These are the steps we follow to make an object out of Wood:



Carpenter’s square / Carpenter’s pencil / Awl or Punch
Escuadra de carpintero / Lápiz de carpintero / Punzón
Used to check that right angles are precise and to draw parallel and perpendicular straight lines / Has a flat lead and is sharpened with a special knife
(lead: part of a pencil that makes a mark) / Used to make a small mark in the wood to show where to make a hole
Ruler / Measuring tape / Carpenter’s ruler
Regla / Metro o flexómetro / Regla de carpintero
Used to measure: to find the size of something


(Secure: fix in place)

Vice or Bench vice / C – clamp or G – clamp / Bar clamp / Ring clamp
Tornillo de banco o caracol / Abrazadera / Sargento o gato / Abrazadera
Fixed to the workbench. It’s used to secure the Wood pieces to a workbench
(Secure: fix in place)
(Workbench: table with a vice) / Compresses the material we want to clamp
(Clamp: tool that adjust to hold something in place) / Used to clamp objects onto the workbench or hold tow glued pieces together / Used to hold together circular objects of different diameters


3.a) Types of saws

3.a.1) These saws have a wooden or plastic handle and a metal blade of various widths. The blade is rigid.

If it has few teeth, it’s bigger and makes a rougher cut

Hand saw / Tenon saw / Board saw
Serrucho / Sierra de costilla / Serrucho de punta
Used to make straight or curved cuts / Used to make straight and precise cuts / Used to make curved cuts

3.a.2) These saw have a U-shaped, metal, arched back, a handle and 2 adjustment screws

Coping saw / Fret saw / Hacksaw
Sierra de calar / Segueta, sierra de marqueteria / Sierra de arco
Used to cut thin wood, such as plywood (=contrachapado) / This has a very fine blade that can be flat or round. The flat blade I used for making straight cutes and wide cutes. The round blade is used for tight curves / Used to make cuts in a straight line

3.b) Power tools for sawing

Bench saw / Jigsaw / Circular saw
Sierra de banco / Sierra de calar eléctrica / Sierra circular o radial
Makes cuts along a plank and across it, and is very stable / Is hand-held, and used to make smaller, more localised cuts as well as detail cuts that aren’t straight / Is a hand-held saw, with a toothed circular blade that makes straight cuts along a piece of wood or board


(Drill: using a tool to make a hole in something)

Before drilling, you must clamp down the piece of wood so that it doesn’t move

Gimlet / Hand drill / Drill (power drill)
Barrena / Taladro manual o berbiquí / Taladro eléctrico
Is used to drill through thin pieces of wood and to make small holes / Is used to make more precise holes quickly and with less effort, using different types of drill bits / This makes holes in wood by turning the drill bit electrically with a motor inside the tool

Wood Metal /
Drill bits / Drill press
brocas / Taladro de mesa
These are cylindrical steel tubes with a spiral groove. They are inserted into the end of the drill and are used to make holes. They have different lengths and diameters


The main function of these tools is to chisel off pieces of wood and make it smoother or shaped

(Chisel off: remove by cutting with a shaped metal hand tool: cincelar, esculpir, tallar, grabar…)

(Groove: a long narrow recessed area or cut: muesca, canal)

(Carving: tallar)

Straight chisel / Paring chisel / Gouge
Formón / Escoplo / Gubia
Used to make grooves, reduce an edge and for craftwork in wood
(craftwork: manualidad) / Used to chisel off fine layers of wood / It uses a curved blade to curt grooves or curved surfaces in wood
Carpenter’s mallet / Plane
Maza de carpintero / Cepilladora
Used to hit the handle of chisels to help carve or smooth out wood surfaces
(smooth out: alisar) / This is made of a cylinder with many tiny blades. The plane is pushed along the length of the wood and the blades shave off wood chips as the cylinder turns and advances, leaving the wood smooth
(smooth: liso, delicado)


We need to smooth the surfaces and edges of the wood pieces

(Sand: make a surface smoother by using paper with abrasive sand glued to it)

