Seeing Red
Think about the things you would like to include in your presentation and list them below.
Title of our Presentation: ______
Overall Goal: ______
Topics and reference materials
Project Requirements
Minimum number of slides_____
Minimum number of Graphics______
Other Requirements______
I am planning on including:
Photographs ______
Presentation Planning
Complete a rough sketch of how you would like to lay out your presentation.
Group Performance Evaluation Form
Name: Date:
Use this form to assess the performance of your group.
Circle the appropriate number after each statement.
Members of your group: ______
Rating Scale0= Majority Difficulty 1= Needs Improvement 2= Fair 3 =Good 4 =Excellent
1. All members participated in the group activities. 0 1 2 3 4
2. Members listened to others in the group. 0 1 2 3 4
3. Members helped and encouraged others in the group. 0 1 2 3 4
4. Group members stayed on the task assigned. 0 1 2 3 4
5. Group members worked well together. 0 1 2 3 4
6. No one dominated the group discussion. 0 1 2 3 4
Add circled numbers for a total score. Score out of 24 =
Fill in A and B below
A. What I really liked about our group:B. Ideas for improvement:
Activity Sheet: Questions from the selection of videos(Fill in on paper)
- What is the significance of the quote” One is left with the horrible feeling now that war settles nothing; that to win a war is as disastrous as to lose one." by
Agatha Christie
- When did the battle take place:
- What was the main reason for the Battle of the Somme ?
- Explain “ the significance of the poppy at the end of each of the film
- What was one of the main causes of the loss of so many men?
- How powerful are the visuals in the movie?
- Who are the main characters in the movie?
- Explain the excerpt “War is a series of catastrophes that results in a victory” by
Georges Clemenceau
- How did the music Pie Jesus from Requiem by Sarah Brighman add to the feeling of the battle?
Lesson plan for senior high students:
The teacher will lead a Socratic Seminar
- Socratic Seminar - Description
Socratic Seminars -
Students prepare for the seminar by reading the text(s) from the following sites:
and answering the comprehension and discussion questions.
2. Teacher checks participants` preparation and only allows students who are prepared to participate.
3. Teacher provides one copy of the assessment rubric (see below) for each student
4. Teacher leads the dialogue (for the difference between dialogue and debate go to ( ) based on the discussion questions.
5. Students assess themselves according to the rubric, provide an explanation of the assessment and submit it
6. Teacher reads students self-assessments, provides her own assessment and feedback to students for future seminars.
Specific Objectives
- Students will study the text
- Students will listen actively
- Students will share their ideas and questions in response to the ideas and questions of others
- Students will search for evidence in the text to support their ideas
Comprehension Questions
Which group of soliers were almost wiped out duringthis battle?
When did the battle take place
What took place after this battle?
How many solders died during this battle?
Who decided to send the soldiers over the hill?
Why were they fighting this battle?
What was trench war fair like?
Higher Order Questions
How real are Media Presentations? (A Metacognitive Exercise)
Ask your students how real they think news reports and documentaries are. How can they and other media viewers and readers determine how valid information provided by the news media is?
· What strategies do the filmmakers use to convey the message of their film?
· What is their message?
· Does this film have a hero or heroes? What evidence would you offer in evidence to explain your response to this question?
Were you surprised by the treatment of our government towards the Italian Canadians during the Second World War?
Can you give an example in today’s history that was similarly To the Battle of the Somme
Were the generals right / wrong to send their men over the hill?
Were there examples of bad leadership?
· What effect do a leaders decisions have on the soldiers ?
· What affect does it have on the people of Canada?
· Did current events that happened in France affect Newfoundland ?
· One of the most problematic resources for humans is land.
- How does this film reflect the conflicts that arise over this precious resource?
Critical Thinking – Socratic seminar is a critical thinking exercise which requires students to use and answer questions from all levels of thinking