Etheric Breathing: The Power to Heal
1)Inhale & picturing your breath as light, take it to
the heart
thesolar plexus and then
the spleen, circulating it or ‘triangulating’ it 3 times.
Hold the breath while you do this
2)Still picturing the breath as light, next send it
out from the spleen, directing it to wherever
thereis the need for help or
healing in the body
The spleen is an organ about the size of a clenched fist found on the left-hand side of your upper abdomen. Because it is protected by the rib cage, you can’t easily feel it unless it’s abnormally enlarged. Its main functions are to filter your blood, create new blood cells and store platelets. It is also a key part of your body's immune system.
Hence it helps fight certain kinds of bacteria that cause conditions like pneumonia and meningitis.
Helpful hints:
- We send it to the heart to colour the energy with love, to the solar plexus because it’s a great storage battery in the body & to the spleen because it serves to filter impurities out of the incoming energy
- In the beginning it can be quite a challenge to hold the breath but this, of course, improves with practice
- It can be great to work with all the body’s key systems: respiratory, endocrine, nervous, autonomic, skeleton, blood vessels, organs etc or
- It can be good to work in sections: legs, lower torso, upper torso, arms, head or
- In the exact location that is most troubling you
- Aim to finish by sending light evenly throughout the entire body
- Start with 5 minutes each day & build up to 10
- For serious conditions, aim to work for 10 minutes every 1.5 hours
‘Etheric’ is simply another word that means ‘energy’. In etheric breathing, we are pre-empting the way that energy naturally flows into our body when we are healthy. Directing this process deliberately with our mind can be a bit like pushing a sluggish tired toddler dragging his feet slowly up a hill so that he goes faster.
There can be no physical problem in the body without its first showing up in the etheric or energy body!This means that when we consciously take control and direct the energy through the body, we are really helping to release those blockages. Energy is ever seeking to flow in and to flow out. That is the natural process of things and when it flows in, it must pass through the filter of our mind and is hence ‘conditioned’ by this. (see next page.)
It is through this energy body that we are connected to the larger whole and when our thoughts are negative and separative, it becomes brittle and limited in its capacity to conduct force and we literally cut ourselves off from our power source as well as any inspiration.
When we think positively and expansively and most especially if our thoughts centre around what is best for the whole, the energy body becomes pliable and fluidic and magnetically attracts stronger and more vital currents. This even affects the flow of money in our lives because money is simply a concretised form of energy- it similarly involves an exchange.
The more clearly we understand this, the more powerful the effect of etheric breathing.
What is helpful?
To ever think about and question the role of light in the world around you and learn as much about it as you can!
What is the etheric body?
“Ether is the bond between all living beings: macroscopic and microscopic. Man’s etheric body consists of thousands and thousands of miles of pranic channels holding together the astral, mental and soul levels, shaping the physical body to the exact counterpart of the soul, surrounding it with a sort of protective bubble, thus separating it by a very fine boundary from the rest of the physical world.
The etheric body receives prana, or life-force, in this sequence: heart centre, solar plexus, etheric spleen. After having circulated 3 times through these centres, prana penetrates all the other centres and the whole etheric network, before being released in the physical body. It is then sent, enriched by the quality of the respective individual, into the universe. ….Each man colours the released prana with his own spiritual level and by so doing adds positiveness or negativeness to the world…
The etheric body is extremely sensitive to emotions. It registers the slightest change in mood long before the conscious mind is aware of it. This sensitivity affects man both ways-positive and negative. Contentment, creativeness or any positive emotion accelerates the distribution of life force, and health and well-being increase. On the other hand all strain and negative emotions influence, according to their strengths, the absorption of prana, thus endangering the person’s health. The bloodstream immediately registers the lack of sufficient life-force, and exhaustion or sickness occurs….
It is not possible for the soul to use a coarse etheric body for the transmission of spiritual knowledge. The loftier currents of thought cannot impress the little evolved brain. Hence, the refinement of the physical body is essential.”
Margrit Segesman Wings Of Power pp 154-156 2nd Ed 1987 Italics mine
Other factors that enhance the vitality of the etheric body are:
- emotional stability in the 1st 3 years of life
- access to nature & especially sunlight
- healthy lungs
- regular sleep but NOT OVER-SLEEPING!
- a natural diet that avoids processed & refined foods
- a daily hatha routine
- finishing off your shower with cold water!
“The etheric body is the mould upon which the physical body is cast. It consists of a light network of pure energy receiving and passing on life-force. With every act and every thought man affects the inflowing life-force and by its transmission {or its blocking!} affects the lower kingdoms of nature.”
Margrit Segesman Wings Of Powerp 160 2nd Ed 1987 Italics & parentheses mine
Note: the energy body is now considered to be a scientific fact having first been photographed by a Russian inventor and researcher Semyon Kirlian in 1939 via a process now known as Kirlian photography.
Week 2
Term 4 2013