Application Form

Please ensure you are eligible for Full membership by checking the ‘Am I eligible’ page of the AoR website at or alternatively call us direct on 01823 351010.

Please enclose the following with your application:

  • Photocopy of your qualification certificate

I am applying to become a:
UK Full member £77.00 
/ Overseas EU Full member £56.00  / Overseas Non EU Full member £51.56 
Personal Details
First Name: / Surname:
Home Telephone: / Mobile:
Email: / AoR Membership number (if applicable):
Website: / Date of Birth:
Preferred method of contact  Post or  Email
Insurance details
Name of insurance company:
Policy expiry date:
I have applied/ will be applying for insurance with Alan Boswell Insurance Group and understand the AoR will contact
Alan Boswell to check the progress with this 
Training details – please note not completing this section will delay the processing of your application
Name of Training school/College:
Number of hours of face to face training*:

*This should only include the number of hours spent learning with your tutor in College or School on the ‘Provide Reflexology’ unit.
Do not include any home study or time spent on treatments carried out at home.

Please complete the following section if you are applying for Full Membership and wish your details to be listed on our website.
Pleaselist mydetails on theAoRwebsite  / I provide mobile visits Yes  No  / Map of the areaYes  No 
Preferred address(ifdifferenttohome address):
By opting to list your details in the “Find a Reflexologist” search, you permit the Association of Reflexologists to pass your name and contact details to persons and organisations who enquire about reflexologists. The Association of Reflexologists does not and cannot control who receives this information, and cannot be held liable for any matters arising from the provision of these details. Members are entitled to log in to the members area of the AoR website and update their details at any time (please allow up to 5 working days for any changes made to appear within the “Find a Reflexologist” search facility).

Please turn over to complete your application

Payment details
Payment can be made by:
• Credit Card or Debit Cardby calling us on 01823 351010 (Please note: we do not accept American Express cards)
• Cheques made payable to: Association of Reflexologists Ltd
• Postal Orders
Membership Declaration
I,theundersigned, herebyapplytojointheAssociation ofReflexologists. IagreetobeboundbytheAoR’s Codeof Practice andEthics and to always hold Public Liability and Malpractice insurance whilst in membership and practising.
Igrant permission formyinformation tobeheldon computerand agree for this to be used for AoR related activities.
Iunderstand I haveupto30 daystocancelmymembership, afterwhichtimeno refunds willbegiven.Membership will
thenremainin forceforthefull12 months a£5 administration chargeispayableforallcancellations.
I confirm that I am aged 19 years or above Yes
Have you ever been convicted, or is prosecution pending, for a criminal offence (excluding spent convictions)?
NoYes, please give details………………………………………………………………………………………….
Have you ever been or are you currently on the Sex Offenders Register?
NoYes, please give details………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signature...... Date......
Please send completed application form to Membership Department, Association of Reflexologists,
Victoria House, Victoria Street, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 3FA

Association of Reflexologists is registered in England and Wales No. 5651575. Registered Office: Victoria House, Victoria Street, Taunton TA1 3FA
Telephone: 01823 351010 Email: Website: VAT No. 629 4731 19. Company Limited by Guarantee