January 30, 2006
PRESENT: Mary Spata, Mike Brown, Doug Stone, John Bacon, Mark McMahon (8:10 PM), Marilyn Cook (clerk)
GUESTS: Donn Downey
Mary Spata called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.
Karl Tilden arrived at 7:05 PM to request the selectboard consider a resolution for warning at town meeting. Mr. Tilden left the meeting at 7:07 PM.
John Bacon arrived at 7:12 PM.
Motion to approve the minutes of January 23, 2006 as amended (Spata/Bacon) Unanimous.
Payroll was reviewed.
Motion to approve Check Warrant Reports:
#25.4 Payroll $487.75
#3.1 General $3,465.52
#2.2 Highway $6,937.82 (Brown/Bacon) Unanimous
CVPS has offered to pilot a street lighting project that is different from the request made by Selectboard through SERG. Bob Walker recommends not agreeing to this offer. The selectboard approves his proposal to work on this with VT Law School student volunteer.
Mark McMahon and Tracy Borst, Town Clerk, joined the meeting at 8:10 PM.
Selectboard reviewed Town Report.
Selectboard decided that resolution requested by Mr. Tilden would be brought to the floor by the Moderator under other business.
Selectboard will discuss creation of a separate Planning Commission and Development Review Board at the next meeting.
Motion to approve the Town Warning for 2006 (Spata/Stone) Unanimous.
Sharon Harkay joined the meeting at 8:30 PM for a discussion of the Sayre Bridge, but since it was not on the agenda, she left the meeting at 8:33 PM.
Upper Valley Land Trust will not request an article on the Town Warning regarding purchase of development rights.
Conflict of Interest Policy will be reviewed next week.
A Health Care Discussion on Alternative Medicine will take place at Thetford Center Community Center on February 2 at 7:00 PM.
Richard Haugen is stepping down from the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Furnace in town garage needs to be replaced. Doug Stone is gathering estimates.
Mr. Stone is interviewing applicants for the road crew position.
Selectboard approved and authorized a Resolution to Designate a Nonprofit Community Development Organization.
Motion to adjourn at 8:48 PM. (Bacon/Stone) Unanimous.