… continued

Minutes of the meeting of the Kings Walden Parish Council held in the
Village Hall, Breachwood Green on Tuesday 16th May at 7.45 pm

Present: Councillors: AmandaKing (Chair), Jon Chamberlin, Tom Harrison, Liz Thurlby, Martin Rosser. David Bennett and Amanda Thompson. In attendance: theclerk:Tom Brindley

1.1 (Agenda 1) Election of Chairman

Councillor Amanda King was elected to serve as chairman of the council for the civic year 2017-18.

1.2 (Agenda 2) Chairman’s acceptance of office

Councillor King signed the Acceptance of Office which was countersigned by the Proper Officer.

1.3 (Agenda 3) Election of Vice-Chairman

Councillor Jon Chamberlin was elected to serve as vice-chairman for the civic year 2017-18.

1.4 (Agenda 4) Appointment of Employment Committee

Councillors David Bennett (Chairman), Amanda King and Liz Thurlby were appointed to the Employment Committee.

1.5 (Agenda 5) Appointment of representative to Village Hall Committee

Councillor Amanda King was appointed to the Village Hall Committee.

1.6 (Agenda 6) Apologies for Absence

Cllr. Ross Macleod.

1.7 (Agenda 7) Minutes of Meeting 18th April 2017

The minutes were accepted as a true record and signed by the chairman.

1.8 (Agenda 8) Matters arising not covered on the agenda

1.8.1 (2016/17-6.3.2) Two clubs, Think Sports Coaching and Someries Youth had requested to use pitches. The Tigers had not made a formal request and as clubs needed to declare their home pitch ahead of the 2017 season the clerk had agreed that Someries could use the pitches on both Saturday and Sunday and that Think Sport Coaching could use the far “school” pitch. Pitch marking remained an open issue.

1.8.2 (2016/17-6.5.1) The Ley Green and Kings Walden Society had supplied bank details and the payment for litter picking could now be made. Members confirmed a fee of £200 would be paid.

1.8.3 (2016/17-7.3.1) JC Agriculture had pruned the tree adjoining and overhanging 25 Chapel Rd.

1.8.4 (2016/17-7.3.3 g) County Councillors had been unable to respond during election period. Cllr Thake had been appointed Chairman of the County Council and the new cabinet member for Waste was Cllr Terry Hone. The clerk had written to Councillor Hone and awaited a reply.

1.8.5 (2016/17-7.9.2) The invoice from J Davey was higher than planned. Members approved payment.

1.8.6 (2016/17-7.11.1) The clerk had re-assessed the quote and the required size of the sign and was confident a more reasonable cost could be obtained.

1.9 (Agenda 9) Public Representations


1.10 (Agenda 10) Matters arising from the Annual Parish Meeting

1.10.1 Members expressed disappointment that the police had not attended

1.10.2 The clerk had posted all letters received regarding site KW1 on the council website.

1.10.3 An elector had asked the council to investigate the introduction of parking restrictions on the corner of Oxford Rd and Lower Rd.

1.11 (Agenda 11) Finance

1.11.1 Payments totalling £2,634.61 were authorised. Details attached.

1.11.2 Internal audit arrangements for 2017/18. Members RESOLVED to re-appoint Karen Murphy as the internal auditor for 2017/18.

1.11.3 Insurance arrangements for 2017/18. The clerk had obtained three quotes for insurance. Members RESOLVED to appoint Came and Company, underwritten by Hiscox, as the council’s insurer and to enter a three-year contract.

