Third sector grants process East Staffordshire 2017/18

Applications are invited from:

  • Voluntary organisations/registered charities
  • Community groups
  • Not for profit organisations
  • Faith groups

Funding may be made available for sums not exceeding £10,000 per annum for periods up to a maximum of three years (exceptions may be made for outstanding bids).

Bids should be able to demonstrate outcomes within ‘Improving Lives’ [ and specifically aimed at one or more of the following:

a)Reduction in unplanned hospital admission and/or reduction in length of hospital stayor reduction in admission to NHS funded care

b)Sustainable* improvement in access for vulnerable individuals to social opportunities in rural areas of East Staffordshire (ie excluding Burton and Uttoxeter towns)

*Sustainable refers to individuals, ie enablement of access to continuing social opportunity, not dependent on indefinite contact from one person

c)Enablement of individuals and their carers within the following groups to better self-manage their conditions at home [ie in their normal place of residence].

  • diabetes
  • COPD/chronic respiratory disease
  • Chronic heart disease

Examples of this may be the use of technology or expert patient programmes (these are examples only and other ideas would be welcome).

d)Finance requested may be for:

-Funding for one to three years

-A small sum to cover one-off costs (up to £1000)

Preference will be given to submissions which can evidence innovatory ideas or development proposals which go beyond what is already offered, or has been offered in the past, by others.

Application form 2016/17 grant

Name of organisation/community group
Contact details
Current service description
Proposal summary (what and where)
Outcome(s) which will be met by the proposal if funded
Sustainability - How will the proposed service be made sustainable and what if any other funding is available or will be sought elsewhere?
Funding sought from this bid (amount):
2018/19 (if applicable)
2019/20 (if applicable)
What will this funding be used to pay for? (Details of equipment, staffing, premises costs, insurance, transport etc)


  1. You may attach further information about your organisation if you wish.


  1. Complete the application form
  1. Submit the application form by 31/12/16 for 2017/18 funding.
  1. We will evaluate your bid according to the evaluation criteria below, using a panel which will include Virgin Care Ltd managers as well as Citizens’Panel representation and Community Development representation.

Organisations will be contacted if there are any questions relating to their submission.

  1. Submissions will be read on Thursday 5 January 2017 and those organisations which have made submissions requiring further discussion will be invited to present to the panel on Thursday 19 January 2017. Presentations will not be required for submissions made for less than £1,000.
  1. Feedback to all organisations will be given on Monday 23 January 2017.

Evaluation criteria

  1. Proposal meets Improving Lives outcomes and one or more of specific areas we have requested in bullets a) – c) above. [scored 1-10]
  1. Proposal is innovative – not just a continuation of what exists* (excluding small grants of up to £1000)
  1. Proposal is likely to be sustainable [scored 1-10]
  1. For small grants up to £1000 only – sum requested would enable continuation or improvement of existing service which meets one or more outcomes as in bullets a) – c) above.

Successful organisations will be required to evidence their ability to meet Virgin Care Ltd terms and conditions relating to Equality and Health & Safety Legislation, Information Governance and Safeguarding requirements, insurance and financial probity. Successful organisations will be required to sign a formal agreement which includes these terms and conditions. [Where small one-off sums of no more than £500 have been requested this agreement will be adapted accordingly].

An extract from a standard agreement is attached for your information.

Extracts from standard agreement

Reference to clauses and schedules relate to the whole agreement, -this example is intended only to give an idea of what would be in an agreement

1Project Standards and Conduct

1.1The Recipient must carry out the Project in accordance with:

1.1.1Good Health and/or Social Care Practice;

1.1.2the Fundamental Standards of Care (as applicable to the Activities);

1.1.3Health and Safety Requirements; and

1.1.4any applicable guidance and Regulatory requirements.

1.2The Recipient must perform the Project in compliance with:

1.2.1all applicable equality law (whether in relation to race, sex, gender reassignment, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion or belief, pregnancy, maternity or otherwise); and

1.2.2any equality and diversity policies, or other reasonable requirements relating to equality or diversity, communicated to it by VCSL.

1.2.3the Human Rights Act as if it was a public authority for the purposes of that Act.

1.3Where the Recipient engages in clinical correspondence (paper or electronic) with commissioners or providers of NHS health care services in respect of an individual Service User, the Recipient must ensure that the Service User’s verified NHS Number is used as the primary identifier for that Service User in that correspondence, and the Recipient must observe NHS guidance on the use of the NHS Number as applicable to the Project.

1.4The Recipient must take all necessary steps to ensure that all Relevant Staff comply with this clause 6.


