Ag Mechanics and Metal Technologies

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Pedee Abrigo

Phone: 512.594.1179


Conference Periods: 1 & 5

Tutorial Times: Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8:15 – First Bell or afterschool by appointment

I.  Course Description:

Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Tech is the introduction to mechanized agricultural systems and technologies. This course is also designed to provide basic theory and specialized skills in agricultural mechanics. Skills to be developed include shop safety, tool identification, wood working, and metalworking and welding processes.

II.  Supplies:

o  1” Three ring binder with paper or Spiral Notebook/Folder

o  Pencils/Pens

o  Blue jeans, long sleeve cotton shirt, and closed toe leather boots/shoes.

III.  Grading Policy:

Nine weeks grades will be determined from the following percentages as outlined in the student handbook:

Assessment - 80%

Practice - 20%

IV.  Make-up Work (Absences):

A student will be given the opportunity to make up missed class work due to absences. Students have a period of time equal to the length of the absence to turn in makeup work. After this time, the work will be considered “late” and points will be deducted. If a student cannot make up the work during the allotted time, they may develop a plan with the teacher for making up the work. If the makeup assignment is a “participation grade” the teacher may choose to have the student submit an alternative assignment.

V.  Late Work:

Students may submit late work during each grading period (3 week period). Ten points will be deducted for each day the work is late. Work that is not turned in within the three week grading period will not be accepted.

VI.  Classroom Rules and Expectations:

·  No cell phones or other electronic devices allowed at any time.

·  When the tardy bell rings all students are expected to be in the classroom and seated.

·  Bring all needed supplies to class.

·  Please be courteous and respectful.

·  Shop rules will be given to each student taking a shop class.

VII.  Consequences:

1.  Student Warning

2.  Conference with Student

3.  Contact the Parent/Guardian

4.  Referral to Grade Level Principal

VIII.  Extra-curricular

Students enrolled in an Agricultural Science course are STRONGLY encouraged to become a member of the National FFA Organization. The FFA provides opportunities and experiences directly related to the course including contests and field trips. FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success through agricultural education. Membership dues for the organization are $20 which covers local, district, area, state and national dues. Deadline to pay dues: 10/11/13. For more information, please visit the Hendrickson FFA Website:

Below is a list of possible activities.

Leadership Development Events ( FALL) / Supervised Agriculture Experiences (Projects)
Chapter Conducting
Agricultural Issues Forum
FFA Quiz
Skills Demonstration
Public Relations
Radio Broadcasting
Creed Speaking
Job Interview / Examples:
·  Livestock Projects – Sheep, Goats, Steers, Hogs, Broilers, Turkeys, Meat Rabbits
*Pens are available for rent at the school Agricultural Project Facility. Deadline to reserve a pen is September 6, 2013.
·  Greenhouse Projects
·  Small Business
·  Job Placement
Many awards are available for students who fully participate in SAE’s.
Career Development Events ( SPRING) / Agri-Science Fair ( Held at the State FFA Convention)
Here are a few examples:
·  Ag Mechanics
·  Ag Sales
·  Dairy Cattle
·  Dairy Foods
·  Farm Business Management
·  Floriculture
·  Horse
·  Nursery/Landscape
·  Poultry
·  Wildlife / Categories:
·  Animal Systems
·  Environmental Services/Natural Resource Systems
·  Food Products/Food Processing Systems
·  Plant Systems
·  Social Systems
·  Power, Structural & Technical Systems

Hendrickson FFA also participates in many community service activities and provides students with the opportunity to gain leadership experience by holding an office in a student ran organization. FFA Members travel to contests and attend the District, Area and State Conventions.

Please Return to Mr. Abrigo for a GRADE

Student Acknowledgement and Parent Information Sheet

I, ______clearly understand the rules and procedures stated above, and understand that I must abide by these rules and all other HHS policies while I am in Mr. Abrigo’s classroom.

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______

Parent / Guardian:

Please provide following information in order for me to effectively communicate with you... Please know that my best communication format is email.

Student Name: ______

Class/Period: ______

Parent Name(s): ______

______Email Address

______Email Address

______Home Number

______Cell Number

______Other Number (please specify)