OVERVIEW of the HISTORY side of the


23 credits (plus 30 credits in LIS)

with a concentration in European or British History

A 600-level graduate colloquium,
Either H620, European or
H630 British / 4 / Fall 1st year
H547, special topics: Archives & Records Management—be sure to take it under the HIST number (not the LIS number) / 3 / Fall 1st or 2nd year (offered on-line)
Talk with the Advisor for the Department of Library and Information Science and the History DGS about what you might take or do during this time. / Summer between
1st and 2nd years
following the 2nd year
A 700-level graduate seminar,
usually H720, European or
H730, British / 4 / Fall 2nd year
These credits can be content courses (e.g. H509 or H511); H501, Methodology**; or independent study. The latter is accomplished through H575, Graduate Readings, and is available for 1-3 credits (max of 3 credits total). Check with the DGS before signing up for elective credits outside the History Dept. / 12 / As available
TOTAL / 23 / This is a minimum count; you may take more.

** In H501, you will produce a “research design”; for students writing a thesis, that will become their thesis prospectus. For those students not writing a thesis, H501 can be an opportunity to develop skills that are useful in developing a grant proposal or preparing for the H7xx seminar.

See next page for additional details. August 2016

General comments

  • The Checklist for LIS side can be found at:
  • Generally 8-9 credits (between both programs) is a full load.
  • No thesis is required for students who are simultaneously earning the M.L.S.
  • Consult with the History DGS and the appropriate person in the Department of Library and Information Science about what courses will likely be offered during your time at IUPUI
  • The Graduate Office provides an overview of key steps in this document:
  • Other information can be found at:


For the History M.A., no later than the start of your final semester, begin the process for a degree audit.

Go to:

Click on: Indiana University Degrees at IUPUI.

Scroll down to Forms for Masters’ Degrees.

Click on: Master Application for Advanced Degree(eDoc).

The Recorder the Graduate Office, can answer questions about that degree:

Although the History M.A. can be awarded any semester, when a student is working toward the dual degree, the M.A. needs to be awarded at the same time as the M.L.S. The latter degree is awarded four (4) times a year: May, June, August, and December. As I understand it, you need to complete an Intent to Graduate for the M.L.S. You will find information here:

Their deadlines are:

  • February 1stfor students expecting to complete all requirements to receive a June orAugustdegree.
  • June 15thfor students expecting to complete all requirements to receive a December degree.
  • November 1stfor students expecting to complete all requirements to receive a May degree.

The Recorder for Informatics, Jill Matthews, can answer questions about that degree:

Questions about the programs themselves?

For the History portion, contact:

Dr. Robertson, Director Graduate Studies (DGS), IUPUI History Department

For the Library and Information portion, contact:

Dr. Copeland, Acting Chair: )

March 2017