2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR

Dear Kids’ Camp Families:

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your children to Kids’ Camp, the after school program available to all kindergarten-5th grade children registered in Durango School District 9-R.

The goal of Kids’ Camp is to provide a quality program that is safe, educational, fun and affordable. Our programs offer age appropriate activities under the supervision of competent, trustworthy, caring and qualified staff that understand the needs of the children in our care.

To meet the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and recreational needs of children, our program will:

-Provide fun, enriching, academically oriented activities that engage children, stimulate curiosity, and help promote confidence, self-esteem and responsibility.

-Provide children a safe and secure environment staffed by warm, friendly child care professionals

-Provide a relaxed atmosphere where children can socialize and make new friends

-Provide a snack

-Provide time for homework and supplemental work

-Provide time recess/physical activity

At Kids’ Camp, we believe that during the hours that children are away from home they should be provided with a quality program of well supervised activities that stimulate new interests, encourage creativity, and build self-confidence.

This Family Handbook outlines what you may expect from Kids’ Camp and contains our policies and procedures. We hope it will be helpful and look forward to providing you and your child with a quality after school program. You will find an example of what a week typically looks like at the end of this handbook.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. My work hours are Monday through Friday from 10:30am-6:30pm. I do spend most afternoons out at school sites and may not return a call until the following day.

Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s care. It’s going to be a wonderful year!

Audra Snow

After School Program Supervisor

(970) 247-5411 ext. 1469

215 E 13th St

Durango, CO 81301


Animas Valley (970) 903-1842Florida Mesa (970) 749-6360

Needham (970) 749-7565 Park (970) 946-9117

Riverview (970) 749-6968


  • All children attending elementary school, kindergarten through fifth grade, in Durango School District 9-R are eligible to enroll in the after school program.
  • We have sites at Animas Valley, Florida Mesa, Needham, Park, and Riverview. If your child attends Fort Lewis Mesa they are able to ride the bus to the program at Needham. If your child attends Sunnyside they are able to ride the bus to the program at Florida Mesa.
  • Registration/Payment forms are availableonline at under Kids’ Camp,at the Administration building (201 E 12th St.), or from the Kids’ Camp staff at your school.


To qualify for the EARLY BIRD rate, forms must be submitted by the THURSDAY, of the PRECEDINGweek that you are registering for. Please note: Kids’ Camp is closed over school breaks. To qualify for the Early Bird rate registrations must be received before the break.

Registration/Payment forms are available one month at a time. They are posted to our webpage on the second Friday of each month, and registration for the following month will begin that day as well.There is an example of the form at the end of this packet, along with some instructions.


State law requires that a new form be filled out every year. This form should be turned in to your child’s school, NOT the Kids’ Camp administrative office. This form can be found at under Kids’ Camp. The top of the form looks like this:

If your child spends time in more than onehousehold that utilizes Kids’ Camp, we ask that all households fill out separate Student Information Forms.

  • A child is not considered enrolled until payment is received in full for each of the days you request. Payment must accompany the registration form. No child may attend, unless they are a PRE APPROVED drop in, if payment has not been received. Drop in requests must be approved by Audra Snow (970) 247-5411 x1469. This decision is based on available space and any outstanding balances.
  • Please keep in mind that payments may not be processed/deposited immediately. If declined cards or returned checks become an issue, you may be told that cash or money order will be the only form of payment accepted.
  • The district does not issue year end receipts for child care. If you plan on itemizing child care expenses at tax time, you will need to keep track of your own expenditures.

Our tax ID number is: 84-6012500. This information is also included on each month’s payment form.

  • Licensing regulations require that we have an enrollment capacity. This number is based on the number of Kids’ Camp staff working at that school. Registration is based on a first come (paid), first served basis. When/if that number is reached we cannot accept anymore registrations or drop ins.
  • If you learn that you need your child to attend at the last minute you may call Audra Snow (970) 247-5411 x1469to see if there is space available. The $11.50 drop in fee must be paid THAT DAY at pick up, over the phone or in an email with debit/credit card information, or by dropping payment off at the Administration building. Any unpaid balance will be assessed a $5 per day late feeand your child will not be able to attend until that is paid in full.
  • All Early Bird payments must be accompanied by an “official” payment/registration form, which can be found at under Kids’ Camp.
  • Options for making payments:

PLEASE DO NOT FAX. I do not have a fax machine in my office.

1)Email your registration form and payment . We accept Visa and MasterCard.

2)Drop your registration form and payment off at the Kids’ Camp administrative office. The office is located at the 9-R Administration building at 201 E. 12th Street.

