St. Mary’s PS

(Key Stage 2 Planner)

TOPIC: Polar Explorers


DATE: November 2017- February 2018

Thinking Skill & Personal Capabilities
As stated in the overview / Starting Points
WAU co-ordinator applied for this initiative (Only 10 schools in N.I accepted on to the programme) Attendance at initial CPD training seminar in October 2017 pre-implementation. Met with Gill Humes Polar Ambassador for the programme
Whole class discussion leading to production of KWL grid based on the topic.
P.6 will participate in the CREST award this year as a result of their participation in this programme. / Home Learning
STEM Parents’ Workshop arranged for P.6 parents and children as an introduction to topic 27th November 2017- Gerard Hughes -Sentinus
Pupils will:
Participate and listen attentively in all group discussions (Overview 1,2,3,4)
Participate in role play situations (Overview 1,2,3,4)
Represent their understanding of text in a range of ways including visual, oral, dramatic and digital. (Overview 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13)
Use a variety of reading skills for different reading purposes eg. Reviewing, recalling, skimming and scanning. (Overview11,12,13)
Use traditional and digital sources to locate, select, evaluate and communicate information relevant to a particular task (Overview 10, 11, 12, 13)
Write for a variety of purposes and audiences, selecting, planning and using appropriate style and form (Overview5,6,7,8,9) / Pupils will:
Plan and organise their work, learning to work systematically (Overview 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
Develop a range of strategies for problem-solving, looking for ways to overcomedifficulties(Overview1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12,)
Present information and results clearly(Overview 4)
Ask and respond to open-ended questions and explain their thinking(Overview 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10,11,12 )
Collect, classify, record and present data drawn from a range of meaningfulsituations, using graphs, tables, diagrams and ICT software;(Overview 1,2,3,4,6,7)
Develop skills in estimation of length, weight, capacity and temperature (Overview 8, 9, 10)
Use the four operations to solve problems involving money (Overview 11)
Use Scratch coding to create animation on polar research
(Overview 1,3, 4,5,6,8,9,10,12) / Pupils will:
Investigate, make predictions and solve problems through interaction with digital tools (Overview – Explore)
Talk about, review and make improvements to work, reflecting on the process and outcome and consider the sources and resources used, including safety, reliability and acceptability. (Overview- Evaluate)
Manage and present their stored work and showcase their learning across the curriculum, using ICT safely and responsibly. (Overview- Exhibit)
Deliver their presentation to the group or class (Overview- Evaluate, Exhibit)
Organise saved work and export it an appropriate format (Overview-Exhibit)
Investigate and solve problems in a digital environment (Overview – Explore)
Communicate safely and responsibly using Fronter (Overview – Exchange) / Pupils will:
Recognise ways in which seasonal change influences animal and plant behaviour including hibernation, migration, camouflage and plant/animal lifecycles (I, P)(Overview 2,5,6,7,8)
Explore and survey habitats (I, P, COT) (Overview 2,5,6,7,8)
Recognise properties of materials including strength, flexibility, transparency, waterproofing, hardness/softness, conductor/insulator, magnetism and how these affect their use (I, P)(Overview 14 )
Understand melting, evaporation and condensation in the context of water (COT) (Overview 12 )
Understand that a push or a pull is known as a force (M&E) (Overview 3, 12, 13 )
Understand that friction is a push or pull that can prevent movement, slow down and/or stop a moving object (M&E)(Overview 3, 12, 13 )
Understand that a push or a pull can change the direction or shape of an object (M&E)(Overview 3, 12, 13 )
Understand that we use rockets, probes and satellites to fin(Overview 1,3, 5, 9,12,13 )d out about our universe (M&E)
Understand about the location, size, shape and use of common landscape features (P, I) (Overview 7,8,9 )
Understand that natural disasters can have negative and positive consequences locally and globally (P, M&E, COT)
(Overview 9, 10,11,12 )
Recognise places and features, local and global, on a plan, map or photograph (P)(Overview 5, 6, 7,8,9)
Understand how to use 4-figure co-ordinates,8 point compass and standard references e.g. Globe, Atlas (P)(Overview 5, 6, 7,8,9 )
Understand that extreme weather can have positive and negative consequences locally and globally
(I, M&E, P)(Overview 5, 6, 7,8,9,10, 11,12 )
Identify characteristics of a specific time period e.g. changes in transport/communications/ inventions (I, COT) (Overview 3,9,12,13 ) / Pupils will (ART):
Know how to use drawing techniques to respond to ideas or imagination(Overview 1, 2, )
Recognise the occurrence of the visual elements within the natural worldeg. line, tone, shape etc (Overview 1, 2, )
Pupils will (MUSIC):
Create a musical story/jingle (Overview 1, 2, )
Think and talk about the elements of music and how they are used (Overview 1, 2, )
Pupils will (DRAMA):
Structure dramatic activity to make meaning clear to a chosen audience(Overview 1, 2)
WALT: draw a venn diagram
  • accurate information in each quadrant
/ WALT: draw a line graph
  • Labelled axes and a title
  • Accurate plotting of information
/ WALT: write a biography
  • Understanding that diaries, newspaper reports, biographies, autobiographies and journals are types of recounts
  • A detailed plan using given framework
  • Use of connectives-later, after, before, consequently,however
  • Written in past tense
  • Written in 1st/3rd person
/ WALT:plan the basics needed for an Antarctic expedition within a given budget
  • Use the Antarctica catalogue to choose clothes/food/necessities needed for the expedition ensuring the best purchases are made for their needs
  • Accurate calculations
  • Co-operative group work
/ WALT: Understand how submarines descend and rise and to know that air is lighter than water
  • Make predictions
  • Accurate labelled diagrams
  • Report and present findings from enquiries, including conclusions
/ WALT: use Do-Ink App /Green Screen to present a Polar News Conference
  • Accurate independent research
  • Detailed script
  • Presented in a clear tone with good expression

