ElevenWeeks of class and homework time


Class logo exemplar sheets

Class templates


Achievement Standard 90474 Version 2

Research and document methods and ideas in the context of a drawing study in Design

Level / 2 / Credits / 6 / Assessment / Internal

This achievement standard requires researching and documenting methods and ideas relating to art and artworks, and applying them in the context of a drawing study in design. It also involves the use of drawing materials, tools, techniques and processes appropriate to purpose in that context.

Assessment Criteria

Evidence / Achievement / Achievement with Merit / Achievement with Excellence
Task 1
Drawing copies
Task 2
Logo Analysis
Task 3
Computer Skills
Task 4
Digital Copies
Task 5
Task 6
Drawing concepts
Task 7
Digital Concepts
Task 8
Digital development
Task 9
Resolution / Research and document methods and ideas relating to art and artworks and apply them in the context of a drawing study.
Explore and record existing designs. Show your understanding of these ideas by applying aspects of them to your own drawings
Use drawing and design materials, tools, techniques and processes appropriate to purpose in that context.
Drawing materials demonstrate understanding of design process – e.g. rough drawing for quick brainstorming, more finished drawing for final concepts. / Research and document relevant methods and ideas relating to art and artworks and apply them in the context of a drawing study.
Identify the most contemporary / useful aspects of artist models and adapt these to your own designs.
Select, and use with control, drawing and design materials, tools, techniques and processes appropriate to purpose in that context.
Show skill with both manual (pencil, pen, paint) and digital (Photoshop) materials. / Research, document and analyserelevant methods and ideas relating to art and artworks and apply them in the context of a drawing study.
Show depth of understanding by adapting a wide range of ideas. Written notes about the features you have identified helps.
Purposefully investigate and use drawing and design materials, tools, techniques and processes to show understanding of conventions in that context.
Show a high degree of drawing skills that is adjusted to match different stages. Demonstrate confidence with Photoshop tools.

Teacher Notes:

Task 0
Week 1 / Design Research
A brief introduction to key design movements and notes will be given to students for discussion in terms of the theme chosen.
e.g. a new light rail company may be created using the clean lines of Bauhaus/Art Deco – mixed with more contemporary practices such as images of light moving/stencils etc.
Task / Example / Description
Task 1
1 Workbook Page
4 Periods / Drawing Copies - Research
Make accurate copies of at least TWENTY different logos. Look at the balance between visual and typographic elements. Use of words, initials, simplicity, geometry, positive and negative shapes etc. Make analytical comments on logo designs that you think are innovative and creative.
Task 2
2 Pages
4 Periods / Logo Analysis - Research
Select EIGHT logos and paste four each onto the analysis template page. Write three or four sentences for both the Typographic and Graphic features of your selected logos.
Task 3
1 Workbook Page
4 Periods / Computer Skills
Complete Photoshop tasks to learn the basic tools required to construct most logos
Task 4
2 Workbook Pages
8 Periods / Digital Copies – Research
Make accurate copies of a least:
FOUR black and white logos
FOUR colour logos
Most logos should contain text and geometric elements.
Task 5
4 Periods / Resource Gathering – Research
1. 1st period – Write a list of potential brand names for your subject. Make a list of possible imagery that could reflect or be associated with one or more of the names.
2. Cut from magazines, photocopy from books, digital photos, and draw pictures – to make a page of visual images for your logo.
This information will be the basis for your brief and photomontage.
Task 6
Week 8
1 Workbook Page
4 Periods / / Drawing Concepts - Artist Adaptations
ADAPT the designs recorded in task one to produce at least TEN different versions of your chosen name. At this stage you should limit yourself to black and white and only ONE additional colour. These should be completely different from each other.
Task 7
Week 9/10
4 Periods / Digital Concepts – Artist Adaptations
File size = RGB 40x20cm @ 140 dpi
Recreate FOUR designs generated in task 6 on the computer, and extend FOUR times. At this stage you should limit yourself to black and white and only ONE additional colour. These should be extensions of each other trying different proportions, colours, text styles, arrangements, and levels of detail/complexity.
Task 8
Week 11
4 Periods / Digital Development
Select best design from task 7 and refineby makingSIX to EIGHT new versions of the selected design. These should be very similar and just refining the idea.
Task 9
Week 1/2
Tm 2
4 Periods / Digital Resolution – Final Logo
Select and resolve the best concept from task 6. Enlarge this to fill an A5. Note that parts or all of the design may need to be rebuilt as it may get “pixelated” when enlarged. You are to produce one version of your logo in BLACK and one version in COLOUR.
Finish all work for assessment.

Design Logo Analysis

Pukekohe High School – AS90474 (2.1) - Level 2

Typography Terms (Lettering) / Graphic Image Terms (Pictures)
Font / Letter type such as Arial, Comic Sans, etc / Greyscale / Black and white only
Font Type / Regular, Bold, Italic, Condensed, Expanded, Black / Monochrome / Black plus ONE other colour
Point Size / 12pt default for MS Word, 8-10pt body text for articles / Polychrome / All colours used
Serif / Little strokes at the end of main stroke of a letter – e.g.Times New Roman,Palatino, Georgia / Positive / Negative Space / The balance between black and white areas of the design. (or between the occupied and empty areas of the page)
Sans serif / Letters without strokes on the end of the main stroke– e.g.Arial, Century Gothic, Verdana / Geometric (or mechanical) / Designs that are constructed from (or have been reduced to) straight lines and regular curves
Calligraphic (or Script) / Letters that look hand made – e.g.Brush Script,Freestyle Script, Viner / Freehand / Irregular designs drawn by hand
Warp / Words curved to form an arc or distorted in some other way / Symmetrical / A design where one side is an exact reflection of the other as apposed to asymmetrical where the sides are different to each other
Invert / When black becomes white and white becomes black – e.g. white letters on a black background / Flat Colour / Single tone used without blending, shading or texture
Stroke / Outline around a letter (or picture) with a different colour / Stylised / Objects have been simplified with unnecessary details and textures removed
Emboss / Effect used to make letter (or picture) look 3 dimensional / Saturation / Intensity of colour – High saturation has very intense colour while de-saturated is black and white
Posterise / Reducing the number of tones to create a series of flat coloured areas rather than shaded image

Year 12 Design – Level 2 – Pukekohe High School

Name - / Date -


Achievement Standard AS90474

Name / Acronym (provide at least 12 possibilities) Highlight the one you will use
Style of design – Examples of contemporary practice
Imagery – List possible imagery which supports the theme

Formative Assessment

Design AS90474 (2.1)

Pukekohe High School Art Department

Student Name - Date -
Task / Comment / Current Grade / Potential Grade
Task 1
Drawing copies
Task 2
Logo Analysis
Task 3
Computer Skills
Task 4
Digital Copies
Task 5
Task 6
Drawing concepts
Task 7
Digital Concepts
Task 8
Digital development
Task 9
Current – Grade awarded in its present state
Potential – Grade if all recommendations are completed