
Think about Elvis. Think about Jerry Lee, think about Whitney, and Aretha

How long have you been a Christian? Have you grown like you should. Have you accomplished what you could. Have you wasted part of your Christian experience. I know that is a regret. But you don’t have to build anymore regrets into your life.

Quips:A mind is a terrible thing to waste,

Parents didn't believe in waste. Jeans rolled up. Eat what's on your plate. Good for Tupperware. We had left over leftovers till it was gone. Or the dogs got it.

Matthew 7:6 Don’t give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them with their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces.


Don't give holy to dogs

Or cast your pearls before swine

Definition: Waste - of no ultimate or eternal value. To use or expend carelessly


  • When God forsakes something it is waste.
  • When you forsake God you become waste!
  • Anything without God is waste (Paul said he would count his past as dung).
  1. Being wasteful may send you on a journey to a far country: The prodigal son went into a far country (Down in the dumps, Valley of Hinnom-wilderness begins). Today people are getting further and further from God and his precepts. In fact often the worlds values are exactly the opposite of Gods (diametrically opposed). Before we come to Christ,we are described as aliens and foreigners to the commonwealth of Israel.
  1. Being wasteful causes you to live foolishly(Could be wild or could be mild/we meander in the maze of mediocrity, we are hang nails on the fickled finger of fate, we shoot up on the Novocain of the monotonous and the mundane): Living foolishly is when the risk outweighs the benefits. Basically other than the thrill there is no redemptive or eternal value in what is done. We know that the prodigal spent money hand over fist. Maybe he charged his cards without any thought of the end of the month. He indulged in promiscuity. An undisciplined life is one strewn with waste.

3. How did you acquire what you earned? Spending someone else's money?!?![1] Easy come, Easy go! When you work for something or if you have to wait for it, the value is enhanced! Gods grace is free. However we are instructed to come to value our salvation so that it will not be squandered. When you invest in your salvation by testimony and participation, worship and study you are likely to be a good steward of the grace of God. Listen church member. Think about the Father’s and Mother’s who paved the way for us. Think about our facility and property and the time we have had with it. Are we going to waste one more day. Are you going to let it go to waste by being far minded and living foolishly?

Now the prodigal is broke. He is desperate! Desperation can cause you to do things you would not ordinarily do!!

Altar Call. I am going to make sure my life is not a waste going forward. I am going to make sure this church is here for myself and my posterity.
