IEEE PES GM National Harbor, MD

Monday 28-July-2014

Gaylord Hotel, Potomac 4

Committeemeeting 2:00pm-4:00pm

Session Chair: J Chow, L Vanfretti

Notes: M Gardner, K Thomas

Dynamics Measurements Working Group (DMWG) of the

Power Systems Dynamics PerformanceCommittee (PSDPC)

2014 Meeting Minutes

  1. Introduction and presentation of the Committee. Schedule of the proposed agenda for the meeting was presented and accepted. Minutes from 2013 meeting were reviewed and accepted.
  1. Scope of the DMWG was read and discussed; no comments or concerns were raised.
  1. Liaison Reports:
  2. Ken Martin (EPG), liaison for the PSRC, gave the following PSRC updates:
  3. In 2011, a revision to the IEEE C37.118 Synchrophasor standard was finished. New standard is composed of two parts, C37.118.1 and C37.118.2.
  4. In May 2014, an amendment was made to C37.118.1 due to unachievable requirements. Amendment was published, titled C37.118.1a.
  5. In 2013, IEEE C37.244-2013 “IEEE Guide for Phasor Data Concentrator Requirements for Power System Protection, Control, and Monitoring” was published. Now this guide is moving towards becoming an IEEE standard.
  6. In 2013, IEEE C37.242-2013 “IEEE Guide for Synchronization, Calibration, Testing, and Installation of Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) for Power System Protection and Control” was published.
  7. Lots of discussion about ROCOF (Rate of Change of Frequency) was had. It was discussed that ROCOF will become more important in the future for some control schemes, and require more test/accuracy requirements. Ken agreed, but more industry research is needed on where to go with ROCOF and how to define these requirements.
  1. No liaison for PSIMC was in attendance, but Gert Rietveld (VSL) did mention there was a PSIM Committee meeting on the morning of Wednesday July 30, 2014.
  1. Jeff Dagle (PNNL), liaison for NASPI, was not in attendance, therefore Matt Gardner (Dominion) gave the following NASPI updates:
  2. Approximately half of the DWMG meeting attendees had been to previous NASPI meetings
  3. Recent reorganization of NASPI, primary partner/sponsor is now EPRI, the NASPI working groups were reformatted, and now hosting 2 meetings a year instead of 3
  4. The next NASPI meeting is October 22-23, 2014 in Houston, Texas, and is in coordination with the CIGRE Grid of the Future meeting behind help right before NASPI on October 20-21, 2014 in Houston, Texas. There is a tutorial on synchrophasors on October 19th at the CIGRE conference, hosted by a number of synchrophasor industry experts. The NASPI meeting will also host a Voltage Stability and Oscillation Detection Workshop on the morning of October 22.
  5. It was mentioned that NASPI is not just focused on North America, that there is global participation and focus at the NASPI meetings
  6. Visit for more information and synchrophasor resources.
  1. Mahendra Patel (EPRI), liaison for CIGRE, was not in attendance, therefore Vladimir Terzija (University of Manchester)and Luigi Vanfretti (KTH) gave the following CIGRE updates:
  2. WG B514 (Wide Area Protection & Technologies), which has about 40 members, relates to synchrophasor technology, and the WG is processing a document for a CIGRE Brochure, will be drafted at the 2014 CIGRE Paris meeting.
  3. New WG C4.34 (Applications of PMUs for Monitoring Dynamics) will have its third meeting Sunday July 27th. One WG paper being discussed/drafted, “Performance of Linear State Estimation with PMUs”.
  1. The technical business of the meeting were discussed:
  2. Tutorials:
  3. The July 30, 2014 tutorial titled “Implementation of Synchrophasor Systems” was shared with the audience.
  4. It was brought up again the topic of future tutorials and the importance to provide the correct tutorials that bring interest to the new IEEE audiences.
  5. It was also noted that all proposed tutorials must be prepared and announced at least one year in advance, therefore a new tutorial for the 2015 IEEE PES GM must be prepared by September 2014.
  6. All new proposed tutorials should be submitted to the DMWG Leadership team.
  1. Panel Sessions:
  2. The IEEE PES GM has about 6 panel sessions PSDP. It was discussed that DMWG could do one of these panel sessions or could have a one hour business meeting followed by one hour of technical updates and presentations.
  3. The default for DMWG will be the two hour meeting, one hour for business and one hour for technical discussions.
  4. For next DMWG meeting, the one hour technical sessions will be organized further in advance.
  1. Sharing of information:
  2. L Vanfretti openly invited the audience to share further conferences, workshop or websites that are relevant for this committee.
  3. L Vanfretti shared the DMWG website and its features. The site is located at:
  4. L Vanfretti shared information about the next iTesla meeting which will be held on August 22, 204 in Paris, with a focus on risk based security assessment and model validation with PMUs. The website for this meeting is at this location:
  1. Leadership transition:
  2. J Chow has been Chair of the DMWG since 2006, and has led the WG through tremendous growth. In 2006, about 5-10 people attended WG meetings. Today, about 100-150 people attend the meetings and conference calls.
  3. All attendees thanked J Chow for his leadership.
  4. L Vanfretti mentioned that J Chow was receiving the 2014 IEEE PES Charles Concordia Power Systems Engineering Award for “the development of analysis techniques and innovative control and measurement systems to improve power system performance and reliability”.
  5. J Chow decided to step down as Chair, and recommended the following transitions:
  6. L Vanfretti for Chair
  7. M Gardner for Vice Chair
  8. K Thomas for Secretary
  1. Technical presentations – topic was “European Research Activities in Synchrophasors”:
  1. Mario Paolone presented on the “C-DAX Consortium – A Cyber-Secure Data and Control Cloud for Power Grids”, which has one targeted use-case of real-time PMU-based state estimation. C-DAX website:
  2. Vladimir Terzija (University of Manchester) presented on “European Research Activities in Synchrophasors (the UK Perspective), and discussed FlexNet WAMs and National Grid WAMs
  3. Gert Rietveld (VSL) presented on “PMU Research at VSL”, and discussed VSL’s PMU test/calibration setup, PMU-based fault locating, and PMU-based transmission line impedance calculation/estimation
  4. David Laverty (QUB) presented on “The openPMU Project”, and discussed the openPMU and directed the audience to learn more at
  5. Luigi Vanfretti (KTH) presented briefly on the KTH WAMS wide-area controller

