Sevastopol Institute of Banking of the UkrainianAcademy of Banking

of the National Bank of Ukraine


U.S. Embassy in Ukraine

TESOL – Ukraine

XVIII TESOL – Ukraine NationalConference:

Global English – Global Decisions
April12 -13, 2013

XVIII TESOL – Ukraine National Conference is devoted to the Linguistics and Methodologyperspectives which determine the ways the English language is taught and learnt in Ukraine. Invited Ukrainian, American, and British key-note speakers are going to participate.


The conference will be heldat Sevastopol Institute of Banking of the UkrainianAcademy of Banking

of the National Bank of Ukraine, Sevastopol, Ukraine.

For more information about the site, visit


Conference participants are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from the conference site.

Open session will begin on Friday afternoon, April 12, 2012. Sessions will end by the afternoon on Saturday, April13, 2012. Please make your travel arrangements accordingly.

Hotel Information

Two-night lodging will be available at the comfortable Institute Hotel (kitchen utensils, fridge, TV, Internet access, shower boxes, sport complex etc.).A special feefor the participants will be about50 UAH per person in a double-bed room.

Book of Papers

The Book of Papers will be published by the Conference. If you are interested, please submit a paper of up to2-4 pages by March15, 2013to .Please refer to the requirements on page 3.

Registration Deadlines and Fees

Registration before February 1, 2013: TESOL-Ukraine members 2013- UAH 130/Non-members - UAH 200

Registration before February 15, 2013:TESOL-Ukraine members 2013- UAH 150 / Non-members - UAH 230

Registration on-site: TESOL-Ukraine members 2013- UAH 180/ Non-members - UAH 300

Registration fee covers a Conference Pack with a Conference Program, Book of Papers, a Certificate, and 2coffee-breaks.

Organizing Committee

Tatyana Korzh, Sevastopol Institute of Banking of the UkrainianAcademy of Banking of the National Bank of Ukraine

Alisa Mykolaychuk, TESOL-Ukraine President, Kamianets-PodilskyIvanOhiyenkoNationalUniversity

For more details contact the Organizing Committee at: .

XVIII TESOL – Ukraine National Conference:

Global English – Global Decisions
April 12 -13, 2013

Registration Form

Submission Deadline:March15, 2013

Last name, First name
E-mail address
Institution name
Contact phone number
Mailing address
Please fill out this box in Ukrainian.
Please check one of the following options in each line:
I need lodging in Sevastopol / onenight______two nights______
I need my invitation / by e- mail ______by regular mail______
I want to attend / without making a presentation______
and make a presentation ______

Presentation Form

Submission Deadline: March15, 2013

(for Plenary Meeting, master-class Presenters )

Last name, First name / .
Institution Name
Presentation Title
Abstract for the conference program
50 words. Please write exactly as you would like it to appear in the Conference Program. It should reflect the conceptual content of your presentation.
Type of presentation, duration, equipment needed (choose from options on pages3-4)
2013 TESOL-Ukraine membership number
Mailing address
Contact phone number work/home/mobile
E-mail address

Guidelines on submitting registration/presentation set.

  1. Complete Registration Form.
  2. Complete Presentation Form if you would like to present. The abstract will be used by the reviewers in the selection process. Proposals may be submitted by an individual or a group.
  3. Pay Registration fee using the bank information below:

Банк: ПриватБанк
р/р 29243825510602
МФО 315405
ЗКПО 22772795 / Призначення платежу: благодійний внесок
Номер карти:4627 0817 1494 1650
Отримувач: Миколайчук Аліса Іванівна
  1. E-mail the following set of documents to .by March 15, 2013:
  • Registration Form
  • Copy of your payment receipt
  • Presentation Form (for presenters only)
  • Up two-page article (optional and for presenters only)

IMPORTANT: Please indicate the following details in the subject line of your e-mail:

  • Last name
  • Oblast name (or countryname for foreign guests)
  • Type of your participation (presenter or attendee)
  • Topic of your paper for those who send articles to be published in the Books of papers (linguistics, methodology, or literature)
  1. Invitations will be sent out after March 15, 2013

Requirements for Paper Publications

Languageis English.Format - MS Word 97-2003 or RTF. Font -TimesNew Roman, 14 pt.Line spacing – 1.5.Paragraph indent - 1.25.Margins (mm) - left(inside)/right(outside)/top/bottom - 20/15/15/15. Images - embedded in publications. See page 4 for the sample of the article submission.

Presentation content focus:

To join TESOL-Ukraine or renew your membership please use TESOL-UkraineRegistration Form 2013at page 1

Methods of Language Teaching and Learning

English for Specific Purposes Challenges

Use of Computers, Video, Audio, in EFL classes

Testing and Evaluation

Syllabus Design

ELT Project (New Ideas for Language Teaching)

Teacher Development

ELT Management

Techniques of Teaching Different Learning Styles

Techniques of Teaching Writing for Professional Purposes

Group Work Techniques for EFL

Using Drama, Poetry and Songs in EFL Teaching

Other (please specify)

To join TESOL-Ukraine or renew your membership please use TESOL-UkraineRegistration Form 2013at page 1

Types of sessions:

1.Short Session/ Paper (10 minutes). This format allows for a presentation (including literature review of recent research) on a relevant topic. Short Sessions are oral summaries with occasional references to notes or text which describe and discuss what the presenter is doing or has done. They often include visual aids and handouts.

2.Panel (60 minutes). A panel involves both a formal presentation and participant discussion. Panel members generally give 10-15 minute presentation under the guidance of a chairperson who moderates the discussion and summarizes the session at its conclusion. Panel organizers should submit a summary outlining the topic and objectives.

3.Demonstration (30 minutes). A demonstration is used for showing rather than telling about a technique. The presenter’s statement of theory should take no longer than 10 minutes. Often the presenter models teaching techniques, usually has handouts and/or audiovisual aids. The summary should include a brief statement of the central purpose and description of the presentation.

4.Workshops (60 minutes). A workshop involves very little lecturing; it mainly emphasizes participation in a carefully structured activity. The leader/leaders work with the group, helping them to solve a problem or develop a specific teaching or research technique. The workshop summary should include a statement of the goal(s), a synopsis of the theory behind it, and a description of the tasks to be performed during the workshop.

5.Poster Session. In a poster session, the presenter makes her/his own visual poster of an activity or concept, and then explains it to individuals or small groups during the time the exhibit is on display.

SAMPLE of the article submission:


Olha Kaprovchuk (Sumy, Ukraine)

One of the most common challenges to teaching online is the use of appropriate technology. Appropriate technology is technology that doesn't get in the way when teaching online. Imagine you walk into the classroom, you have prepared the lesson, and have the materials ready. Students are most likely prepared as well. Teaching online requires the same sort of planning skills. However, teaching online also includes technological planning skills. Here are some of the most important questions to ask yourself when teaching online…


1. Benz, P. (2001). ‘Webquests, a Constructivist Approach’.

2. Brabbs, P. (2002). ‘Webquests’ English Teaching Professional, issue 24: 39-41

To join TESOL-Ukraine or renew your membership please use TESOL-UkraineRegistration Form 2012which you can find at: page 1