Honors Algebra II 2017-18
Teacher: Mr. Steve Percy Classroom: 7125
School Phone: 746-1300 extension 26235 Email:
Class Policies and Expectations
Supplies: Each student is required to have the following:
1" or larger 3-ring binder
notebook & graph paper
TI-83or a TI-84 Graphing Calculator
To access your ONLINE Textbook at home:
My Username is ______
Password is ______
My Classroom Website
Due to limited printing and copying costs at AMHS, we needstudents to print their own note sheets and worksheets that are posted on their teachers’ classroom website in advance at home on personal printers.
Check classroom website for notes, announcements, and assigned homework you may have missed.
Grading: Each 9 weeks’ grade will consist of tests, quizzes, labs, and homework/daily grades.
The following percentages will apply for each quarter:
Daily HW/Class Work/Labs5%
Final Exam is cumulative and worth 20% of final grade.You cannot exempt the final exam.
The State Department of Education grading scale is as follows:
A 90 – 100B 80 – 89C 70 – 79D 60 – 69F Below 60
Tests:A chapter test will be given at the end of each chapter/unit and possibly in the middle of some chapters.
Quizzes: Quizzes will be given frequently and may be announced or unannounced. Quizzes may be made up within 2 days of an excused absence. In the event of an excused absence and the 2 day requirement was not met, the chapter test grade will replace the quiz grade.
Daily Work/HW: Homework will be assigned after each lesson. All students are expected to complete homework and classwork assignments, as it is extremely necessary to practice the procedures and to deeply contemplate the concepts covered in class on a daily basis. Please attempt to do the homework without looking at notes, textbook, or constant aid to understand the level of mastery you have obtained.Students need to check answers for mistakes and strive to identify and correct misunderstandings independently or with classmates before the next class. There is limited class time reserved for homework questions.
***IF YOU ARE PRESENT ON THE DAY OF AN ANNOUNCED TEST/QUIZ DAY, YOU MUST TAKE THE TEST/QUIZ. Prior approval for missed assessments is always recommended.
***THERE WILL BE NO EXTRA CREDIT WORK GIVEN! But bonus questions may appear on quizzes or tests.
Behavior: CLASS RULES:Be quiet when asked during the class period.
Be polite by not talking when others are speaking or working.
Be attentive by participating actively in class activities.
Follow all AMHS and CCSD policies.
CONSEQUENCES:1st ViolationVerbal Warning
2nd ViolationLunch detention/Notify Parent
3rd ViolationAdministrative Referral
Severe ViolationImmediate Administrative Referral
Office hours for help and advisement: Help is available during Sophomore focus (Percy-7125, Sharpe-7102), Freshman focus (Yackey-7112), B-Day lunch with (Hooffstetter -7116), Other times always available by appointment.
Algebra II Honors 2016-2017
Honors Algebra II challenges students in the continued study of advanced algebraic concepts including relations, mostly functions that are algebraic and transcendental, and systems of these entities. Students will be expected to describe and translate among graphic, algebraic, numeric, tabular, and verbal representations of relations and use those representations to solve problems. Emphasis will be placed on higher order thinking skills that impact practical and increasingly complex applications and modeling. Active participation in class consists of thorough note-taking, in-depth thinking, problem solving, and constant communication of ideas. It is essential that active participation and maximum effort are put forth at all times.
Quarter 1- Algebra 1 OverviewQuarter 3- Ch. 3: Rational Exponents & Radical Functions
Ch. 0: Extending Algebra 1 Concepts (not in textbook) Ch. 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Quarter 2- Ch. 1: Quadratic Functions and FactoringQuarter 4- Ch. 5: Rational Functions
Ch. 2: Polynomials and Polynomial Functions Ch. 8: Quadratic Relations and Conic Sections
-Extended topics if time allows.-
Note: This course outline may change as adjustments are needed.
Parent/guardian and student please sign, cut on dotted line, and return next class.
I, the parent/guardian of ______, have received, read and discussed with my child the classroom policies for Honors Algebra II with Mr. Percy this year.
Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Email: ______Phone # ______
Student: ______Date: ______
Student Email: ______Phone # ______