All presentations will be hosted on the DMWG website, which is listed above in these minutes.

  1. L Vanfretti closed the meeting. Next meeting is scheduled at the 2015 IEEE PES GM in Denver, Colorado.

2014 Meeting Announcement & Agenda

Working Group on Power System Dynamics Measurements

Chair: Joe Chow
Vice Chair: Luigi Vanfretti
Secretary: Matthew Gardner

Meeting Call 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting, National Harbor, DC
July 28, 2014, 2-4 pm, – Potomac 4 (see program for final room location)

1. Opening: welcome and introductions

a. Self-Introductions, routing of signup sheet

b. Appointment of note-taker if secretary absent

c. Review and acceptance of agenda

d. Review minutes of last meeting, Vancouver 2013

Attendance: 63, according to signup sheet

Panel discussion: New Synchrophasor standards and Guides: Measurements, Data Transfer, Concentration and Implementation Requirements

Tutorial: see next page – attended by 42 paid attendees.

2. Review work of the Working Group and alternative goals and paths of the WG.

3. Liaison Reports

a. IEEE Power System Relay Committee (Ken Martin)

b. IEEE Power System Instrumentation and Measurements Committee (Harold Kirkham)

c. NASPI (Jeff Dagle)

d. CIGRE (Mahendra Patel/Luigi Vanfretti)

4. Technical business of the meeting

a. Future tutorial(s): There will also be a full-day Synchrophasor Tutorial on Wednesday July 30,
2014. See announcement attached on the last page.
b. Future panel session(s)
c. information sharing

5. Leadership transition

6. Technical presentations – “European research activities in synchrophasors”

7. Set time and place of next meeting, if need be.

IEEE Working Group on Power System Dynamics Measurements

Scope: Development of procedures, methods and techniques for detecting, recording, and analyzing power system dynamic performance, for use in system controls, for event reconstruction, for validation of correct operation of equipment, controls, and protection, and for developing and improving simulation models. The Working Group (WG) will consider transducers, computation equipment and algorithms, communications, and other portions of systems for these measurements. The WG will disseminate its results appropriately, including use of panel sessions, technical paper sessions, and preparation of WG papers. The WG will coordinate its activities with other IEEE and CIGRE bodies, including the Power System Relaying Committee and the Power Systems Instrumentation and Measurements Committee.

