Ultimate Canada
Assistant Coach Application for Canadian World Games Team
For the 2017 World Games
July 20-30 (exact dates TBD), 2017 in Wroclaw, Poland
1) Introduction
Thank you for your interest in coaching a Canadian national team. Coaching a national team is a significant commitment and Ultimate Canada would like to provide some general information for prospective coaches regarding the commitment level expected of national team coaches as well as the main responsibilities of a coach.
Applications should be sent to: by September 16th, 2016.
Program Information
For the 2017 World Games, Ultimate Canada is looking at having one head coach, an assistant coach, a team manager and an in-competition trainer to support the Canadian national team.
Coach Commitment
A) Attendance at events
Coaches do not need to pay for travel costs and accommodations when attending Team Canada events. A per diem for meals will also be provided. Below is a list of events coaches are expected to attend:
· At least 1 training camp in 2017 with the team
· At least 1 tournament in 2017 with the team
· Attend the 2017 World Games in Wroclaw, Poland (July 20-30, 2017 exact dates TBD)
· Potential to attend tryouts in October
B) Responsibilities
Ultimate Canada has a Team Manager that will support the administration of the World Games team. The intent of having a team manager is to free up the time of coaches so that they can focus on strategy and player development. Here are some responsibilities attributed to the Assistant Coach.
· Act as a role model for players and exhibit good Spirit on and off the field
· Player application process. Review the player application process and work with the head coach to select the team and alternates
· Season plan. Support development and implementation of a plan for training camp(s) and preparation tournament(s), and implementing the plan
· Planning training camp. Support development of a plan for training camp and implementing the plan
· Support training plans for players in areas such as fitness and skill development. Training plans must be documented and have documented monitoring. *Note: Ultimate Canada may recruit added experts to support this area
· Debrief. Participate in a formal debrief with Ultimate Canada after the world championship
C) Requirements
Selected Assistant Coach will need to:
· Show a valid criminal record check (less than 2 years old) before their appointment can be made official (or receipt of said check being ordered). Cost associated with this criminal check will be refunded
· Agree to the Ultimate Canada National Team Program Agreement and the Ultimate Canada online waiver
· Complete the following trainings before March 2017: Making Head Way in sport (online), SOTG test (online), NCCP Making Ethical Decision (MED) training (4h), and MED evaluation (online)
· Not required to apply nor be selected, but considered as a bonus: NCCP Planning a Practice (PAP) training
2) Volunteer Disclosure Statement
Ultimate Canada is greatly appreciative of your time. The intent of this Disclosure Statement is to provide Ultimate Canada with your contact information and to ensure the protection of our volunteers and our players. The information enclosed here is for Ultimate Canada and its representatives only.
Gender: Male Female
Drivers License #
Postal Code:
Home telephone:
Home email:
Work telephone:
Work email:
Cell phone:
What languages can you communicate effectively in?
Birth date (DD/MM/YYYY):
Do you have a current criminal record check? Yes No
If yes, what year was this completed?
If no, are you willing to complete a criminal record check if requested? Yes No
Following are two relevant offences to the position you are applying for. If you answer yes to any either of these relevant offenses, you are required to write, on a separate sheet of paper, the circumstances of the incident, with relevant dates, times, and the results of the conviction, suspension or fine. When you hand in the Volunteer Disclosure Statement, please attach, if applicable, your written statement about the crime of violence and /or any crime against a person.
Have you ever been convicted of a crime of violence and / or crime against a person?
Yes No
Have you ever been convicted, suspended or fined for driving while under the influence of drugs and / or alcohol? Yes No
1. How long (years) have you been coaching Ultimate?
2. Please list any official coaching training for Ultimate or other sports (NCCP, USAU coaching program, etc.) that you have, and the year each training was completed.
3. What levels have you coached at? Include all (school / club / regional / national / world) experience: (please give names of schools, teams, and years).
4. What do you see as your greatest achievement as a coach (max 2 sentences)?
Provide three references who could provide us with information about your ability as a coach and as a role model for players around you. Please provide name, relationship to you, and contact information.
1. What is the highest level you have played at and what year? (school / club / regional / national / world)
2. What do you see as your best attributes as a teammate (one brief list or sentence)?
1. Briefly outline why you want to be the assistant coach for the 2017 World Games team.
2. What would you do to help promote Spirit & have the team represent Spirited play at the World Games?
3. Please describe two areas of coaching responsibility where you believe you can provide the greatest value to the World Games team. Include one game day (e.g. managing playing time, making strategic adjustments, providing feedback etc.) and one longer term planning (e.g. offensive or defensive strategy, practice timing etc.) item with a brief explanation.
4. Do you have any work or volunteer experience that you feel is applicable to your application?
5. Short-listed candidates may be contacted for a phone interview. Are you able to participate in a phone interview sometime in late September-early October 2016? If no, please explain why. If yes, please list general availability (day, evening, weekend).
6. Any other comments or important information?