WEEK 1 / WEEK 2 / WEEK 3 / WEEK 4 / WEEK 5 / WEEK 6
Teacher’s Ideas
Children’s Ideas
We want to (from Planning Board):
Learn about
Do / WAU/Science
KFWL with children
Completion of Topic Page
General introduction to Polar Explorer Programme
Design a Boat that will take the maximum number of passengers CREST ACTIVITY 1
Use of atlases to locate Artic/Antartica- continents of the world, lines of latitude and longitude , equator, north and south poles, what time is it at the south pole-time zones,
Find out about Antarctic geography, wildlife and environment. Whe are the different seasons? What is the weather, temperature and wind speed at different times of the year?
Draw a venn diagram showing differences between Artic/Antarctica / Numeracy
Draw graphs of temperatures in Antarctica
Comprehension - Various
Recount Writing- Write a diary extract on Shackelton’s expedition
Poetry – The Rime of the Ancient Mariner
ICE BREAKER CREST ACTIVITY 2- designing best hull for a ship to break through ice- forces upthrust, air resistance, thrust, friction, weight
WAU/History/ Geography
Create a timeline of Antartic Exploration –Who found Antartica and when? Which explorer got to the south pole first? What wopukld the crew of Shackelton’s expedition have seen along their route.
Classroom Display/Collage of RSS David Attenborough / Literacy/WAU
Using role play to appreciate a day in the life of an Antarctic Research station
Comprehension – Various
Recount Writing- Write a biography for a famous explorer to the Artic/Antartica
Gill Humes Polar Ambassador Visit21st November 2017- Ocean Grabber- Design an Undersea Sampling Tool- collecting samples from the seabed
Sentinus Advisor- Gerard Hughes Workshop for P.6 Parents on theme of water, Oceans, Antarctica
27 November 2017
Antarctica’s physical terrain, oceans and their influences upon exploration. Do people live on Antartica?What is daily life like on Antartica?
Task: Time to Scratch Task / Numeracy
Plan an Antarctica expedition – purchase clothing, foodstuffs etc- budget planning see page 79 booklet
Comprehension -various
Recount Writing- Write a diary extract on the work of Frank Hurley – expedition photographer. Pupils take on his role and imagine what he would see through the camera lens along his journey
How do you eat like an Artic Explorer?-CREST AWARD 3 activity- balanced diet/ create a polar menu
Acrylic Skies activity
Listening to reflective music
Task: Time to Scratch / Numeracy
Plan an Antarctica expedition – purchase clothing, foodstuffs etc- budget planning see page 79 booklet
Comprehension – Various
STEM AMBASSADOR VISIT 1- Polar Research Expert( Date to be arranged)
Making a Diver CREST AWARD 4 activity- how submarines descend and rise/ air is lighter than water
Write a diary extract about work carried out in a polar research station
Compose their own music to create the atmosphere of Antartica
Task: Time to Scratch / Literacy
Comprehension – Various
Recount Writing- Write a newspaper account about progress at the polar research station-South Pole News
Do you like your oceans still or sparkling?- CREST AWARD 5 activity
Paper Lakes activity
Polar Exploration- use of DO Ink app/green screen- Polar Press Conference
WEEK 7 / WEEK 8 / WEEK 9 / WEEK10 / WEEK 11 / WEEK 12
Animals Over Winter Activity- adaptations
Comprehension – Various
Report Writing- Write a report about animals and how they adapt in winter- migration, hibernation, changes in behaviour etc
Task:Create an e-book
Display for front corridor- create an ice cube collage / world climate display etc
March of the Penguins / Numeracy
Comprehension - Various
Task:Create an e-book
Gill Humes Polar Ambassador Visit 16 January 2018- Data Logging exercise
Graph results
Dissolving Sea Shells in Vinegar –CREST AWARD 6 activity / Literacy
Comprehension - Various
Writing- Write a narrative about a polar expedition
STEM AMBASSADOR VISIT 2-Meteorologist (Date to be arranged)
Recount Writing- Meteorologist’s Visit
How do animals and humans keep warm in the Artic? CREST AWARD 7 Activity
Task:Create an e-book / Literacy
Comprehension - Various
Report Writing- Write a report about life as an Artic /Antarctica explorer
Blubber Gloves CREST AWARD 8 activity
Watching a glacier activity
Task:Create an e-book
Frosted Foliage pictures / WAU/Literacy
MeteorWrite activity with whole school community- create a meteor in school playground- writing in response
Report Writing- Write a report about meteor that hit St. Mary’s P.S
Preparation for Class Assembly on Polar Exploration theme (DM)
Task:Create an e-book / WAU/Literacy
Class Assembly on Polar Exploration theme (DM)
Salty Seas CREST AWARD 9 activity
Task:Create an e-book
Resources / Belair display books
Literacy through Science-Middle/Upper Prim-Ed
Exploring Science 5
Exploring Science 6 / Science –Book 4 Prim-Ed
Science –Book 5 Prim-Ed
Science –Book 6 Prim-Ed / Here’s my Topic, Where’s my Science? Leslie Hunter / Polar Explorer Programme Teaching Notes and Activity Box / Polar Ambassador- Gill Humes
STEM Ambassadors- Polar Research Vessel and meteorologist
Sentinus- Gerard Hughes / CREST AWARD