World History

10th Grade – Full-Year Course

Course code = 15089

  1. Instructor:Mr. Brian Filibeck

Room #204, Beulah High School

701-873-2261 ext. 1204

Email = Twitter = @CoachFill23

2. Text:World History

2009 by McDougal Littel

ISBN# 978-0-547-03478-2

3. Course Description:

This course will cover the events of history from the Middle Ages up to the current time in history. Discussion will take place on industrialization, World War I and World War II, Cold War events, to the modern era.

4. Course Information

A. Course Outline

Fall Semester

1. Emerging Europe – Ch.13

a. Movie = “First Knight”

2. Europe in the Middle Ages – Ch. 14

3. ScientificRevolution – Ch. 22

4. The French Revolution – Ch. 23

a. Movie = “Deadliest Warriors – Napoleon vs Washington”

5. Industrialization and nationalism – Ch. 24-25

6. Height of imperialism – Ch. 27-28

a. Movie = “Ghost and the Darkness”

a. Movie = “Last Samurai”

Spring Semester

7. Mass society and democracy – Ch. 26

a. Peer Teaching Lessons

8. War and revolution – Ch. 29

a. Movie = “War Horse”

9. The west between the wars – Ch. 31

a. Movie = “Valkryie”

10. World War II – Ch.32

a. Movie = “Saving Private Ryan”

11. Cold war and postwar changes – Ch. 33

a. Movie = “Red Dawn”

b. Deadliest Warriors = “Nazi’s vs Viet Cong”

B. State Standards

1. Standard 1: Skills & Resources


2. Standard 2: Important Historical Events



5. Grading:

A. Grades will be given according to BHS grade Scales.

A = 100-93

B = 92-86

C = 85-77

D = 76-70

F = 69 or below

6. Mr. Fill’s Expectations:

Expectation #1: Participate in class:

- Come to class prepared with books, notebooks, pencils or pen, IPad.

- Listen for directions, read the directions

- Complete & turn in your assignments

- Make an effort & be responsible for your learning

Expectation #2: Show GOOD MANNERS and Respect for others.

Expectation #3: Electronic Devices

- Absolutely no visible cell phones or electronic devices in class.

- Cell phones will be placed in the cell phone holder or out of sight.

Expectation #4: Food & Beverages

- NO food or beverages are allowed into the classroom. If you bring
those items they will be taken away and thrown in the garbage.

- Clear water in an approved water container ONLY.

- Continued abuse of this will result in a Tardy.

Expectation #5: Attire

- No hats, caps, hoods, sunglasses, backpacks

Consequences: Mr. Filibeck’s classroom procedure for inappropriate behavior:

1. Warning, private conversation at your desk asking you to refocus.

2. Removal of classroom to the hallway asking you to refocus.

3. You will receive a disciplinary office referral according to the Levels on the

discipline ladder in the BHS student handbook.

7. Assignments:

A. If you are absent from class it is your responsibility to contact the teacher

and get your missing notes, assignments or other work.

B. Homework and Assignments are due by the date assigned.

C. Test, Quizzes, & Finals must be done in class on the day that they are announced

to take place. They must be made up within 3 class periods if you are absent,

or a late penalty will be assessed. Test corrections are an options.

D. Late work Policy. Late work will be entered into PowerSchool as a ZERO until

handed in to the teacher. Late work is classified as any assignment or test that is not handed in by the due date. Late work will receive a 20% deduction in points. All late work will be accepted up to the end of the semester.