History of the scope: It was developed by Richard Schulz in January, 1997 iterated with and improved by Carson Taylor, proposed to the newly formed Working Group at the Winter 1997 meeting in Columbus, Ohio. It was approved by the Power System Dynamic Performance Committee at that meeting. Richard Schulz was the chair of the working group for the first 10 years.

2014 PES GM Tutorial

Implementation of Synchrophasor Systems

Date:Wednesday July 30, 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Price:Early Bird $295, Regular $395. Student Early Bird $100, Student Regular $150
Instructors:Vahid Madani (Organizer and Chair), Alexander Apostolov, Gerald FitzPatrick, Allen R. Goldstein, Roger Hedding, Mital Kanabar, Roger King, Harold Kirkham, Zhenyu Huang, Ken Martin, Sakis Meliopoulos, Thomas Morris, R. Jay Murphy, Damir Novosel, Manu Parashar, Ravi Subramaniam

The distinction of PMU technology comes from its unique ability to provide synchronized phasor measurements of voltage and current signal from widely dispersed locations in an electric power grid. From a system reliability standpoint, these real-time measurements allow early identification of potential problems both locally and regionally. From a broader perspective, synchrophasor technology offers means to solve a growing number of challenges and has lot of scope in future, thus attracting the industries and research communities throughout the world. Recent investments in the Synchrophasor technology have energized the industry to demonstrate the long range promises.

IEEE PES Power System Relaying Committee and the North American Synchrophasor Initiative (NASPI) Performance Standards Task Team (PSTT) have leveraged expertise to present a tutorial on Synchrophasor systems Implementation.

This tutorial is intended for power system practitioners considering investment in synchrophasor technology and supporting business case for large scale deployment. In addition to the benefits enabled by the technology, some of the topics covered include phasors, synchronization mechanisms, computation processing and accuracy, phasor data concentrators (PDCs), and interoperability.

Relevant industry standards and guides, phasor data communication and archival, approaches and architectures to build wide-area measurement systems, and applications using synchrophasor data such as situational awareness, advanced warning systems, adaptive protection, state estimation, and voltage stability monitoring will be presented. The tutorial will also include a review of the IEEE guides for installation and testing of PMUs and PDCs, and the need for conformance to the standards and calibration of the entire measurement chain.

2013 PES GM Toturial

Synchrophasor Fundamentals and Applications: Leveraging the Investment (tutorial)

Tuesday, 23 July, 2013 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Renaissance Salon A

Sponsored By: IEEE PES and Power & Energy Education Committee

Tutorial Summary:

Instructors: Dan Brancaccio, Joe Chow, Fred L. Elmendorf, R. Matthew Gardner, ScottGhiocel, Kevin Jones, Innocent Kamwa, David M. Laverty, Ken Martin, Mario Paolone,Scott Stapels, James S. Thorp, Kjetil Uhlen, Luigi Vanfretti, Austin D. White

The past five years have seen an immense public and private interest, investment, andcooperation in the synchrophasor technology space. Many electric transmissionowners and operators in North America were awarded grants to deploy a great numberof PMUs across their respective service areas, along with the related communicationsand IT infrastructure.

The availability of this new infrastructure can enable the development andimplementation of new applications that utilize time-synchronized dynamicmeasurements. However, unless properly managed, challenges involved in designing,deploying, and operating and, ultimately, extracting value from this new capital- anddata-intensive synchrophasor infrastructure can be daunting. While the researchindicates tremendous value in leveraging synchrophasor technology, a divide stillexists between the current state of the technology and the possibilities thatsynchrophasor technology enable.

The purpose of this tutorial is to address the fundamentals of synchrophasortechnology and synchrophasor-enabled applications at a practical level. The tutorialwill be delivered by hands-on practitioners of the technology along with those in theresearch community. Covering topics across the spectrum of the technology space,the tutorial opens with a session on synchrophasor computation fundamentals,continues in sessions focusing on PMU installation and testing, designing IT andcommunications for synchrophasors, deploying synchrophasor applications from thelab to the field, managing the data, state estimation, and culminates in a session onsynchrophasor-based wide-area control implemented in a utility.