2.1Where, in relation to the Project, the Recipient is a Regulated Activity Provider with ultimate responsibility for the management and control of a Regulated Activity, it must:

2.1.1ensure that all Relevant Staff are subject to a valid enhanced disclosure check for regulated activity undertaken through DBS;

2.1.2monitor the level and validity of the checks under this clause 7.1 for all Relevant Staff; and

2.1.3not employ or use the services of any person who is barred from, or whose previous conduct or records indicate that he or she would not be suitable to carry out Regulated Activity or who may otherwise present a risk to Service Users.

2.2The Recipient warrants that it has no reason to believe that any Relevant Staff are barred from the activity in accordance with the provisions of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and any regulations made under it, as amended from time to time.

2.3The Recipient must immediately provide to VCSL any relevant information reasonably requested by VCSL to enable VCSL to be satisfied that the obligations of this clause 7 have been met.

2.4The Recipient must refer to the DBS information about any person in respect of whom it declines or withdraws permission to be involved in the Project (or would have done so, if that person had not otherwise ceased to be involved) because, in its opinion, that person has harmed or poses a risk of harm to Service Users.

3Repayment or recovery of the Grant

3.1VCSL may at its absolute discretion withhold, suspend, or require the Recipient to repay, all or part of the Grant if:

8.1.1the information disclosed by the Recipient in the Application was materially inaccurate or misleading;

8.1.2VCSL reasonably considers that delivery of the Project falls short of the standards required under this Agreement;

8.1.3the Recipient (or any of its Staff) acts dishonestly or negligently in connection with the Project or breaches any of its or their legal obligations in a way that could lead to reputational damage for VCSL or the NHS;

8.1.4the Recipient (or any of its Staff) commits a Prohibited Act;

8.1.5the circumstances described in clause 2.3 apply (in which case, VCSL’s rights under this clause relate to the unspent amount only);

8.1.6where the Recipient receives duplicate funding for the Project as referred to in clause 4 (in which case, VCSL’s recovery will be limited to a part of the Grant equivalent to the amount of duplicate funding);

8.1.7the Recipient applies any of the Grant in a manner not permitted under this Agreement;

8.1.8the Recipient becomes unable, for any reason, to continue the Project substantially on the terms of Schedule 1, or VCSL reasonably considers that this will be the case;

8.1.9the Recipient is subject to adverse findings, warning notices, interventions or other action from any Regulator;

8.1.10the Recipient fails to commence, progress or complete the Project substantially in accordance with any timescales or milestones contained out in the Application or in Schedule 1;

8.1.11the Recipient is subject to an Insolvency Event, ceases to carry out the Activities, ceases to be a Voluntary Organisation or loses any Regulatory consent necessary for the Project; or

8.1.12the Recipient fails to comply with any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement and (where that failure is capable of being remedied) fails to remedy that failure within 10 Operational Days of the receipt of a notice from VCSL to remedy the failure.

3.2Where VCSL requires repayment of any part of the Grant under this clause 8, the Recipient must repay that amount in full within 20 Operational Days of receipt of VCSL’s notice requiring repayment. VCSL may alternatively, at its discretion, set off any amounts due to it under this clause 8 against any further instalments of the Grant due to be paid, or against any other payments due from VCSL to the Recipient under this Agreement or otherwise.


The Recipient must put in place and maintain in force at its own cost appropriate insurance in respect of all liabilities that may be incurred by the Recipient in connection with the Project, including employers’ liability, clinical negligence (where the provision or non-provision of any part of the Project may result in a clinical negligence claim), public liability and (where applicable to the Project) professional negligence. On written request from VCSL, the Recipient must provide documentary evidence that these insurances are fully maintained and that any premiums on them are fully paid.

Accounting and record keeping

4.1The Recipient must segregate and account separately for the Grant, and must keep separate, accurate and up-to-date accounts and records of its receipt and expenditure of the Grant. Without prejudice to any other obligations it may have to keep records for longer periods, the Recipient must keep all invoices, receipts, accounts and any other relevant documents relating to the expenditure of the Grant for at least six years following receipt of any Grant monies to which they relate. VCSL will have the right to review the Recipient’s accounts and records relating to the Grant and to take copies of such accounts and records.

4.2The Recipient must comply, and facilitate VCSL’s compliance with, all statutory requirements as regards accounts, audit or examination of accounts, annual reports and annual returns applicable to itself and to VCSL.

5Reporting and Review

5.1The Recipient must report to VCSL on its use of the Grant and delivery of the Project. Those reports must contain the information, and be in the format and delivered at the frequency and to the timescales, as VCSL reasonably requests. The Recipient must also provide VCSL with all reasonable assistance and co-operation in relation to any ad-hoc information requests made by VCSL in relation to the Project.

5.2The Recipient must promptly supply to VCSL any information requested by VCSL to assure VCSL that the Project is being delivered in accordance with the Fundamental Standards of Care.

