TheUnited States Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently announced a change in the guidelines for school lunch programs.

The new USDA requirements include whole grains, lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and lean meats and skim milk.

The plan is expected to cost $3.2 billion over the next five years. Schools will be given some money from the government to help them make the changes.


School districts will have a choice about whether to adopt the new school lunch program or, instead, to stick with the program they already have.


A.) Based on this news story, which of the following do you mostagree with? CIRCLEONLY ONE NUMBER:

  1. Schools in San Francisco should adopt this new school lunch program
  2. Schools in San Francisco should NOT adopt this new school lunch program

B.) Explain why you chose your answer in Part A

I circled the number I did in Part (A) because…




Note: The numerical scores indicated in the scoring rubrics were for research purposes. Higher scores indicate higher quality argumentation. We encourage you to use a scoring scheme that matches your present goals for students.

Parts A and B (scored together)
Argumentation Level 1a: Constructing reasoning that links claim and evidence

Level / Description / Empirical Example
2 / Plausible reasons for selecting #1:
Kids should be healthier
Schools should do what the government recommends
Plausible reasons for selecting #2:
It costs too much money
What we have now is fine
Kids won’t eat it
More waste because fresh food spoils
Can spend money on more important things
No evidence that the new food will make a difference / Because it’s a lot healthier to the students
Once schools start promoting healthy eating even more, kids will start to change their ways of eating themselves.
It will mean healthier kids, by they way the lunch taste horrible.
Because the lunches are more healthy.
The new lunch program is much healthier.
1 / Student provides a reason for why they chose their response from Part A. The reason should pertain to whether the new school lunch program should or should not be adopted.
0 / Student describes a reason with that does not bear on the school lunch program

Frankread the article about the new school lunch program and said this:

The school lunch program proposed by the USDA should not be adopted by our school district because is will cost so much more money. The food that is in the schools now costs much less. The schools could use the money they save on food to hire more teachers and offer more after school activities.

C.) What is Frank’s opinion about whether or not the new lunch program should be adopted?

Frank’s opinion is that…



Part C
Argumentation Level 0b: Identifying a Claim

Level / Description / Empirical Example
1 / Student writes that Frank’s opinion is that the school lunch program should not be adopted
that the new school lunch program costs too much money. / The lunch program should NOT be adopted.
He doesn’t want the new lunch program.
Costs too much money
They should not be adopted
0 / Student says something else.

D.) What is the reason that Frank gives for his opinion?

Frank’sreason is…




Part D
Argumentation Level 1b: Identifying reasoning

Level / Description / Empirical Example
1 / Student writes a reason that connects to the claim the wrote in Part (C)
“that it costs too much money” (if in C they stated the opinion was that the program should not be adopted)
“that it costs money that could be spent elsewhere” or “that the current program costs less” (if they stated “it costs too much”) / E07: The cost is too great and it is unnecessary.
E05: It would cost a lot more and the money could be used on the education.
E06: Schools can save money to hire more people
0 / Student writes something else. / E03: “He goes to school and likes the old program” (though this is a reason not to support the program, Frank does not say that he is a student or that he likes the current program in the paragraph)

E.) Maddydecides to write a letter to explain why she disagrees with Frank.

What should Maddy say in her letter? Make sure to include the reason Maddy would give for why she disagrees.

Dear Frank, I disagree with you because…





Part E
Argumentation Level 1d: Providing an alternative counter argument

Level / Description / Empirical Example
4 / Student writes a critique ofFrank’s argument, which points out that a deduction is/may be flawed, that there may be exceptions or qualifications to the argument, or that evidence contradicts the idea.
e.g. Dear Frank, I disagree with you because just because they save money, doesn’t mean it will go toward good things.
Spending more money on teachers won’t necessarily be valuable.
This type of response provides a CRITIQUE to Frank’s argument that the school lunch program should not be adopted. / E07: Children who eat healthier are more likely to understand the lesson. If there are more teachers, what difference would it make as the students can still not concentrate?
3 / Instead of directly critiquing Frank’s thinking, the student rebutsFrank by advancing an alternative position that is plausible. For example, they rebut Frank’s argument by advancing the argument that the school should adopt the school lunch program.
e.g. Dear Frank, The school should adopt the new lunch program because it will make kids healthier. / E01: Her reason should be that promoting healthy eating could have a positive effect on kids for the rest of their lives.
E04: Our school lunch don’t have enough fruits and veggies that keep kids healthy.
2 / Student makes an attempt at constructing an original retort to Frank’s argument, but what they write is only PARTIALLY coherent (e.g., you can kind of see what the student is trying to say, but their phrasing is too confusing to know for sure) / E06: Better and Healthier.
E03: It’s a lot healthier and a lot cheaper.
1 / Student only regurgitates given information
0 / Anything else

F.) Can you think of a better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program?

A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is…



Why do you think your reason is better than Frank’s?

I think my reason is better than Frank’s because




Part F
Argumentation Level 2b: Constructing a one-sided comparative argument

Level / Description / Empirical Example
New argument: The school lunch program should not be adopted because students will not eat food like lean meat and fish.
Why it’s better: Frank doesn’t consider that spending the money on the new program might just be a waste in and of itself.
New argument: The school lunch program should not be adopted because most students like the current school menu.
Why it’s better: It takes student’s opinions into consideration
New argument: The money could be spent on a new computer lab (or anything else)
Why it’s better: Computers are more important than teachers
New argument: Not many students eat school lunch.
Why it’s better: Spending a lot of money on a program is silly if no one uses the program
New argument: The old food program is healthy already
Why’s it’s better: Silly to throw a lot of money at fixing something that doesn’t need to be fixed
3 / The student provides a reasonable, original counter argument.
Student successfully explains why they think this is a superior argument for why the new program should not be adopted / A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is the lost of money would cripple the teachers.
I think my reason is better than Frank’s because if there are no teachers, there will be less focus
provides a barely original and reasonable (but not necessarily sound) argument, and accompanying reason.
A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program isthe money could be used for new supplies and tools for the classrooms.
I think my reason is better than Frank’s becauseyou don’t need to hire so many teachers at once to teach.
2 / The student provides a reasonable, original counter argument.
BUT does not explain why they think this is a superior argument for why the new program should not be adopted
Student does NOT provide a reasonable or original counter argument
BUT they DO provide a reason for why the (unreasonable and unoriginal) counter argument is superior. / A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is it is not healthy for school
I think my reason is better than Frank’s because children’s health is #1
A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is Still the cost. But for different things like improving the school.
I think my reason is better than Frank’s because We should give it a chance. If it’s bad, it could be stopped.
goes beyond Frank’s argument against; however, the reason does not explain why the new argument is better than Frank’s
A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is The amount of money is very low as it already is”
I think my reason is better than Frank’s because He doesn’t really tell the reason why they should pay for the new program
A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is that the new lunch program costs a lot of money, and if our students like it, we would have to spend all of our money on the new lunch program
I think my reason is better than Frank’s because
Frank’s reason is to use the money on other activities at school but I’m worried more about how to use the school’s money
1 / Student regurgitates Frank’s argument / A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is because we can have more money for our school
I think my reason is better than Frank’s because We need more money for school
A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is
0 / Anything else / A better reason than Frank’s for not approving the new lunch program is . . . don’t have a better reason
I think my reason is better than Frank’s because . . it is better