6th Grade Math
Teacher: Ms. Nora Suttner Voice Mail: Ext 3517
Email: Room: H101
SUPPLIES-You will need math supplies every day. These include:
Math Book-We are very protective of our NEW math books which is why we will be covering them on the first day with the paper grocery bag you brought. (Bonus. You can write math formulas right on your book cover for easy reference). Your math book should be kept on the TOP SHELF of your locker (as should all your books). Please DO NOT USE YOUR SPIRAL NOTEBOOK to mark your place in the math book as the notebook breaks the math book's spine; use a sticky note or a book mark. Math books will cost $80.00 to be replaced due to damage. Be gentle with your book; pretend it’s rare.
Spiral Notebook-You will use several notebooks this year because we will be doing an amazing amount of math. 1 sprial notebook will be kept in your math folder. Your 2 extra notebooks will live in your locker until we need them. Do NOT place your notebook inside your math book.
Pencils, Erasers, and High-lighter-Yes! You need a pencil every day. I do not have pencils for you. You will probably need an eraser unless you are positive that you will not make a single mistake for the entire year because your have a rare "super" brain. I use an eraser, frequently. Please bring a red pen for correcting, but only use a pencil to do your math assignment. You will absolutely want a high-lighter every day because we will use these in our note taking!
Math Folder-Use your folder. Do not crush your math papers into your trapper until your trapper becomes a 26 pound fire hazard. Place papers I return to you on the left side. Place papers you plan to give to me on the right side. You can use the papers on the left side for test review.
Calculator-Your fancy TI-34 Calculator is awesome! It saves your problems so that you can scroll back to review; it also does other very cool stuff. It cost your adult ~$20. This calculator was selected because you will be able to use it until 8th grade is over! However, it is not made of titanium and it will not withstand stomping or heavy books dropped on its little brain. It cannot swim (keep it dry). Protect your little calc.!
Other Hints. Do not black out all the numbers with your sharpie. Do not "color" your calculator. Use the protective calculator cover. Keep your calculator on the top shelf of your locker or in a pencil pouch (stored on the top shelf) or in your trapper (in a pencil pouch). PUT YOUR FIRST INITIAL AND LAST NAME ON YOUR CALCULATOR WITH A SHARPIE (It is my hope that your younger siblings can use it when you graduate to your fancy 9th grade calculator...and your adults are hoping the same...I guarantee it).
Graph Paper, Compass, Protractor, Rulers-I have a supply of these items in my room and the school sprung for the graph paper. Your adults have purchased enough school supplies and they need a break. I hope you thanked them for your supplies! Place a check in the box if you did.
1) Upon entering our class, you will need to pick up the notes from today and cut/tape them into your Interactive Student Notebook (ISN). Once you have done so, you should check out the SMART board because your warm up will be up there waiting for you to complete. You will have about 5 minutes to complete the review activities (“The Mighty Three”). Sometimes this activity will be graded, sometimes it will not. DO THE ACTIVITY EACH DAY…these problems are often very similar to items on the chapter test (hint, hint).
2) After correcting the Mighty Three, I will explain the day's lesson. You will practice with your partner and you will practice individually. Only after practicing will you be given the assignment. I expect you to check your answers every 3 to 4 problems. If you miss an item, you must correct it. You will probably have homework daily, but I will try to not overwhelm you. If you do not finish your homework, you will be given time to complete your homework during a portion of your lunch time. I collect homework every day.
3) One of the best ways to learn something new is to teach it. You will be paired with another student and you will be expected to check each other's work. Your partner may change from time to time. You may compare answers with other people at your desks, but your primary responsibility is to make sure your partner know how to correctly solve each problem. TEACH the answer--DON'T TELL the answer. This also makes our class more fun and less stressful. J
GRADING--Your grade will be based on three components:
Homework-15% of your grade will be based on your homework. I collect and review homework every day. I do not give a homework grade every day. If you are absent, you are expected to complete the homework.
Quizzes-25% of your grade will be composed of "mini quizzes." These quizzes allow you to determine what you need to practice for the Chapter Test. They are also made up of items much like items on the test. You can expect a mini quiz a couple times a week.
Tests-60% of your grade will be based on the Chapter Test and Big Quizzes. You will not be allowed to bring the Test or Big Quizzes home. If you’ve been correcting your homework mistakes, doing “The Mighty Three” and taking your mini quizzes, the Big Quizzes and Tests should not be scary.
“What if I need extra help?” Glad you asked!!!
A. Homework. Are you doing all your homework? Are you correcting your mistakes? Are you going too fast?
B. Ms. Suttner I stay after school until 4:15 most days. I would love to help you attack your math and conquer it if you are having a tough day. Math was very difficult for me as a 6th grader and I understand your pain. Come see me...we'll hang out.
C. Homework Help. This free service is offered M, T, and Th from 3:05-4:30 in the MS Media Center. The Media Center is a quiet place to get extra help from a teacher with any subject. You must provide your own transportation home.
D. Tutor. If the above three interventions are not helping, you may need to think about a tutor. Don't wait too long as tutors are snatched up quickly by middle school students (and high school students, too). Our tutors are HS students who are required to earn a certain number of volunteer hours to qualify for the National Honors Society (NHS). These students know their stuff and they offer their help free. They are also fun. I would suggest meeting with your tutor 2-3 x per week. You must provide your own transportation to/from school (the tutoring time at school is between you and your tutor).
That about wraps it up. Talk about this form with your adult, have him/her sign it, and bring it back to school tomorrow.
I read through the letter and I'm signing my name. I will encourage my student and check grades on Skyward weekly (or more often).
I am bringing this letter back the second day of school. I will sign my name when Mrs. Suttner tells me to sign.