3)Mail your registration form, along with payment (please do not send cash) to:

Kids’ Camp 201 E. 12th Street Durango, CO 81301 Please keep in mind the length of time mail takes now that it goes through Albuquerque and send it far enough in advance that it is received by the deadline.

4)Use your smartphone! Take a picture of your completed form with payment information (make sure it’s legible) and email it to .

  • Payments may be made by debit/credit card, check, cash (WE CANNOT MAKE CHANGE), or money order. Please make sure your child’s full name and school appear on the check or money order.
  • There are NO REFUNDS unless a child is withdrawn permanently, dismissed permanently due to disciplinary reasons, or a family is asked to find alternate care due to inappropriate behavior by a parent or guardian.There are NO transfers or credits for unused days or if your schedule changes. There are no credits or refunds for snow days or other school cancellations.


  • The Colorado Childcare Assistance Program (CCCAP)

This is available on a long term basis to qualifying families through the Department of Human Services. Call 382-6150.

  • The Community Emergency Assistance Coalition (CEAC)

This is a one-time emergency financial assistance program. Call 259-1255

  • Womenade

This is a one-time financial assistance available to La Plata County residents. Call 247-1242

Attendance Procedures

Attendance is taken several times daily. Parents/guardians are responsible for notifying the Kids’ Camp program staff if their child will be absent from the after school. PLEASE call the Kids’ Camp phone number for your school (listed on the front page of the handbook) to report absences. Repeated failure to contact Kids’ Camp about absences may be cause for us to withdraw your child from the program.

When a child is absent during the school day they are not eligible to attend Kids’ Camp that afternoon.

When a child who is scheduled to attend Kids’ Camp does not arrive, and the program

has not received an absence call from the child’s parents, we will institute an immediate search.

An unexcused absence will initiate one or more of the following actions:

• The office will be contacted to see if the child was absent or dismissed from school.

• The child’s teacher will be contacted to see if they have any information.

• We will use the building intercom system to try to locate the child in the school.

• The child’s home will be called. A message will be left if no one is home.

• The child’s guardians will be called at work. Messages will be left if no one is available.

•Each guardian’s cell phone will be called. Messages will be left if no one is available.

• The school grounds will be checked.

• Once a child’s guardians have been contacted, Kids’ Camp will assist in the effort to locate the child but will shift the primary responsibility for locating the child to the child’s parents.

• If a child’s parents cannot be contacted, someone on the child’s emergency contact list and/or the Durango Police Department will be sent to the child’s home.

Parent Pick Up/Identification

Adults picking up children at the end of the day are required to have a valid ID with them. We will not release a child if the adult is not on the “authorized to pick up” list, or if they do not have a valid ID.

Parents who are going to be late must call program staff. There is $1 a minute fee for late pick up starting at 6:05. Regulations require that the Department of Human Services be called if a parent is more than 30 minutes late. Three late pick-ups may result in your child being dismissed from the program.

School Clubs

All children attending Kids’ Camp after they attend a school club must check in to Kids’ Camp first, they will then be released to the school club. We are unable to escort children to and from after school activities outside of Kids’ Camp.


One small snack is provided each day. Children are welcome to bring their own snacks to supplement what is provided--we encourage families to pack extra snacks for their child. If your child has a food allergy we will try our best to accommodate them. We have very limited options for gluten/dairy/nut/etc. free snacks. You are welcome to send snack in bulk to Kids’ Camp for your child and we will give them access to it each day.


We will arrange for any outside agencies/individuals to facilitate activities and will perform background checks.

Hours of Operation

Animas Valley and Florida Mesa Mondays: 1:20pm until 6:00pm

Tuesday through Friday: 2:50pm until 6:00pm

Needham, Park, and Riverview Mondays: 1:30pm until 6:00pm

Tuesday through Friday: 3:00pm until 6:00pm



Please remember that Early Bird discount deadlines are BEFORE scheduled breaks.

Behavior/Discipline Policies

We will work with you and your child to ensure their success. Should we be experiencing any behavior problems, you will be advised.If the problem is ongoing, a child and their family will be given notice that their ability to attend is in jeopardy. A family may be asked to find alternate care on a short term basis for behavior if that first warning is unsuccessful. No refunds or credits will be given for short term suspension. If the problem continues, the family will be told that their child can no longer attend and a refund will be given for the amount they have pre-paid.

Inappropriate behavior by a parent or guardian including, but not limited to, verbal abuse of a child or staff, may result in that family being asked to find alternate child care.

Mandatory Reporting

Kids’ Camp staff are mandatory reporters. This means that we are required, by law, to report any suspicions of abuse or neglect to the Department of Human Services.

