Third Sunday of Easter Luke 24:35-48
When we read the whole story in the gospel of Luke about the disciples on the road to Emmaus, we hear that the disciples were sad and confused in the wake of Jesus’recent torture and death. Like these disciples we are all on the road, and sometimes we too are sad and confused andtrying to figure things out. The danger is we can get full of our own thoughts, and so self-absorbedwemay miss seeing that Jesus is standing right there with us.
Maybe these disciples haven’t given up on Jesus entirely, perhaps they are hashing it out in their conversation, trying to figure it out. They are grief stricken and struggling, their hope has been crucified andthey are experiencing doubt and difficulties. Only when they turn their attention to this stranger, (turning outward) and invite him to stay with them are their eye’s opened.
In the Gospel on Sunday the story continues, and as these same disciples are telling the others how Jesus had appeared to them,he appears again, and they are terrified, and again do not recognize Jesus!Because Jesus has been raised from the dead, does not mean he has forgotten what it feels like to be human.He is so merciful and compassionate with his friends. Jesus appearsoffering them peace, and invites them to touch him, to look at his wounded hands and feet, the undeniable evidence that it is truly him. They were “incredulous with joy”, and they are transformed into evangelists.
Were they too stuck looking at the past to see what was happening right in front of them? It is easy to become consumed by disappointments and fear, and it can prevent us from seeing that the help that we need is right in front of us. Ironically it is when we most need God’s help that we often miss that he is indeed present, waiting to open our hearts, our minds, cover us with his peace, and transform us. Jesus meets us on the road, right where we are, and exactly as we are.
Questions for discussion
- Whenhave you had that experience, when you felt your heart warm or throb hearing profound truth being spoken? How did you respond to that feeling?
- When have you overlooked Jesus presenting himself to you in a new way? What prevented you from recognizing him?What about finding God when we aresuffering, grief stricken, or feeling hopeless?
- In this gospel account Jesus did not appear in a flash of lightening or a burning bush, he appeared as another traveler on the road. How do I overlook the presence of God in my family, friendships, co-workers, nature, or prayer?