5.3VCSL and the Recipient will, at VCSL’s request and at the frequency specified by VCSL, meet to review the progress and delivery of the Project.

5.4Without prejudice to its other obligations under this clause 12, the Recipient must, within 2 Operational Days of becoming aware of them, inform VCSL of:

5.4.1any Service User Safety Incidents in relation to the Project;

5.4.2any adverse findings, warning notices, interventions or other regulatory action from any Regulator in relation to the Recipient; and

5.4.3any loss of consent, approval or licence that has a material adverse impact on the Recipient’s delivery of the Project;

6Publicity and NHS Branding

6.1The Recipient must not, without the prior written consent of VCSL, apply NHS branding or VCSL’s name or logo to the Project, and must obtain VCSL’s prior written approval (not to be unreasonably withheld) for any publicity in connection with the Recipient’s receipt of the Grant.

6.2If VCSL does permit the Recipient to use NHS branding, or its name or logo in connection with the Project, that permission is limited to the purposes and duration communicated to the Recipient by VCSL and the Recipient must comply with the NHS Branding Guidelines and any other instructions from VCSL.

7Data Protection and Information Governance

7.1The Recipient must observe its obligations under the DPA, the HRA, and under the common law duty of confidentiality, as appropriate.

7.2The Recipient acknowledges that VCSL is subject to the requirements of the FOIA and the EIRs. The Recipient must:

7.2.1provide all necessary assistance and cooperation as reasonably requested by VCSL to enable VCSL to comply with its obligations under the FOIA and EIRs;

7.2.2where it receives a request for information under FOIA in relation to this Agreement, not respond to that request (unless directed to do so by VCSL) and promptly (and in any event within 2 Operational Days) transfer the request to VCSL; and

7.2.3provide VCSL with a copy of all information belonging to VCSL relevant to the request for information, in the form that VCSL requires, within 5 Operational Days (or such other period as VCSL may reasonably specify) of VCSL's request.

7.3The Recipient acknowledges that VCSL, acting in accordance with the codes of practice issued and revised from time to time under FOIA and/or the EIRs, may disclose information concerning the Recipient and this Agreement either without consulting with the Recipient, or following consultation with the Recipient and having taken its views into account.

7.4The Recipient must have a nominated information governance lead and (where applicable) Caldicott Guardian, and must ensure that VCSL is kept informed at all times of the identities and contact details of those persons.

7.5The Recipient must complete an annual information governance assessment using the NHS Information Governance Toolkit and must achieve a minimum level 2 performance against all requirements for its organisation type[1]. If the Recipient is unable to achieve level 2 compliance against all such requirements it must put in place an improvement plan satisfactory to VCSL setting out how it will take the steps necessary to achieve level 2 compliance. The Recipient must provide VCSL with access to its toolkit submissions and any improvement plan on request.


8.1Without prejudice to the obligations of the Recipient under clause 15.1 in relation to personal information that is confidential, each party must, except as permitted by this clause 16, keep confidential all information disclosed to it by the other party in connection with this Agreement, and must use all reasonable endeavours to prevent their Staff from making any disclosure to any person of that information.

8.2Clause 16.1 will not apply to disclosure of information that:

8.2.1is in or comes into the public domain other than by breach of this Agreement;

8.2.2the receiving party can show by its records was in its possession before it received it from the disclosing party; or

8.2.3the receiving party can prove it obtained or was able to obtain from a source other than the disclosing party without breaching any obligation of confidence.

8.3A party may disclose the other party’s confidential information:

8.3.1to comply with applicable law;

8.3.2to any appropriate Regulator;

8.3.3in connection with any dispute resolution or litigation between the parties;

8.3.4as permitted under any other express arrangement or other provision of this Agreement; and

8.3.5where the disclosing party is VCSL, to NHS Bodies for the purposes of carrying out their duties.


9.1The total liability of VCSL under this Agreement is limited to the amount of the payment of the Grant, subject to the conditions set out in this Agreement.

9.2VCSL has no responsibility for any other costs incurred by the Recipient in connection with the activities to which the Grant relates, and the Recipient must indemnify and keep VCSL indemnified against any losses, damages, costs, expenses, liabilities, claims, actions, proceedings or other liabilities that result from or arise out of the Recipient’s acts or omissions in relation to the Project or its duties to third parties.


10.1The Recipient may not, without VCSL’s prior written consent, assign, transfer, sub-contract, or in any other way make over to any third party the benefit and/or the burden of this Agreement or (unless as an agreed or necessary part or enabler of the Project), transfer or pay to any other person any part of the Grant.

10.2All Intellectual Property owned or created by the either party in connection with the Project remains the property of that party.

