Kristen Shea
Assignment 1
Feinberg CSR 406
August 29, 2008
Internet Commercially
Knowledge is an invaluable asset that people are willing to buy and sell and the internet is an indispensable tool for exchanging knowledge and information. Look at the EBay classes, Auctions for Income, Jeff Paul’s Internet Shortcuts. Why are there so many self-help and personal development services out there? Matt Morris of “Success University” discovered the commercial value of knowledge empowerment. Everyone wants to know the “secret” to success or making money. The key word is “know”: they want the Know-How, the step-by-step formula to success and they want it to be easy. Knowledge is power and from the looks of the video clips people have recognized the Internet as a powerful vessel first for commercial enterprises, then as a way to share knowledge on those enterprises which is, in itself another money-making endeavor. Internet + Knowledge = A lethal combination for success.
Knowledge and information can be traded on the internet and foster more knowledge and information creating an endless cycle of exchange. In the internet, everyone—from the largest corporations to smallest independent firm or single entrepreneur—has the opportunity to use it for their own purposes and potentially commercial success. One may simultaneously view this as both a blessing and a curse because, as the videos also demonstrate, so many people are always trying to get in on the action and/or a bigger piece of the pie that one may question if there really is enough to go around. We can’t possibly all find our life’s dream on the web and become successful internet entrepreneurs, can we? Surely in any game or competition there will inevitably be winners and losers, but the internet is such a vast source of endless possibilities that instead of the slices getting smaller or running out, the pie just gets bigger. That is simply the nature of the worldwide web: the sky is the limit.
One only needs the correct tools to harness the power of the internet and manipulate it into success. But it is not necessarily as easy as the videos make it out to be. The internet is a fast-paced and ever-changing medium, with entrepreneurs always needing to innovate and evolve to adapt to the dynamic cyber environment. The videos are also evidence of this as successful capitalists take their stories and acquired skills and turn them into yet another way to make money diversifying themselves and their businesses. Think of the power seller class for EBay; for the creator of the class it was just an act of taking one’s success and using it to produce more. One must be highly innovative and resourceful to make it on the web and maintain an edge.
The internet is a lucrative outlet for daring capitalists with the appropriate knowledge and skills. It is a rich mine of information and knowledge that can also be taken advantage of with equal skill and drive. It allows masses of people access to each other, exchanging goods and information unhindered. Innovative utilization of these “magical” powers of the internet is where the elements of success really lie.