7th Grade ETS
September 2015

These are the lines of inquiry, content standards and skills we will focus on for the month of September, 2015. Please work with your child, review his/her homework and class work. Your supervision is an important part in his/her success.

English Language Arts
Quarter One Anchor Text: Getting Away with Murder
Global Context: Orientation in Space and Time
Key Concept: Time, Place, and Space
Related Concepts: Purpose, Audience, Message
Statement of Inquiry: Authors write about history so modern audiences can see how past events and people still impact us today.
Lines of Inquiry:
What was life like for black people in America during the 1950s?
Who was Emmett Till?
What was the author’s purpose for describing Emmett Till’s life and personality? How do you know?
What happened to Emmett Till in Mississippi? Why did it happen? What was the author’s purpose for telling readers about it? How do you know?
How did people react to what happened to Emmett? Why?
Do you think the American justice system was fair and effective? Why or why not?
Did the author think the American justice system was fair and effective? How do you know?
What changed in America as result of Emmett’s death? Explain.
Have there been any recent events that are similar in some ways to Emmett’s death and the aftermath? If so, which ones? How are they similar? How are they different? / Math
Topic 1: Using Ratios
Topic 2: Ratios and Rates
Topic 3: Patterns in proportional reasoning
Social Studies
7/8 Spanish & Russian MYP Theme: Governance
Central Idea’s Lines of Inquiry:
·  American Revolution
a.  Colonial America
b.  Independence
c.  Revolutionary War
7/8 Chinese & French MYP Theme: Migration
Central Idea’s Lines of Inquiry:
·  Introduction to Geography
·  Migration and Cultural Diversity of North America / Science
Unit 1: Investigating Molecules and Organisms
·  MS-/LS1-1. Conduct investigations to provide evidence that living things are made of cells; either one cell or many different numbers and types of cells.
·  MS-/LS1-2. Develop and use model to describe the function of cell as a whole and ways parts of cells contribute to the function.
Important Information: