Waddesdon Parish Council 4 Year Plan / 2015-19

This document describes the activities currently undertaken by Waddesdon Parish Council, identifies issues, and provides a wish list of items to be considered for implementation during the currency of the present Council.

Street Hygiene

Litter is collected from the streets and recreation ground on 5 mornings a week. The current standard of work seen is excellent. No changes envisaged.

Trolley and other equipment do not currently need replacement.

Consumables are black plastic litter bags for which there will be a continuing need. These bags are deposited in a large wheelie bin provided by Grundon. This is also used for the deposit of dead flowers, wreaths, and grass clippings from the churchyard.

Dog bins are provided throughout the village.

An adequate number of roadside seats are provided throughout the village.

Following a village “clean-up” in March, we are entering the Bucks Best Kept Village competition in June/July 2016.

Action: Make both an annual event, increase awareness in the village encourage residents to help.


Replacement or additional litter bins and dog bins may be needed.

Action (2016/17): Costings for larger dog bins to be obtained to replace existing.

Road side seats will need painting.

Action: Obtain costings & budget for in 2016/17

Grass Cutting

The Recreation Ground, Frederick Street Football Ground, Cemetery, and land bordering the A41 at Goss Avenue, Sharp’s Close, and Anstey Close are owned by this Council. The Churchyard is our responsibility. Other areas are owned by Bucks CC or AVDC and following devolution are maintained on their behalf by us.

Equipment used is for the most part subject to a leasing agreement. It is stored in the mower shed at the Frederick Street pavilion. The equipment is serviced and maintained by E Johnson Motor Engineers Ltd who also supply the fuel used.

During the winter season the groundsmen are employed on other matters such as maintenance of shrubs and small trees. In snowy and icy conditions they will distribute road salt on key areas of the village footways.


Both Mr Saunders and Mr Withey are now 70 and may wish to retire.

Equipment may need repair/replacement.

Action: Assess equipment needs & budget for any repairs/replacements in 2016/17

Hedge Cutting & Ditching

The hedges at Anstey Close, playing field & allotments are cut annually by L F Pearce & Son.

The ditches should be done every 5 years. Action: Check when last done.


The brook may need cleaning out again at Goss Avenue/Sharp’sClose.

Action: Check whether this needs doing 2016/17

Allotment Gardens & Paddocks

34 allotment gardens of various sizes and 5 paddocks are provided off Quainton Road. All are let and well maintained. The fence between the allotment gardens and the paddocks was renewed in 2011 and no further work is deemed necessary at present. Demand for more allotments may be met by the other site in the village which is owned by the Church.

Rent was increased in 1st April 2016.


Access to the water trough needs to be improved.

Action: Path to the trough to be levelled by Groundsman 2016

Football Ground & Pavilion, Frederick Street

The pavilion has been extended and now provides a building for the Waddesdon & Whitchurch Children’s Centre. This work was undertaken by Bucks CC who have a lease on that part of the building and part of the car park. There are also two changing rooms that remain in the possession of this council.

The car park provides 24 car parking spaces.

The football ground is leased to Waddesdon Lions FC until 2019 at an annual rent of £200.

Outgoings consist of grass cutting, hedging and ditching.


What do we do with the football ground at the end of the lease?

Sherriff’s Close

The remainder of this land owned by the Council consists of a field let on an annual tenancy to Mr David Wright of Glebe Farm and a builder’s yard and large shed let on a quarterly basis to Mr Philip Plotkin. Tenants are responsible for boundaries.


Should rend be increased?

Recreation Ground

This was donated to the Village by Mr James de Rothschild to mark his silver wedding in 1939 together with a pavilion which was destroyed by arson. The land is to be used for recreational purposes only.

The area was refurbished in 2010 and now consists of a skateboard park, a youth shelter, MUGA, children’s playground, BMX track and a large area of grass. Weekly inspections are undertaken by a Councillor and annual safety inspection by an external inspector. It is drained by herring bone pipes which lead to a sump adjacent to 10 School Lane. From there it is piped into the Brook.

Cycle racks and extra seating have since been provided.


There are no public lavatories available for users.

There is no lighting on the MUGA to allow for its use in the evenings.

Action: Do we wish to obtain costings for lighting?

Burial Authority

Following an Order in Council in 1996 the Parish Council is the Burial Authority for Waddesdon. It owns the cemetery to the north of the churchyard. It is responsible for the maintenance of the churchyard, its paths and its boundaries (unless these are the responsibility of the neighbouring properties). All is now in good order and no further work is foreseen.


The available consecrated land could well be usedup in 10 years. There are three other areas which at present are not consecrated. Bringing these into use could extend the life span of the cemetery by another 10 years. We may need to negotiate with the Diocese for the purchase of more land to the north to provide for future expansion.

There may be a need to repeat the “topple test” on headstones.

Action: Find out when last done.

Street Lighting

The Parish Council provides street lighting to all parts of the village apart from the A41. (This is done by Bucks CC). There is a whole variety of fittings and columns. Many fittings make use of electricity poles. Mr Steve Fowler currently repairs our street lights. The supply is provided by E-on on an unmetered basis.


Some of the fittings are getting rather old and may require replacement (with LED?).

Action: To trial LED bulbs. If successful, budget for replacement over the next 3 years?

The columns in Warmstone Close are painted and may require re-painting.

Action: assess when this may need to be done so we can budget for it.

Village Fete

This is now an established event at the Waddesdon Weekender. It is sponsored by the Parish Council and organised by a committee and the Cricket Club.

Action: Have a “Meet the Council” stand at the 2016 event to raise the Council’s profile and make this an annual event.

Roads &Footpaths

These are the responsibility of Bucks CC. The Parish Council does have powers to spend money on footpaths and has contributed to the resurfacing and repair of some.

The PC paid for the installation of 4 VAS signs in an attempt to reduce the speed of traffic.

A puffin crossing on the A41 at Goss Avenue/Sharps Close was completed in 2015.


More dropped kerbs are required.

Consideration needs to be given to resurfacing the A41 with a noise reducing surface material.

The 30mph speed restriction needs to be extended to the commencement of the lay by.

The fittings at the village entrances are showing their age and need renewal.

Improvement needed to the School Lane roundabout, possibly by means of a raised planter.

Action: Speak to the Primary School to see if it can be a joint project with them for Spring 2017.

Wish List Items:

Provide cycling course and road safety tuition

Provide a community centre

Provide car parking in the village centre

Provide flower beds at the entrance to Goss Avenue

Arrange for more tree planting in the village

Create a Waddesdon Museum

Create a Waddesdon flag

Raise the Council’s profile in the village by:

  • Supporting village clubs and organisations
  • Supporting and promoting village businesses

This can be done by visits, attending clubs, newsletter articles, promoting events on our website and Facebook page, letting them know how we can help them.

This plan is to be reviewed and updated at the Parish Council meeting on 13th August 2016

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