Bulletin Announcement
Pastoral Planning Evangelization Notices
0th Wedding Anniversary Mass
July 9 ~ Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Believing as St. Paul says, “You are in the Spirit” gives us the impetus to speak to others of the importance of Christ’s presence in our lives. Being disciples of Christ and doing the work of evangelization takes time and energy, so we take comfort in the words Jesus speaks in today’s gospel, “Come to me all you who labor…and I will give you rest.” Once refreshed and renewed by Christ we need to resume our task of making disciples!
July 16 ~ Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
How appropriate the scriptures for this weekend! For the gardeners among us, seeds that were sown weeks ago are beginning to bear fruit. We look forward to the produce that will come. Each week at Mass, God’s word, as seed, is sown in our hearts. Is there a word that God has spoken to you that has not yet born fruit or achieved the end that God intended? Pray for the grace to respond to that word today.
July 23 ~ Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time “The Spirit comes to the aid of our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but the Spirit intercedes with inexpressible groanings.” These words from St. Paul give us great consolation, especially when we feel distracted or unable to pray. As we take time this week for prayer, let us rely on the Spirit of God to give us the words we need even when we feel inadequate or preoccupied. Trust that God knows the desires of our heart.
July 30 ~ Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Today’s readings challenge us to ponder the motives of our words and actions. In our first reading, God assures Solomon that anything he might ask will be granted. He doesn’t ask for anything that is just for himself or anything fleeting. Instead, Solomon asks God for an understanding or listening heart that he may judge according to God’s will. In the gospel, Jesus describes in parables the Kingdom of Heaven. We are left with two questions to ponder this week: What will I ask from God to aid me in doing His will? To what length am I willing to go to build His Kingdom?
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