New America School-New Mexico

Governing Council

Wednesday October 7, 2015

4:30 PM

1734 Isleta Blvd

Albuquerque, NM 87105

Board Members Present: Paul Rael (President), Juan Vigil (Treasurer), Fred Silva (Secretary), Gladys Recinos (President-Elect)

Regrets: Rick Bela

Staff: Dominic DiFelice-Superintendent, Craig Cook- CBO, LaTricia Mathis-Principal, Mike Vigil II-Business Manager, Susan Fox (GC Legal Counsel), Lorella Lovato (Assistant Business Manager), Paul Perez (Programs and Compliance Director)

Minutes of the GC

  1. Prior to the official start of the meeting, students of the month were recognized.

Students of the month were introduced by staff and addressed questions asked by the GC. Recipients this month

o  Esmeralda Guzman

o  Kimberly Gonzalez

o  Cindi Cordova

o  Noel Enrique

o  Sergio Alvarez

o  Gabriella Garcia

o  Angel Robles

o  Miguel Burgos

o  Mariah Romero

o  Ivan Montano-Laborin

o  Mabelin Diaz

o  Jennifer Abrea

  1. The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM
  2. The mission statement was read by Fred Silva
  3. Moved by Fred Silva and seconded by Juan Vigil that the agenda be approved. Votes: Unanimous.
  4. Moved by Gladys Recinos and seconded by Fred Silva that the minutes of September 9, 2015 be approved as amended (the sentence “This motion is passed” in #6 be deleted). Votes: Nay-Juan Vigil, Yay- Fred Silva, Yay-Gladys Recinos, Yay-Paul Rael. Motion passed.
  5. Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Paul Rael that the minutes of September 23, 2015 be approved. Votes: Unanimous. Abstain-Gladys Recinos.
  6. Susan Fox reviewed the policy on disposition of school property. A number of small changes were suggested. Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Gladys Recinos that the policy on disposition of school property be approved as amended. Votes: Unanimous.
  7. Mike Vigil II, Business Manager, presented the financial reports through 9/30/15. He noted that the finance committee met immediately prior to the GC meeting to go over all of the reports in detail. Nothing other than normal monthly distributions for SEG and SB-9 were received as revenues. It was mentioned that a couple of wires were received from the PED for reimbursement requests from the prior fiscal year. The expenditures were reviewed in full by the finance committee and all line items that were over budget were looked at specifically. Mike noted that the teacher salary line was over budget due to a month in which encumbrance for an employee that had resigned and a new hire were reflected. He also noted that this line could continue to be in fluctuation for a couple of months due to some more possible resignations and subsequent new hires. The campus monitor line was also over budget and would be reduced once encumbrance for a resignation in September was released. The Bank Account Register Activity Report showed more withdrawals than deposits which resulted in about $100k less reconciled cash in the bank. However, Mike stated that cash balances would begin to rise again in October with the receipt of the 1st Quarter PSCOC Lease Reimbursement and other reimbursements from federal funds. BAR #0004IB was presented in the amount of $2,339 for Dual Credit Instructional Materials for the purpose of purchasing books for students attending courses at CNM. Moved by Juan Vigil and seconded by Fred Silva that BAR 0004IB be approved. Votes: Unanimous.
  8. The principal reviewed the student performance matrix highlighting the charter contract targets and other measures including attendance, re-enrollment and discipline.
  9. Principal Report

o  Enrollment at 427

o  A schedule of upcoming tests was reviewed

o  Highlights of some student achievement including intramural activities, and student cancer walk

o  Staff turnaround and the difficulty of finding replacement staff

  1. Craig reviewed the letter sent to APS and responses by APS and PSFA regarding HB33. In updating the FMP, the school is well positioned to receive its portion of HB 33 rollout monies. Craig also spoke about the need for extra space and the possibility of acquiring land adjacent to the school for a build-out to house additional classrooms. Craig will work with Susan Fox as plans are developed.
  2. Regarding joining the Coalition, Juan Vigil expressed concern that a full disclosure of the cost was not presented at the time theSuperintendent presented the item for action; addition fiscal and administrative costs are being absorbed in addition to the $5,000 membership fee.
  3. Public Input: None
  4. Next meeting November 11, 2015.
  5. Meeting adjourned at 6:20 pm.


Secretary, GC