7January 2015

UK CMS organisation

This document summarises the management and oversight arrangements for the CMS-UK CMS project.

The UK CMS collaboration comprises four institutes: Brunel University London, University of Bristol, Imperial College London and Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Particle Physics Department. Each group has a designated team leader, identified to CMS via the standard CMS management tools, who represents their institute at the Collaboration Board.


UK CMS oversight arrangements are defined in consultation with STFC. Presently, CMS exploitation is not supervised by an Oversight Committee, only through regular Consolidated Grant applications and ad hoc requests from STFC, for example on budget reporting and future planning. The upgrade project is supervised by an Oversight Committee, which meets at six-monthly intervals. The meetings are attended by the Upgrade PI, and other invited staff.

Management structure

UK Spokesperson

The duties of the Spokesperson are to act as the overall coordinator of UK CMS activities by organising collaboration meetings at regular intervals, where overall progress and issues arising are discussed, with a management session held during the collaboration meeting, and to manage, and report to STFC, on the UK CMS operations and upgrade budget. The Spokesperson should also be responsible for preparing the triennial Consolidated Grant application and other documents and reports requested by STFC.

Other management meetings shall be organised by the Spokesperson as required, or at the request of UK CMS members.

Other duties of the UK Spokesperson include acting as the CMS regional representative, which includes attending CMS Management Board, Finance Board and Collaboration Board meetings, acting as the link person to STFC at RRB meetings, and many other CMS responsibilities, some of which may be delegated.

Deputy Spokesperson

She/he (normally from a different institution) will be proposed by the newly elected ChairSpokesperson and endorsed by the Management Board. Should there be a designated deputy?

Management Board

Following completion of the construction project the previous management structure, which was by construction activity, has essentially lapsed but CMS sub-detector commitments remain, supervised by individuals with a remit surviving from the construction project. They should be ready to report on progress and issues arising at UK CMS management meetings and alert the collaboration in a timely way to any problems foreseen. Those areas and individuals are currently

Tracker: G. Hall

Electromagnetic Calorimeter: D. Cockerill

L1 trigger: A. Tapper and D. Newbold

Computing: D. Colling

The remits should be endorsed regularly in Management Board meetings held during UK CMS collaboration meetings to ensure continuity and handover as required. The Management Board is chaired by the Spokesperson.

The membership of the Management Board is defined by the team leaders. The members should be those CMS members who are recognised by their institute as being permanent staff. The names should be included in the CERN e-list which it is the responsibility of each team leader to maintain up to date.

Other members of the CMS-UK CMS Collaboration may be invited to attend meetings as and when appropriate.

Agendas should normally be proposed and circulated via at least one week before each meeting.

A Secretary to the MB is nominated for each meeting by the Spokespersonand endorsed by the Management Board, to be responsible for minutes. Normally the Secretary should also be responsible for organising elections.

Upgrade Project

The Upgrade Project is managed by a designated PI, who may not be the UK CMS Spokesperson. The Upgrade Project PI should be responsible for the overall steering and reporting of the project, and its budget. The PI should, in agreement with other UK collaborators, define a management structure

Terms of Office and Elections

The term of office of the Spokesperson is two years. The Spokesperson may continue to serve for further terms.

The Spokesperson is elected by members of the CMS-UK Collaboration. The set of those eligible to vote is defined by the list of names appearing in the central CMS database as CMS authors for the purpose of M&O sharing.

Candidates for Spokesperson should be nominated by email to the Secretary in response to a request and should endorsed by another member of the Management Board.The Secretary is responsible for the election procedures, which should broadly follow CMS conventions, and should confirm the willingness of nominated candidates to stand before confirming the list of candidates for the vote.

Elections should be held in alternate years, for a term of office normally starting the following January. The next term should will begin in 2015. If no more than one candidate is nominated, and the existing Spokesperson is willing to continue, the Secretary may seek endorsement of the current Spokesperson by the Management Board and not hold an election. Otherwise, an election will be organised by the Secretary of the Management Board and conducted via e-mail.

The candidate receiving the most votes will be elected.

Immediately following the election, the Spokesperson will nominate a Deputy, to be endorsed by the Management Board.