MARKS: 140

TIME: 2 hours

This exam paper consists of 7pages.



1.1.1Tropic of Cancer

1.1.2Days are shorter and nights are longer

1.1.323 September






1.2.2weathering //

1.2.3chemical weathering//

1.2.4oxidation //

1.2.5biological weathering// 5x1= (5)


1.3.1South Indian HP //1x2=2

1.3.2Anticlock wise // Descending air//2x2=4

1.3.3.Kalahari HP//1x2=2


1.3.5Dominant interior HP// Coastal low// Midlatitude far north//1x2=2

1.3.5Air temperature 29 C//

Dew point temperature 11 C//2x2=4


1.4.1 High // 1 x 2= 2

1.4.2 Subtropical HP 1 x 2=2

1.4.3 Damage of land in dry areas by soil erosion// human activities//

Poor management and changes in climate// movement of refugees into dry land // inappropriate land-use// 5 x 2=10


1.5.1 Seismograph//or Richter scale //1x2=2

1.5.2 Any ONE of the following:

• Loss of life //

• Loss of homes v//

• Damage to infrastructure //

• Coastline and adjacent area flooded //

• Crops/fields ruined and washed away //

• Water, food, electricity shortages//

• Contaminated water sources //

• Disease//2x2=4

1.5.3 Honolulu ././1x2=2

1.5.4 5 to 6 hours ././1x2=2

1.5.5'We interrupt this programme to bring you news of an earthquake in the

Hawaiian Islands // AllPacificShore areas are being placed on tsunami

alert .// Should this earthquake generate a tsunami, it is predicted that the

tsunami will arrive at our shores in approximately 5 hours // It is

recommended that the coastal area be evacuated //Secure your homes and

take only very important documentation with you.//

(Educators to use discretion, allocate marks for style.)3x2=6


1.6.1Weathering by ice and frost

1.6.2Weathering that takes place when carbon dioxide combines with


1.6.3Weathering caused by the burrowing action of certain animals

1.6.4Weathering resulting from a chemical change in the composition of

the rock

1.6.5 The flaking of the outer surface of rocks 5 x 2=10


1.7.1 Transform or tear fault//1x2=2

1.7.2 6x2=12

1.7.3 Early warning systems// Strong breakwaters//

High rise buildings have foundations in solid rocks//

City managers have created evacuation plans//

Accept any other appropriate answers //3x2=6











2.2.1Windhoek //


2.2.3Cold Benguella

2.2.4Durban along Warm current and Port Nolloth along the cold current

2.2.5Cold Froints hitting Cape Town during winter// 5x1=5



2.3.2Explain the formation this rainfall type.3x2=6

2.3.3List three characteristics of the cloud types evident in the diagram.3x2=6


2.4.1Carbon // Carbon Monoxide//.Carbon Dioxide //2x2=4

2.4.2Artificial material used to construct the city,e.g. concrete, steel and tar which

absorb and retain heat //

Tall buildings increase the surface area that absorbs heat //

Multiple reflection of heat by buildings made from glass and mirrors //

City activities generate heat, e.g. air conditioners, streetlights, body heat //

Lack of surfaces from which evaporation takes place (//

Pollution in the city increases and traps heat (//

Heat trapped inside buildings //2x2=2

2.4.3Loss of valuable topsoil due to erosion //

Crops are swept away/damaged and destroyed //

Prices of products go up //

Less food production //

Livestock die //

Food has to be imported //

Damage to infrastructure makes it difficult to transport farm products //

Equipment and agricultural land can be buried in silt //

mpact on subsistence farmers is greater and they may not be able

to recover //

Loss of income //3X2=6

2.4.4More efficient use of energy //

Use of renewable sources of energy //

Sustainable forms of agriculture //

Legislation to limit deforestation //

Planting of trees(afforestation)/helps to absorb carbon dioxide //

Reduce emission from waste and transport sector //

Reduce consumption of beef to control methane emissions //2x2=4


2.5.1A = laccolith //

B = lopolith //'2x2=4

2.5.2 Sill // or dyke //1x2=2

2.5.3Composite volcano //'1x2=2

2.5.4Anyone of the following:

• Volcanic ash can act as fertiliser for the soil //

• Lava weathers into fertile soil //

• Hot springs and geysers become tourist attractions //

• Volcanic islands like Hawaii are tourist attractions //

• Hot underground water can be used for heating and

generating electricity //3x2=6

2.5.6 Agree:Because South African is on a tectonic place and is far from

a boundary // fault line//

Disagree: Give appropriate reasons for your answer2x2=4


2.6.1 A = Mid-Atlantic Ridge

B = ocean trench

C = subduction zone v' or transform plate boundary

D = transform plate boundary v' or subduction zone 4x1=4

2.6.2 Anyone of the following:

•Alps //

•Himalayas //

• Atlas //

• Caucasus// 2x2=4

2.6.3Similarity: Rocks are subjected to lateral compressional force//

[acceptrelevant answer]

Difference: If the forces are not very strong and rocks are stable, rocks

Bendslightly (i.e. warping). //' or

If the forces are stronger, last for a longer time, and the rock is unstable,

Foldingwill result. // 2x2=4


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