This project is aimed at developing e-learning. E-learning is electronic learninga full distance learning course. Developing a E-learning system to promote a greater count of users to splurge into the field of E-learning course. It integrates the benefits of a physical e-learning with the convenience of a ‘no-physical-bar’ E-learning environment, minus the commuting hazards and expenses. It will usher in the immense flexibility and sophistication in the existing learning platform structures, with the perfect blend of synchronous and asynchronous interaction. It provides a means of collaborative learning for the users.
Existing System:
The existing system is a semi-automated at where the information is stored in the form of excel sheets in disk drives. The information sharing to the Volunteers, Group members, etc. is through mailing feature only. The information storage and maintenance is more critical in this system. Tracking the member’s activities and progress of the work is a tedious job here. This system cannot provide the information sharing by 24x7 days.
Proposed System
1. One main feature of this system is if anyone have the database access of system he cannot see the user name and password of user because the login table is fully protected by encryption.
2. E-learning System For A distance learning course is online communication system between System and the User.
3. E-learning System we can add questions, announcements.
4. In this e-learning System we can accept users and articles, videos.
Functional Requirements:
· There should be well defined categories under which one can post information
· E-learning should support posting information under these categories.
· E-learning should support Download articles ,view articles under the categories
· E-learning should support Attend Quiz, view Quiz results under the post articles.
· View announcements by the User.
· A E-learning base (database) is created for maintaining the discussions between users and Admen’s.
· E-learning should support manage articles and change personal info, Videos.
· E-learning should support chat for the users.
Non-functional Requirements
1. Secure access of confidential data (user’s details) should be provided.
2. 24 X 7 availability of the application
3. Application should be accessible over Internet.
4. Better component design to get better performance at peak time
5. Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future extension.
No. of Modules
· Admin
· General Users
· Authentication
· Registration
Modules Description
This is the controlling module of the website. The admin of website can perform all the controlling activities of the E-learning system. He can add various questions according to System and can add users’ articles and videos. Only admin will access the users Threads and Articles for the System.Admin will make user as well as any new user registration. Only admin will add the Question of user as well as announcements. Only admin display the exam results to user . And the last thing is admin can provide chat for the users.
This is the second most important module of website. User can post Threads and post Articles and view the all threads info. Users can access the download articles info as well as users attend the quiz and view the quiz results. In this e-learning users manage our own personal info and videos and the last thing is users can have specialty of chat in the System.
This is the main user of the system for whom this website is made. Users are most important part of this website. Users can edit, update their profile. They can view their own Article as well as can view the Post Threads. The main focus in this module is Users can online chat with in the System help from the Admin members. Users can view their own result also.
This is the unauthenticated user of the website. Anyone can surf the website and get the information about the e-learning system how it is working, what kind of subject it will provide etc.. Information is available to general user.
No. of Users
· Admin
· General User
Software Requirements
Operating System : Windows XP/2003 or Linux/Solaris
User Interface : HTML, CSS
Client-side Scripting : JavaScript
Programming Language : PHP
Database : MySQL
Hardware Requirements
Processor : Pentium IV
Hard Disk : 40GB
RAM : 256MB
(1) PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson
(2) PHP5 and MySQL by W Jason Gilmore (Apress)
(3) PHP Web Development by Allan Kent and David Powers (Apress)
(4) Wiki pedía, URL: http://www.wikipedia.org.
(5) http://www.phpfreaks.com/
(6) Google, URL: http://www.google.co.in
Technologies to be used
ü HTML, CSS (Web Presentation )
ü JavaScript (Client-side Scripting)
ü PHP (as programming language)
ü MySQL (Database)
ü Windows XP/2003 or Fedora (Operating Systems)
ü Apache, XAMPP
Contact: 9030211322, 9030411292
Email id: , www.logicsystems.org.in