
Suggestions for Stimuli

Unit 1

Drill Resource 1, Task 1
Occasional language / Sound trac - Ga i... different things ... running as learners come into class and settle down
Drill Resource 2
Family and Pets / Show the drill pictures one by one at the beginning of the lesson (with individual items of vocabulary being spoken).
Show one picture featuring a number of pets or family members.
Drill Resource 3
Appearance / Show drill pictures one by one at the beginning of the lesson (with vocabulary being spoken if desired).
Show a picture of a labelled face - llygaid, gwallt, trwyn and so on.
Task 2
School subjects / Show drill pictures one by one at the beginning of the lesson (with vocabulary being spoken if desired).
Task 3
Buildings in Town / Show a picture of a town with a theatre, library, church etc.

Unit 2

Occasional language / Sound trac - Wyt ti'n gwrando? Wyt ti’n edrych ? Wyt ti’n dawel ? Wyt ti’n eistedd ? Wyt ti’n barod... running as learners come into class and settle down
Drill Resource 4, Task 5
Food / show the drill pictures one by one at the beginning of the lesson (with individual items of vocabulary being spoken)
Show one picture featuring a number of different foods. (See unit vocabulary).
Drill Resource 5, Task 4
School subjects / Show drill pictures at the beginning of the lesson (with vocabulary being spoken). Subjects could surround picture of learner/s on the screen.
Drill Resource 6, Task 4, Task 5, Task 6
Interests / Show drill pictures one by one at the beginning of the lesson (with vocabulary being spoken).
Show one picture at t time of a child with her/his name on his/her T shirt doing a variety of hobbies , e.g. football, tennis, swimming, singing, playing on the Gameboy, 10-pin bowling. (See unit vocabulary).
Drill Resource 7, Task 6
Buildings in Town / Show a general picture of a town with a theatre, library, church etc. (See unit vocabulary.)

Unit 3

Drill Resource 8
Favourite things/interests / Run 'YTroellwr' (spinner) as the children come into class
Drill Resource 9
Everyday items / Photograph of a car boot sale
Drill Resource 10
General - quiz / Symbol of a large question mark
Task 7
Asking what the price / age / Unit 3 Task 7 vocabulary pictures already on screen.
Task 8
Family, School and Pets / Interests / Unit 3 Task 8 vocabulary pictures already on screen.

Unit 4

Drill Resource 11
Buildings in Town / Buildings in town pictures aleady on screen
Drill Resource 12
Interests (+ numbers) / Pictures of interests on screen - or one interest only - e.g. guitar or swimming - ready to ask the question - 'Pwy sy'n (gallu) canu'r gitâr / nofio yn y dosbarth?
Drill Resource 13
Time and Types of TV programme / Collage of TV programme logos
Or: Picture of TV and the question: Beth sy ar y teledu ...?
Task 9
General and Transport / Unit 4 Task 9 vocabulary pictures already on screen.
Task 10
Illness / Question on screen in large type:
Beth sy’n bod arnat ti?
Or: picture/photograph of someone looking ill.
Task 11
Colours, Numbers, General / One of Unit 4 Task 11 Vocabulary Pictures on screen - e.e. colour or number

Unit 5

Drill Resource 14
Interests / Pictures of interests on screen - or one interest only - ready to ask the questions - 'Ble wyt ti'n ...?' 'Ble mae x yn ...?'
Drill Resource 15
Buildings in Town / Buildings in town pictures aleady on screen
Picture of GPS
Drill Resource 16
General - quiz / Picture / Photograph of one famous building already on screen.
Task 12
Verbs / Show vocabulary for this task or the question word Pam? in large type on the screen/board
Task 13
School subjects / Pryd? Sut? in large type on screen / board

Unit 6

Drill Resource 17
Verbs / Sentence to be drilled or one or more of resource pictures
Drill Resource 18
Free time during the week and Interests / Picture of calendar or the words - nos Lun, nos Fawrth ... and so on
Drill Resource 19
Verbs / Picture of resource Pwy? with the moving belt.
Task 14
Verbs / Show the vocabulary for this task
Task 15
Everyday nouns / Show the vocabulary for this task
Task 16
Things to have an opinion on / Beth wyt ti’n feddwl o ....? on the screen

Unit 8

Drill Resource 23
The Weather / All or one of the weather pictures
Drill Resource 24
Feelings / One of Feeling Vocab pictures
Drill Resource 25
Free choice as regards vocabulary / Following words in large type on screen:
Beth? Pwy? Faint? Pam? Ble? Sut? Pryd?
Task 20
Asking questions about a game and a disco in the past
Beth oedd? Pwy oedd? Sut oedd? Pryd oedd? / Picture of rugby / football game or disco
Task 21
Asking questions about the past
Verbs - Oeddet ti'n ...? / Oeddech chi’n ...? / Picture from the time when learners' parents or grandparents were young
Task 22
General verbs / Imperfect of bod (i.e. I was ...) in PowerPoint form - one screen for each one of the following, running as learners come into class:
Oeddwn i...?
Oeddet ti ...?
Oedd e / o ...?
Oedd hi?
Oedden ni?
Oeddech chi?
Oedden nhw?

Unit 9

Drill Resource 26
Weekend activities / All or one of resource pictures enlarged on screen
Drill Resource 27
Various verbs / One of verb pictures
Task 23
Various nouns / One of task pictures with a question underneath it - e.g.
Gest ti hwyl?
Task 24
Various verbs / Picture of a party
Task 25
Various verbs / Forms of the past - fi, ni, nhw - on PowerPoint - one screen for each of the following, running as learners come into class:
Beth welais i?
Sut deithion ni?
Ddawnsion nhw?
Pryd aethon nhw?
Pam es i?
Gawson ni hwyl?
Arhoson nhw?
Beth fwyton ni?

Unit 10

Drill Resource 28
Countries of Europe / Show map or banner of one of the countries of Europe, or a photograph which represents one of the countries in the exercise - e.g. Spain
Drill Resource 29
Free Choice / Fruit machine already spinning
Task 26
Various verbs / One of task pictures with a question underneath it - e.g.
Fyddi di’n aros gartref dros yr haf?
Task 27
Various verbs / Picture of one of the adverbs in the vocabulary: yfory / dros yr haf / dros y penwythnos
+ Fyddwch chi ...? Fyddan nhw’n ...?
Task 28
Various verbs / One of the sentences in the exercise with the relevant picture.

Unit 11

Drill Resource 30
Contents of bedroom / Picture of a teenage learner's bedroom or the bedroom in the resource (without any colours).
Drill Resource 31
Various verbs / One of the pictures of the aspirations / wishes - e.g. ennill miliwn o bunnoedd (win a million pounds)
Task 29
General vocabulary / One of task pictures with a question underneath it - e.g.
Faset ti’n bwyta malwod?
Task 30
General vocabulary / Hoffet ti ....? and Allet ti ...? in large type + one of resource pictures and the relevant questions typed underneath - e.g.
Hoffet ti brynu tocyn?
Allet ti ganu?