August 13, 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians of Students at MaryB.MartinSchool:

Greetings to all! It’s hard to believe, but the summer is just about over and your children will be returning to school next week. We hope that you had an enjoyable and relaxing summer and that you’re ready for your child to begin an exciting new school year. We are certain you and your family will find MaryB.MartinSchool to be a wonderful place to learn and grow.

This school year our goals are as follows:

  • Increasing academic achievement
  • Making our attendance goal of 95%
  • Implementing a positive discipline plan
  • Using district and Common Core standards in our teaching and learning

Included below is some of the important information that you will need to know in order to prepare your students for the upcoming school year.

Pre-K & Kindergarten Information

All students that are going into Pre-K or Kindergarten this year will be assessed prior to attending school. These assessments are in place to ensure that your student receives individualized and tailored instruction to meet their needs. Teachers of students in Pre-K or Kindergarten will be contacting you on Monday, to let you know when to bring in your student to be assessed and the details regarding the assessment. Assessment dates are indicated below:

Grade / Date of Assessment
Pre-K / August
K / August

In addition to being assessed, the student in Pre-K and K will have phase-in days to get them ready to enter into the classroom. At the assessment date, teachers will give out more information regarding phase-in and start dates. After completing phase-in, the students are ready to start the school year. Information regarding phase-in and start dates is indicated below:

Grade / Dates of Phase-In / Start Date
Pre-K / August / August
K / August / August

Please note: There is a MANDATORY orientation meeting for the parents of Pre-K students only on August at 8:30am in the cafeteria. If you have a student entering Pre-K, you MUST attend this meeting.

First Day Of School & “Second Cup of Coffee” Social

The first day of school for students in grades 1-8 is Wednesday, August 13th. After dropping off your students, ALL parents/guardians are welcome to attend our “Second Cup of Coffee” Social in the cafeteria at 8:30am. We will be giving out information regarding policies and events for this school year. Ms. Norton will be available to answer any questions you may have about the school year. Light refreshments will be served. We hope to see you there!

Open House

The MaryB. Martin School will have Open House this year on September from 6-8pm. ALL parents/guardians are encouraged to attend Open House to visit with teachers, tour classrooms, and get more information about upcoming events for the school. Please plan on attending this wonderful event!

Emergency Form/Release of Information Form

On the first day of school, your child will bring home various types of information. Amongst this information will be an Emergency Form, a Release of Information Form, and a Media/IVR Consent Form. Please feel free to complete the forms included in this mailing and have your student turn them in on the first day of school. Please complete these forms, and return them to the school via your child IMMEDIATELY!

Please note: As you change your address, telephone number, or any other pertinent information you need to update these forms. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have questions regarding this matter.

Please note: When you, or someone you have designated, comes to the school to sign out a student, they may be asked to show photo identification. Only someone over the age of 18, with the proper identification, may sign your student out of school!

Meet our Staff

Pre K Regular Ed / Ms. Reid / 136
Pre K
Half Day / Ms. Rzucidlo/Ms. Cobb / 137
Pre K
Half Day / Ms. Anderson/Ms. Chisholm / 139
Full Day / Ms. Walenga/Ms. Williams / 138
K / Ms. Reynolds / 112
K / Ms. Thomas / 107
K-2 / Ms. Stone / 229
K-2 / Mr. Burton/Ms. Johnson
1 / Ms. Simchon / 105
1 / Ms. Robison / 106
1-3 / Ms. Hand/Ms. Naylor / 202
2 / Ms. K. Anderson / 104
2 / Ms. Harris / 103
3-4 / Ms. Dubose-Butler / 235
3 / Ms. Wojtowicz / 211
3 / Ms. Wallace / 219
3-5 / Ms. Swede/Ms. Hardnick / 243
4 / Ms. Washington / 212
4 / 219
4-6 / Ms. Dukes / 203
5 / Ms. Coffey / 223
6-7 / Ms. Townsend / 227
6-8 / Ms. Sturdivant/Ms. Lewis/Ms. Mathis / 201
5/6 ELA/SS / Ms. Dunstan
5/6 Math/Science / Mr. Davis
7/8 ELA/Science / Ms. Hilt
7/8 Math/SS / Mr. Brahler
7-8 / Ms. Green / 226
ART / Ms. Samson / 214
MUSIC / Ms. Elardo / 123

 Please note: Look for your student’s homeroom number in the corner of the mailing label of this mailing.

