Quick Reference Guide – Updating Multi-Purpose Services in the My Aged Care Provider Portal

/ For ‘Administrators’ of the My Aged Care provider portal to update information about Multi-Purpose Service (MPS) delivery outlets in the provider portal. /

This information is used by My Aged Care to match and refer clients to MPS and will be publicly displayed in the relevant aged care home and home care package service finders on the My Aged Care website.

Only staff assigned the role of Organisation Administrator or Outlet Administrator can add or update service information.

It is critically important that providers maintain accurate service information which will display in the service finders and be used by My Aged Care system users (contact centre and assessors) to make referrals and share information. /

Other support material is also available on the Department of Health website to help service providers use the My Aged Care provider portal:

How do I create an MPS service item?

Step One: Select the ‘Outlet Administration’ tile from your homepage.

You will be taken to the ‘Outlet administration’ screen. From this page, select the name of the outlet on the ‘Outlet card’ that you want to add a service item to.

Step Two: The ‘view outlet’ page will be displayed. From the ‘view outlet’ page, select ‘Add a service item’.

Step Three: Select either ‘Funded’ or ‘Non-funded’ as appropriate; then filter by ‘Flexible Aged Care Programme’; and select the relevant service type (MPS - Residential or MPS - Home Care). Select ‘Save’.

Note: ‘Funded’ refers to government subsidised services that are funded and approved by the Commonwealth Government under an aged care programme, such as the Multi-Purpose Services Programme.

Step Four: A flag will appear to indicate that you have successfully added a service to the outlet.

The service item will be defaulted to ‘inactive’. The procedure for activating a service item is described later in this guide. /

How do I add a room type?

Step One: From the ‘view outlet’ page select the blue arrow next to the service and select ‘add room type’.

Step Two: Enter the required information in the ‘General room information’ fields. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Step Three: Enter the required information in the ‘Pricing information’ field.

Step Four: Enter the required information in the ‘Key feature statement’ fields.

Make sure that you select ‘Save’ once you have finished entering information.

Step Five: Select 'Submit' next to the room type.

Room information will need to be approved by the Department (allow 5 business days) before it is displayed on the Service Finder.

Step Six: A flag will appear to indicate that you have successfully added a room to the service.

How do I add or update service information?

Step One: On the ‘view outlet’ page, select ‘Edit’ to add service information, including service item name, service delivery area, enter if a service caters for diverse needs, upload promotional attachments and enter a detailed description for the service item.

Step Two: Add photos or attachments and complete mandatory fields. Select ‘Save’.

Promotional material will need to be approved by the Department (allow 5 business days) before it is displayed on the service finders.

Step Three: A flag will appear to indicate that you have successfully updated the service item

How do I make sure the MPS will be visible on the service finders?

To ensure the MPS will be visible on the Service Finders, both the Service Items and Service Outlets must be activated.

How do I activate a service item?

Step One: From the ‘View outlet’ page, select the name of the outlet and select ‘operational’ to activate the service item and select the relevant ‘Yes/No’ box to indicate availability.

How do I activate an outlet?

Step One: After you add service items, you need to mark the outlet(s) as ‘active’ so that the following will occur:

·  the service items display in the service finders

·  contact centre staff and assessors can send electronic referrals to the appropriate outlet.

Step Two: From the ‘view outlet’ page, select the name of the outlet on the Outlet card you want to activate. Select ‘Activate outlet’.

A warning message will be displayed.

Step Three: Select ‘Activate outlet’ to confirm that you wish for this information to be displayed in the Service Finder.

Your outlet is now active and the information will be displayed in the service finder.

Step Four: Check that your outlet is active by viewing the outlet:

·  on the ‘View outlet’ page; and/or

·  the ‘Outlet administration’ page.