1.12 (Agenda 12) Internal auditors report and approval of annual return

1.12.1 The internal auditor had approved the accounts and signed the Annual Return.

1.12.2 Members RESOLVED to accept the accounts and authorised the clerk to submit them to the external auditor.

1.13 Planning

1.13.1 Application Ref no.17/01084/1HH at 8 Oxford Road, Breachwood Green, Hitchin, SG4 8NP. Members had no objection.

1.13.2 Frogmore Cottage, Kings Walden, Hitchin, SG4 8NW - Case Ref No: 17/00938/1HH. Members had no objection.

1.14 (Agenda 10) Grounds maintenance Contracts

1.14.1 Councillor Chamberlin declared an interest in this item and left the room.

1.14.2 Members approved the tender pack.

1.14.3 Councillor Chamberlin re-joined the meeting.

1.15 (Agenda 12) Urgent Highways, Play Areas, Recreation Grounds

1.15.1 The SID in Darley Road was misaligned and not giving a true reading.

1.15.2 Someries Football Club had asked to use the shipping container near the gas cabinet. It was unknown who originally owned this but it was on council land. The clerk had put a notice on it requesting any one making a claim to ownership to contact the council by 20th June 2017. The container had also been padlocked for safety reasons. Should no claim be made, the council would take possession and lease it to Someries football club.

1.15.3 The clerk had noticed that the part of the recreation ground used for school sports and been marked with what appeared to be creosote and this had killed the grass. The clerk was asked to make investigations into the marking and ensure that only environmentally safe marking materials were used in future.

1.16 (Agenda 14) Correspondence

1.16.1 Grant application St Marys Church Fete. Members RESOLVED to grant £100 using powers under S137 of LGA 1972.

1.17 (Agenda 15) Matters for Future Consideration

1.17.1 Cllr Chamberlin suggested the council participate in a fund raising beer festival. He had been in discussion with Paul Harman and suggested the Eaton Bray beer festival as a model.

1.17.2 Members agreed this a was worth considering and asked Cllr Chamberlin to draw up some plans. The target date was autumn 2017.

1.18 (Agenda 15) Date of Next Meetings

Members agreed that there was currently no requirement for a June meeting and set the next meeting for Tuesday 18th July 2017.

There being no further business, the meeting ended at 9.10 p.m.

Signed Chairman ______Date ______

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Status/ Power / Date / Payee / Description / Total / Net / Open Spaces / Staff / Admin / S137 / VAT
4 / 16/05/2017 / Todeka / Office services / 60.00 / 50.00 / 50.00 / 10.00
4,5 / 16/05/2017 / T Brindley / Clerk Expenses / 85.48 / 78.35 / 47.20 / 31.15 / 7.13
2 / 16/05/2017 / W Billington / Gardening / 247.96 / 245.22 / 245.22 / 2.74
4 / 16/05/2017 / Kings Walden Store / Refreshments at APM / 32.70 / 32.70 / 32.70
4 / 16/05/2017 / Karen Murphy / Internal Audit / 125.00 / 125.00 / 125.00
2 / 16/05/2017 / HCC / Ley Green Rec / 50.00 / 50.00 / 50.00
4 / 16/05/2017 / J C Agriculture / Tree Pruning / 360.00 / 300.00 / 300.00 / 60.00
7 / 16/05/2017 / BWG Village Hall / Meetings / 200.00 / 200.00 / 200.00
1 / 16/05/2017 / J Davey / Mower servicing / 286.20 / 286.20 / 286.20
7 / 16/05/2017 / Ley Green Kings Walden Society / Litter Pick / 50.00 / 50.00 / 50.00
7 / 16/05/2017 / St Mary’s Church / Grant towards Fete / 100.00 / 100.00
4 / 16/05/2017 / Came and Company / Insurance / 1,162.27 / 1,162.27 / 1,162.27
2,759.61 / 2,679.74 / 881.42 / 47.20 / 1,601.12 / 150.00 / 79.87
* = Approved
1 / Grass cutting: Open Spaces Act 1906 s.10
2 / Play area/Glebe land: LG (Misc Provisions) Act 1976 s.19
3 / HAPTC membership: LGA 1972 s.143
4 / Audit, Insurance, Training: LGA 1972 s.111
5 / Salary/expenses: LGA 1972 s.112(2)
6 / Other, Localism Act 2011
7 / S137: LGA 1972 s137