March 2011
Dear Music Lover, Member and Pallavi Patron,
Taking a quick look back, we had a very good 2010. We had four major Carnatic concerts, a Bharatnatyam dance and one Hindustani concert, all of which were very well attended and well received. One of these concerts was by Indian American Child Artist. These concerts were made possible due to your generous support. In particular, we would like to acknowledge the contributions of the following long-standing patrons who have generously contributed to Pallavi to help us organize high quality concerts on a sustained basis: Drs. Arul and N.Bala, Ramani and Mrinalini Mani, Smt. Janaki and Prof. M.S.Krishnamoorthy, Smt. Mangala Puranik, Kumon of Clifton Park, RagaHastha Performing Arts, and Radiant Business Solutions. We would also like to thank all members and volunteers who helped out in various ways throughout the year.
We started this year with a grand vocal concert by Smt.Chandrika Pai on Feburary 5. On behalf of Pallavi, we thank her for the concert and welcome Smt. Chandrika Pai and her family to our Albany area.
We continue our seasonwith ThyagarajaAradhanaon March 26, 2011. As has been our tradition, Hindu temple is providing the premises for this event. This year we will also take pride in sponsoring the ‘Annadhaan’ on the day of this event. The event will include group rendering of Pancharathna krithis (“5 Gems”) followed by individual presentationsof Thyagaraja compositions. Mrs. Chandrika Paihas kindly consented to coordinate the practice sessions and also lead the group rendering. We encourage you to participate in these sessions and benefit from it. There will be two practice sessions -
Dates and time: March 12th and March 19th at 5:00 p.m on both days.
Venue: 1004 Northwood Ct, Niskayuna, NY 12309 (Smt.Sudharsana Srinivasan's residence.)
We sincerely thank both Smt.Chandrika and Smt.Sudharsana for their efforts.
If you would like to present a song during the individual presentations session, please sign up with Sudharsana Srinivasan (518-372-1248) by March 20th. Please note that Pallavi non-members will have to pay a $10 fee to participate in the individual presentations.
We are pleased to feature a vocal concert by Shri.Salem Shriram and party from 6 pm.
We welcome you to attend this function along with your family and friends and also spread the word aroundabout the event.
The Annual General Body Meeting (for 2010) was delayed and was conducted on Jan 8th 2011. The increasing costs of concerts continue to be of concern considering the current membership base we have. Therefore it was agreed that in order to bring quality programs, Pallavi will work in collaboration with other organizations in the area. Such joint effort is anticipated to increase membership base and also extend the benefits of these programs to a wider audience.
We are happy to announce that we have been accepted into IBM’s ‘Matching Grants’ program. We are very thankful to IBM Corporation. Our special thanks are due Sudharsana Srinivasan, Bala Haran and others of IBM for their efforts in making this a success.
You are aware that Pallavi’s activitiesare supported primarily by membership dues and donations. Besidesrenewing your membership or becoming a new member, we requestyou to consider making donations —these are tax exempt— toPallavi. This enables us to bring top-class artists thatshowcase the best of Indian classical music.
This is a good time for all Pallavi members to renew memberships, and those of you who are not members are encouraged to become members. If you know someone interested in Indian classical music, we urge you to inform them of Pallavi to support it, enrich it, and enjoy the benefits.
We are also constantly looking for volunteers to help us with key activities such as concert logistics, stage and audio/video setup and removal, artist hospitality, publicity, fund-raising, ticket sales and transportation. Please contact any one of us to contribute towards Pallavi’s activities.
We look forward to your strong participation and esteemed support in activities.
Lakshmi Ravichandran, President
Sudharsana Srinivasan, Vice President
Thiyagarajan Subramanian, Secretary
Ganesh Sankaranarayanan, Treasurer
Upcoming Concerts:
- March26th 2011 – Thyagaraja Aradhana and Concert by Sri. Salem Sriram and party.
- May 8th 2011 – Carnatic Jugalbandi by Padama Vibhushan Dr. M. Balamurali Krishna and Sangeetha Samrat Chitraveena Ravi Kiran – Jointly conducted by Pallavi and Albany Andhra Telugu Association
Other Events
Details will follow. Please continue to check on our website .
The categories of membership and donations are noted below:
Annual Membership Classes
Family Patron $150
Individual Patron $ 75
Student Member $ 25
Five-year Member $500
Note: Five-year membership fee can also be paid in two consecutive annual
installments of $250 each.
Annual Special Donation Categories
Patron and Sponsor Donors will be recognizedat every event ofPallavi.
Last name First name
Spouse (if applicable): ______
Mailing address: ______
Phone: ______
E mail address: ______
Activities you would like to be involved:
(Some of the activities are: hosting artists, fund raising, Brochure preparation, Food, collections at the desk, membership promotion, newsletter, mailing etc)
Please make your checkspayable to “Pallaviof the Capital District” and mail to
Pallavi, PO Box 1732, Latham, NY 12110.