Valorisation des campagnes à la mer

Navires Ifremer - IRD - IPEV

Oceanographic cruise valuation sheet

Cruise name : CASIS 2
Vessel:NADIR / Heavy equipment :MULTICHANNEL
Dates1/02/1999—17/02/1999: / AreaCaribbean Sea:
Project leader N°1 MAUFFRET, A.: / InstituteCNRS-INSU:
Project leader N°2 : / Institute:
Sheet completed by : / Date of sheet completion :
Address : Lab. Tectonique, Case 129, Univ. Paris 6, 4 Place Jussieu, 75256 Paris Cedex 5.
E-mail: : / Tel33-(0)144275176: / Fax :33-(0)144275085:
Major cruise results
1-2 page description of cruise results for general public access
The main target of the multichannel CASIS 2 cruise was to study the deep stcture beneath the Magdalena deep sea fan off Colombia. Indeed we knew that the major oil companies and particularly ELF, were interested in this area. We wanted obtain a deep information in this region and complete our knowledge by the regional surveys performed by the oil companies and also obtain a financial support for our studies. However, we cannot obtain the clearances to work in the economic waters of Colombia, probably due to a misunderstanding. We have to wait during several days on the Nicaragua Rise and we carry out a survey of this region then the cruise was stopped the 17/02/99 whereas the campaign was performed to finish at the end of the month. After a DEA on the survey done on the Nicaragua Rise E. D’Acremont quit this work and switched to another subject in the Aden region. Moreover, the project to drill a well in the Magdalena deep sea fan has been cancelled by ELF. The multichannel seismic lines performed during the shortened CASIS 2 survey have a good quality. The contact between the volcanic basement of the Venezuela Basin and the Aves Ridge that is a remnant arc located west of the Present Lesser Antilles volcanic arc has been documented. On the Nicaragua Rise a recent extensional tectonics has been evidenced and mapped..
All the seismic data in our access (mainly American and French) in the Caribbean Basin have been digitized with the main horizons (A” and B”). We proposed to give these data with the addition of the CASIS 2 data to IFP to perform a depth to basement map for the international project CGGM to publish maps of the Caribbean region.
Le nombre et la liste des
Publications d’articles originaux dans des revues avec comité de lecture
Mauffret, A., Leroy, S., D’Acremont, E., Maillard, A., Mercier de Lepinay, B., Dos Reis, A.T., Miller, N., Nercessian, A., Pérez-Vega, R. and Perez, D., 2001a. Une coupe de la province volcanique caraïbe : premiers résultats de la campagne sismique Casis2. C. R. Acad. Sci, 333: 659-668.
D’Acremont, E., Leroy, S. and Burov, E. B. 2003. Numerical modeling of a mantle plume: the plume head –lithosphere interaction in the formation of a n oceanic large igenous province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 206 379-396.
Communications dans des colloques nationaux
D'Acremont, E., Leroy, S. and Mauffret, A., 2000. Étude structurale de la ride inférieure du Nicaragua : Migration de la limite Nord Caraïbe. Reun. Sci. Terre., 18: 113.
DEA ou MASTER ayant utilisé les données de la campagne.
D’Acremont Elia. Etude structurale de la ride inférieure du Niacaragua: Résultats de la campagne Casis 2 Mémoire de DEA 30 pages.

Summary table

Items / Number
1 / Original papers in SCI reviews / 2
2 / Publications in other types of review
3 / Technical reports
4 / Papers in popular reviews
5 / Publication of symposium abstracts
6 / International communications
Oral communications
7 / National communications
Oral communications
Posters / 1
8 / New species (animals, microorganisms) discovered
9 / Reports to international institutions (UE, FAO…)
10 / Applications (therapeutic, clinical, AMM …)
11 / Licences
12 / Atlas publications (maps, photos) / Map of the CGGM to be perfomed
13 / Videos, films
14 / Internet papers
15 / Masters students having used cruise data
16 / PHD students having used cruise data
17 / Data / Completed : ....
18 / Transmission to SISMER : .... / Yes : ....
19 / Transmission to other data banks No : .... / ....
20 / Transmission to other teams No : .... / Yes : ....
21 / Current state of exploitation.... / Completed : ....

In annex furnish the references of papers, communications, reports….classified according to each item.