Influence of alcohol or drugs

If Kids’ Camp staff suspects that an adult is under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of pick up, and the adult is driving, Kids’ Camp will suggest the adult find an alternate method of transportation. If this suggestion is not followed, 9-1-1 will be called.

Withdrawal from the program

If a family decides to withdraw from the program permanently they are asked to give one week’s notice in order to receive a refund of paid fees. The refund comes in the form of a cashier’s check and may take up to a month to process.


Every site is equipped with a first aid kit. There are staff members at each site that are CPR/First Aid certified. The Site Coordinator will notify parents if there is evidence of serious injury or illness. A written record will be kept of all injuries and accidents requiring first aid.

Epi pens and inhalers are the only medications that Kids’ Camp staff will dispense.

If a child becomes ill while at Kids’ Camp, the parent/guardians will be called immediately.If a parent/guardian cannot be reached, we will call the emergency contact numbers. We expect children who are ill to be picked up quickly. An ill child not picked up within an hour will assess a $1.00 per minute late fee.

In the event of an emergency warranting medical attention or considered life threatening, the Site Coordinator will call 911 or take other necessary emergency procedures. Parents/guardians and/or emergency contacts will be contacted as well.

The Colorado Department of Human Services has issued regulations for the use of sunscreen and shade requirements at child care centers. Children over the age of four are allowed to apply sunscreen themselves. If you would like your child to wear sunscreen at recess please provide them with a bottle for their backpack. We will remind all children to apply it before heading outside for the day.

Our exclusion from care is based on recommendations from the public health department and include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Fever: Children should be kept home if they run a temperature of 100 degrees or more. They may return to care after being fever free without medication for fever reduction for at least24 hours.
  • Vomiting: A child, who cannot hold stomach contents down, must be excluded from care until they have had normal meals and the vomiting has subsided for at least 24 hours.
  • Diarrhea: This is defined as loose watery stools that cannot be contained. If a child has three stools in a period of 2 to 3 hours that cannot be contained in the diaper or clothing, parents will be notified. Numerous germs can be passed through feces and if it is uncontainable there is greater danger that it will spread, potentially infecting several children. The child may return to care once they have normal stools while eating regular meals.
  • Nose & Eye discharge: Children who have thick, green, excessive discharge will need to be excluded from care until they have seen a doctor and it is under control.
  • Conjunctivitis: Commonly known as pink eye, this is a condition that is very contagious. A child whose eyes are inflamed, red, itchy or draining with mucus needs to be removed from care. They may return once the child is on medication for 24 hours and there is no further drainage.
  • Open blisters or sores: Any open place on a child’s skin that is bleeding or oozes bodily fluid can be hazardous. The child needs to be excluded until the skin is crusted over.
  • Skin rashes: All skin rashes need to have a doctor’s note indicating the child is not contagious in order to return to care.
  • Sore Throat: A child who has a sore throat especially if accompanied by fever or swollen glands should be kept at home. A child with strep throat must have had at least 24 hours of an antibiotic to return to the center.
  • Respiratory Symptoms: This includes difficulty in breathing, or continuous coughing to the point that the child cannot rest comfortably.
  • Head Lice and Nits: Parents will be notified to pick-up a child with a suspected or confirmed lice infection. Treatment will be required. The child may return to school as she or he is completely free of lice and nits. Children will be inspected when they return to school.

Personal Possessions

Kids’ Camp is not responsible for lost or stolen property. Children are responsible for their own

personal belongings. Items not allowed during the instructional day are also not allowed in the Kids’ Camp program. We strongly recommend that personal items be left at home.

Media/Screen Policy

We do have access to the computer labs at school. We monitor children’s site choices closely. Only approved educational sites are allowed during this time. Computer use is limited to one 30 minute visit to the computer lab each week.

On rare occasions (usually due to Kids’ Campers earning a reward or inclement weather) Kids’ Camp will show a movie. We use to decide which movies are appropriate for the group to watch.

You may opt your child out of any media/screen time on the Kids’ Camp Student Information form.

Children are asked to leave their cell phones in their backpacks during Kids’ Camp.

Field Trips

Kids’ Camp does not leave school grounds for field trips.

Inclement and Excessively Hot or Cold Weather and Rain

During periods of severe weather children will remain indoors. Please make sure your child comes to school dressed appropriately for recess.

School Cancellation

There are no credits or refunds for snow days or other school/after school program cancellations.

Special Needs Services

In collaboration with school personnel, decisions to provide services to any child will be made with regard to appropriateness of programming, safety, capacity based on attendance numbers, and individual student needs. Special needs services comply with ADA.