This is going to all of Troop 243 and is the troop’s Weekly email for 11-20-17. All troop resources, including our calendar, are always available at our web site, November Attendance Report and minutes from the most recent committee meeting
1) Attendance for November;2) Court of Honor;3)Troop Game Night; 4) Scouting for Food Results; 5) Poinsettia Sale; 6) U of Football Parking Thanks and Results
1)The November attendance report is attached here. As always, let me know if there is a correction and all corrections are due December 15th. If there is an activity missing then we do not have any attendance for it yet so please do not contact me until there is an activity listed. See the leader of the activity and have them send me something. I will post the Scouting or Food Attendance as soon as I receive it so please wait until it is listed in the report to contact me about it.
2) November 29th is our quarterly Court of Honor. Please bring food or drink to the Court of Honor based on the scout’s last name, H-R and A-G bring a snack. S-Y bring a 2-liter drink. If you have 2 scouts, please bring 2 scouts' worth of stuff.
3) Our troop game night is coming up this Wednesday. All scouts are encouraged to bring board games to share with others in the troop. This is an optional meeting and no spirit points will be awarded but fun will be had!
4) From Mr. Young: “Thank you to all of the Scouts and Cub Scouts that helped to make Scouting for Food a success this year. We collected 2,313 food items and delivered them to South East Associated Ministries (SEAM). Our donation is the single largest donation that SEAM receives throughout the year and helps to make Thanksgiving special for many families in need. Thank You!”
5) From Mr. Zimmerer and Mr. Hulsman:
For the first time, the troop will conduct a holiday Poinsettia Sale until December 4 online only at:
We are offering three different colors, red, pink and white in two different sizes. You are encouraged to send an email out to your flower sale customers, relatives and co-workers. Your Scout can receive credit. Find your scout specific link at: your customers use this link, the sale will be credited to you. Also, customers can select a scout from the drop down box at the bottom of the Order Summary screen.Payments are processed through PayPal, which means that your customer can pay using a linked bank account or credit card.
All poinsettias will be delivered to Gallagher Hall on Saturday December 9.Customers will pick up their order during those hours. If the customer wants their order delivered, (limited to close zip codes) they can check the box and add $2 to the total.We will need a limited number of Scouts and Adults to help with the pick up and delivery on Saturday December 9 from 7:30 to 11:00 am.
You may recall that during the flower sale last Spring, we expected to have online ordering available. However, due to technical problems with the payment processing module, we were not able to get that done. As a result, we lost a significant amount of sales.Over the summer months, we have spent many hours developing the new site. If this works well for the holiday Poinsettia Sale, we will roll it out in January for the Annual Flower & Mulch Sale.
Any questions, contact Jerry Zimmerer :r502-216-8381.“
6) University of Louisville Parking
Thanks to Paul & Johnny Heitkemper, John & Laurie Warren, Tara Durbin, and Frank Hulsman for helping to direct traffic at the Virginia game on November 11, AND thanks to Phillip & Braden Stuecker, Tracy Jim Green, Greg & Zach Kelman, Tony & Tyler Downs, and Eric & Christian Berendsen for helping on Saturday, November 18.Thanks to everyone's help, this whole season! We earned over $4,000, enough to pay for the new bus, and enough to pay for most of a new trailer, we hope to purchase. The trailer we are looking at will be longer and taller than the one we use now.
If you would like to be removed from this email list or change your email address, please reply here and I will take care of it. Please note that the email system does not tell me if you have an inaccurate email address so I have no way to know if you change your email address.