School Hours


Breakfast is served each morning from 7:30-7:40 a.m. for students in Grades Pre K-4. Students in grades 5-8 eat breakfast from 7:45-7:55am. Students eating breakfast each morning are to enter through East 82nd and Brookline Avenue door.

Breakfast will end each morning promptly at 7:55am.

Students not eating breakfast are to enter through the East 82nd and Brookline Avenue door at 8:00 a.m. Due to limited space, if you know your student will not be eating breakfast please do not have them arrive at school before 8:00 a.m. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Please note: It is important that you do not have your children arrive at school before their scheduled breakfast time. There is no one to watch the students prior to these times. Please help us keep your student safe by adhering to this policy.

Hours of Instruction

Our hours of instruction at MaryB.MartinSchool are 8:00am-2:30pm. Please keep this in mind when scheduling appointments for your children.

Please note: all Pre-K and Kindergarten students will have to be signed out each day.


The doors of the school will not be opened from 2:00pm until the 2:30pm dismissal time. This is to ensure the entire school’s safety. At 2:30pm all children in grades 1-8 will exit the building out of the East 82nd Street and Brookline Avenue door. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten Students will wait with their teachers until someone signs them out each day.

Please review this information with your student so that they will know where to meet you when you are picking them up and/or where to meet their sibling. If your student is responsible for picking up a pre-kindergarten or kindergarten sibling, they must exit the building, and then walk to the appropriate door and sign out their sibling.

Daily Attendance


If your student will be tardy to school please call the school at (216)229-2058. Please give your name, your student’s name, their homeroom number, and the reason for the tardy. You should also be prepared to inform the school as to approximately what time your student will be reporting to school.


If your child will be absent, please call the school at (216)229-2058 and have your student bring a note when they return to school. Please provide your name, your student’s name, their homeroom number, and the reason for the absence. Please make sure you date the note.

Dress Code

MaryB.MartinSchool is a dress code campus. Please see below for details regarding the dress code:

Clothing / Boys / Girls
*No Hoods
*Tucked in! / Blue or White ONLY w/no logos or insignia
Dress, Polos, Oxford, or turtlenecks / Blue or White ONLY w/no logos or insignia
Dress, Polos, Oxford, or turtlenecks
*No jeans/sweatpants
*Dark blue, navy, black, khaki, or tan
*Solid colors ONLY
*Cotton, twill, or corduroy
*No sagging / Pants or knee-length shorts / Pants or capris
Knee-length shorts, skirts, jumpers, or skorts
*Black, navy, or white ONLY / Cardigans, pull-overs, or vests / Cardigans, pull-overs, or vests
*Black, navy, light or dark brown ONLY
*No insignia or logos / Required for all pants and shorts with belt loops / Required for all pants, capris, skirts, shorts, or skorts with belt loops
Headgear / No headgear, including but not limited to, scarves, hats, rags or wraps / No headgear, including but not limited to, scarves, hats, rags or wraps
Shoes/Socks / No open toe or heels that exceed 1 inch
Socks must be worn / No open toe or heels that exceed 1 inch
Socks must be worn

ALL students in grades K-8 are expected to adhere to the dress code. Students in Pre-K are not held to the uniform code but are encouraged to comply. The dress code is monitored and recorded daily. Parents/guardians will be notified in their student is not in dress code. Students are consistently not in dress code will receive consequences.

Please note: Solid color shorts, solid color white t-shirt, and tennis shoes are REQUIRED for physical education classes.

Volunteers Needed

WE NEED YOU! There are several opportunities to volunteer at the school. Volunteers are needed to tutor in classrooms, to assist with the breakfast, lunch, and dismissal, and for various school functions/programs. If you are interested in volunteering please come to the school any time and see Mrs. Norton or Mrs. Hilt.


At Mary B. Martin, each student’s safety comes first! Parents/guardians should enter the building and report immediately to the office EACH TIME you visit. You will be asked to sign the Visitor’s Log and then you will be given a Visitor’s pass. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Please note: If you report to a classroom without a visitor’s pass you will asked to return to the office and obtain a pass. You also may be asked to show photo identification when visiting Mary B. Martin School.

School Supplies

In order to help you prepare for the upcoming school year, the teachers will compile a list of supplies your student will need. Copies of the school supply list will come home the first day of school. Please make sure your student has all of the supplies requested by the teacher no later than Monday, August 26, 2013.

We hope this letter was informative and has answered all of your concerns and questions. If for some reason you need more information, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Norton at (216)229-2058. We look forward to another exciting and successful year with you and your student at Mary B. Martin School. Thank you for being a partner in your student’s education with us!


Shalom L. Norton, Principal