Silver Economy in Europe 2005
Mr. Werner B. Korte
We have got information about Silver Economy in Europe 2005 Conference 17th – 18th Februarry from Mr. Jani Taivalantti, Director in East Finland EU Office. We are interested in introducing our ARVO –project - Developing Polytechnic, professionalism among teachers and employees in elderly care. The project has started at the end of year 2003 and continues at least until December 2005. The project isco-ordinated by Savonia Polytechnic Health Professions Kuopio.
Description about Arvo –project is attached.
We would like to take part in your conference and tell more about our project.
Sincerely Yours
Raija Hirvonen
Project Manager
Liitetiedostoksi / Laita Savonian leima ylänurkkaan!
ARVO –project - Developing Polytechnic, professionalism among teachers and employees in elderly care.
The aims of Arvo-project:
- to develop multiprofessional co-operation and activities among the units in Polytechnic, Vocational institute, University and Elderly care sector
- to enhance collaboration among education, research and representatives in elderly care sector in order to create a common network
We work to achieve:
- Multiprofessional co-operation model to develop education and elderly care. The model can be transferred and used in the whole educational area
- New multiporfessional teaching methods and contents by using information technology
- Multiprofessional model to develop skills of the staff in elderly care
- Multiprofessional project works and thesis
- Innovations by research, developmental work and tests to support the self-motivation and independence of the older persons
- Common network among the participants in elderly care
The subjects in the project:
- Units in Savonia Polytechnic
- Social and Health unit in Savo Vocational Institute
- University of Kuopio
- City of Kuopio , Social Affairs and Health Board
- Nursing Homes in Kuopio
- Technology Business Companies
- Voluntary organisations / associations, Volunteers
- Elderly people and their relatives
The activities to carry out in the project in multiprofessional teams:
- To organize the activity day in Elderly Care Center Levänen twice a year
- To organize different kinds of activities / events in elderly care (Nursing Homes, DayCenters for Elderly people, …)
- Educational events about aging and elderly care for students, teachersfor elderly care staff
- To develop multiprofessional practical training (teaching and learning)
- To develop technology products to facilitate activities in daily living among older people
- Ca. 25 thesis have started up in the Arvo –project.