(Shavings, Wooden chips: virutas)

Rasp / File / Sandpaper / Teasel
Escofina / Lima / Papel de lima / Carda (cepillo de púas)
The surface of a rasp is covered in triangular teeth. It’s used to file off tiny chips of wood. These can make deep, medium or fine cuts. Files have a grooved surface. Rasp and files can be different shapes: flat, square, round, triangular and half round. / / This is made of tiny pieces of an abrasive material glued onto a paper support. The size of the grit (sand or other abrasive material) is given by the number / This is a metal wire brush used to clean rasps and files
Plane / Angle grinder / Grinder / Sander
Cepillo de carpintero / Fresadora - molinillo / Lijadora
This is used to level wood surfaces (shave off layers and smooth it) by removing very thin strips
(strips: tiras de Madera) / Grinder: this uses a disc made of abrasive material. It creates a good finish and is very precise. It is used to grind cylindrical and flat objects
Angle grinder: this has a circular disc / This uses sandpaper mounted on a flat surface to smooth a surface using an oscillating movement


After cutting and sanding, we need to join pieces together

6.1) Tools for nailing

Pin hammer / Ball pein hammer / Claw hammer
Martillo de peña / Martillo de bolas / Martillo de orejas
All hammers can hit the head of a nail, but a claw hammer can also be used to pull nails out of wood surfaces using the claw as a lever.
(claw: garra, zarpa)
(lever: palanca)
Nails: a thing straight piece of metal, usually with a head on it, used to join pieces of Word.
Different types of nails: common nails, finishing nails, round nails, oval nails…
Pincers / Combination pliers / Wire cutters / Needle-nose pliers
Pinzas, Tenazas / Alicates universales / Alicates cortadores de cables / Alicates de punta
Used for extracting nails, tightening screws and bolts, holding and cutting
(tighten: make tighter or fit closer together)
(bolt: a heavy type of screw usually with a hexagonal head on it)

6.2) Tools for screwing

Using screws has the advantage that you can undo the work more easily than with nails

Screwdriver (flat point or star shape) / Screw. / Bolt / Electric screwdriver
Destornilladores (plano o estrella) / Tornillos / Perno / Destornillador eléctrico
Used to insert and remove screws. This is made of a metal rod which ends in a point, a flat point or a star shape, depending on the type of screw we use. / This is made of a grooved metal tube and a head, which can be round, cylindrical, hexagonal or countersunk. Bolt: a heavy type of screw usually with a hexagonal head on it. / Used to insert or remove screws. This has different bits, which can be changed depending on the type and size of screw.

Hinge: a hinge consists of 2 metal plates connected by a common movable axis so it can be swing back and forth (=bisagra)

Spanner / Wrench / Adjustable spanner - Adjustable wrench
Llave plana / Llave ajustable o llave inglesa
Made of steel and used to tighten or loosen bolts

6.3) Tools for joints using adhesives

Glue: is a liquid adhesive that penetrates the pores of the surface of the wood

Contact adhesive / Wood glue / Glue gun
Cola de contacto / Cola de carpintero / Pistola de silicona
It’s applied to 2 surfaces and then sticks one immediately to the other / It glues the pieces in about 20-30 minutes / An electric apparatus that uses solid glue sticks that are heated and melted to apply the glue to a surface

6.4) Tools for joints of metal and electrical contacts

Soldering iron / Tin – tin solder
Soldador / Estaño
It supplies heat to melt thesolderso that it can flow into the joint between two work pieces / Is afusiblemetalalloyused to join together metal workpieces and having a melting point below that of the workpiece(s).


To protect and decorate the wood surface, we add a finish

- For an opaque finish use paints, enamels and lacquers

- For a transparent finish use stains, varnishes and dyes

(Stain: liquid used to change or enhance the colour of wood: mancha, colorante)

(Enhance: destacar, mejorar, aumentar…)

(Dyes: colorantes)

(Varnish: barniz)

Brush, paintbrush / Brush / Roller
Brocha / Pincel / Rodillo