Dear Parents,

On Wednesday, October 11, 2017, the PSAT test will be administered to 8th grade students. This test is helpful in evaluating the academic development of our students. Additionally, it prepares students for the SAT test, the scores of which are used in the college admission process.Finally, the PSAT scores are used to qualify students for the Junior Scholars Program.

Included in this packet are3 items pertaining to the PSAT: a handout explaining the Junior Scholar Program, a Parental Permission Slip for PSAT Administration and an Official Student Guide to the PSAT Booklet, which includes a PSAT Practice Test. Of these 3 items, only the Parental Permission Slip needs to be returned. Pleasesign the permission slip and have your child return it to Mrs. Strickland by Friday, October 6. By signing the permission slip you are giving permission for your child to be considered for the South Carolina Junior Scholars program.

Things to take note of:

•The date of the test is Wednesday, October 11, 2017. School will be a half day that day.

•It is important that students come to school on time that day so they do not miss any of the testing.

•Students should come prepared with two #2 pencils. The pencils should be sharpened and have good erasers.

•A four-function, scientific or graphing calculator may be used for the test. Calculators may not be shared; it is imperative that a student has their own calculator. Please see p. 26 of the Student Guide for approved calculators.

Additional information:

While there is no “studying”involved in preparation for the test and completing the PSAT Practice Test is not required, each student will be strongly encouraged to read through the Student Guide to the PSAT Booklet and complete the PSAT Practice Test as there is a clear correlation between test preparation and test performance. Pages 10-30 of the Student Guide give an overview of each section of the test with tips for taking the test. Please review this material before taking the Practice Test (included as a separate booklet inside the Student Guide).

Please return your child’s signed permission slip to Mrs. Stricklandby Friday, October 6.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email at .


Amanda Harmon

Amanda Harmon

Upper School Academic Counselor